Probus Club of Waterloo Bay

Image15.gif (6804 bytes) Queensland, Australia Image15.gif (6804 bytes)

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These photographs are from the southern part of Queensland and

Northern Rivers area of New South Wales

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The Redcliffe Pier which was reconstructed a few years ago.  The construction of the original pier commenced in 1884.  Redcliffe is an outer Shire north of Brisbane and encompasses the areas of Redcliffe, Scarborough and Kippering at the top end of Moreton Bay.

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Surfers Paradise on Queensland's Gold Coast seen from Cooloongatta

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Dangar Falls in the Dorrigo National Park which is part of the Great Dividing Range west of Coffs Harbour    New South Wales

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This is the sun as seen through a smoke haze during the bush fires in New South Wales during October 2002

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M.V. Bennalong on the Richmond River, Ballina  New South Wales. Formerly a fire boat for Sydney in the nineteen thirties now doing pleasure cruises.

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A scene on the Richmond River New South Wales

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