Wattle Women




Apple Slice
Mandarin Zabaglione
Peach Toasts


250g Butter 
1 tsp Cinnamon
250g Sugar 
1 tsp Mixed Spice
2 Eggs 
Stewed Apple (or peach, pear, etc....)
2 cups Flour


Cream butter & sugar.  Add eggs & mix.  Add flour, cinnamon & mixed spice.  Halve 
mixture.  Press half into slice tin.  Top with stewed fruit.   Lattice the rest of the mixture 
over the apple.    Bake at 180° for 20 min or till golden brown.

Submitted by: Kelli (Blue Wren)


Mandarin Zabaglione

2 Eggs
2 Egg Yolks
1/2 cup Caster Sugar
1 cup Mandarin Juice
4-6 Mandarins
Sponge Biscuits

*Place eggs, egg yolks and sugar in a large heatproof bowl.  Place bowl over a saucepan 
of simmering water. Beat with an electric mixer until thick and pale.
*Gradually add mandarin juice and beat for 10mins until very thick - ensure water 
doesn't dry out in the bottom of the pan.
*Peel and slice mandarins.  Place mandarin slices into individual glasses and top with 
zabaglione.  Serve immediately with sponge biscuits.. 

Serves 4-6

Blood oranges can be substituted for the mandarins.

Submitted by: Galah


Peach Toasts

1 sheet Puff Pastry 
2 Golden Delicious Apples
1/3 cup Brown Sugar
25g Butter/Marg
1 Tbs Caster Sugar
2 tsp Cinnamon Sugar
whipped Cream to serve

Cut pastry into 4x11 circles, place on greased oven tray. Peel and core apples, cut into 
thin slices. Sprinkle brown sugar over apple stand for 5 minutes. Brush pastry lighly 
with 1/2 the butter. Arrange apple slices slightly overlapping over pastry. Brush with 
remaining butter and sprinkle with caster sugar. Cook in hot oven 200C for about 
20 mins. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar and serve warm with whipped cream.

Submitted by: Kathy (Fairy Penguin)


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