Wrestler Name: GLORY Satsujin Height: 5' 11" Weight: 223 lbs. Hometown: Sapporo, Japan Allignment (Face/Heel): Heel Physical Features: GLORY is quite a physical specimen. Aside from his outlandish golden hair (a very thourough dye-job... nothing shows through the roots) and similarly dyed thin mustache, he's got good looks. His nose, jawline, and cheekbones give a 'noble' appearance. His physique is incredible, with a nicely defined musculature. This overall image feeds his delusions of grandeur. In-Ring Attire: GLORY wears shiny gold trunks that extend to the knee, similarly colored boots, similarly colored wristbands and elbowpads. He wears a shiny gold cape-like robe to the ring, with frilly feathery edges and "GLORY" printed on the back in big silver lettering. Casual Attire: Satsujin dresses in the finest styles available to him. He's not a wealthy man, so that generally translates into "mid-range fashion outlet clothing". Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): GLORY Satsujin believes that he is a direct descendant of divinity. He believes that he is physically and mentally superior to the "lower classes" (ie everyone else), and the peasantry should worship him as a god. He competes to prove his claims of demigodhood, so that the masses will kowtow to his every whim. Theme Music: An altered version of J.S. Bach's "Mass in B Minor: Sanctus". Instead of singing "Sanctus" repeatedly, the chorus sings "Glory" over and over. The first 55 seconds or so of the piece only... it repeats after this. Ring Entrance: [Bursting forth from the public address system is the choral classical piece by JS Bach, "Mass in B Minor: Sanctus". But instead of singing "Sanctus" repeatedly, the chorus is singing the word "Glory" instead. Thrusting himself out from behind the curtain is the man for whom the chorus sings, GLORY Satsujin. The fans *INSERT APPROPRIATE REACTION HERE* The golden-haired self-proclaimed deity stands at the backstage entrance and spreads his arms to the side, showing his magnificent physique against the backdrop of his shiny golden robe. Slowly, with arms remaining outstretched, the golden-clad grappler strides to the ring as if he owns the place. He probably believes that he does. A self-satisfied sneer entrenched on his face, GLORY Satsujin is wearing his knee-length shiny golden trunks, with matching boots, wristbands, and elbowpads. His handsome face bears a mustache dyed the same golden color as his hair, and he is a tremendous physical specimen. No wonder he thinks he's so great. After about 55 seconds (quite a long time for a ring entrance, since he strides so slowly) his theme music cycles back to the beginning, and GLORY leaps over the top rope into the ring. He continues to parade around for a brief time longer as the crowd *INSERT APPROPRIATE REACTION HERE*.] History: (as he tells it) "My history is unknowable. It will suffice for you that in the days when the gods walked the Earth, they occasionally found a beautiful woman which met their exacting standards, and shared their goldy passions with them. Such was the power of these immortal beings that few women even survived the encounter. But one such encounter led to a family line the likes of which has never been seen either before or since. A line which too long has lived in the company of the lowly day-to-day mass of humanity, most of whom are not even suitable as servants. These people have conspired against my ancestors, for they were so envious of our superior beauty and intellect. But I, GLORY Satsujin, intend to rectify that situation, by defeating the nation's most fearsome warriors in the most public of forums! All will bow to me!" (actually) The young man who would be known as GLORY Satsujin grew up in the northern city of Sapporo. He was born into a poor family, and begrudged this fact immediately. The wealthier children got the better positions in school and on sports teams, despite his natural athletic superiority and high intelligence. He drove himself to be perfect, in body and mind. Sadly, the pressures were too much for him. While he succeeded admirably in building an awesome body, he couldn't do that and succeed in the ultra-competitive Japanese school system. He did not perform well enough on the state standardized tests which determine a youth's candidacy for college. This crushed him. He blamed it all on the conspiracy against his obviously superior genetic traits. The outlet he chose for his anger and frustration was violence. Not so foolish as to not find a legal outlet, he joined a wrestling club, where he became noted for his brutal methods. Clearly, this guy was not suited for amatuer competition, but a patron took him under his wing to make a professional out of him. That patron was Osamu Ishimura, scouting new talent for the puroresu federation he wished to build. Seeing an incredible "look" with athleticism and aggression, he paid the young man's way through wrestling school, with the contractual obligation that he would be competing in WAVE upon his graduation... Wrestling Style: High-impact technical wrestling. Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: Let me ask him. "Gasp! Such barbarism! An obvious attempt to appeal to the basest classes. Certainly not!" Moveset: (going after head or arm, usually) 1 Basic technical moves (headlock, armwringer, takedowns, etc) 2 vertical suplex 3 belly-to-belly suplex 4 singlearm DDT (onto the shoulder) 5 hammerlock suplexes and slams (any suplex/slam variant that lands on the arm) 6 running knee smash (connects under the chin) 7 northern lights suplex (bridging or released) 8 reverse neckbreaker 9 running swinging neckbreaker 10 Anderson-style armbar (standing over the opponent) 11 hammerlock reverse DDT 12 piledriver 13 jumping double kneedrop to the head 14 half-nelson suplex 15 double armbar submission 16 snap suplex 17 schoolboy rollup with a pull of the tights (gasp!)... a last-ditch desperate move 18 top rope flying forearm Signature Moves: "Glory Suplex": A head-and-arm brainbuster. Like the head-and-arm Tazplex that Taz used to do in ECW, that landed the guy on his head. "Glory Breaker": A snap suplex which ends in a reverse neckbreaker. The opponent is snapped over so fast he lands seated, with GLORY dropping into the neckbreaker. "Glory Special": GLORY lifts his man up in a fireman's position. He twists and throws out the legs as if he were executing Brock Lesnar's F-5, but he retains ahold on the foe's arm and shoulder. He proceeds to fling himself down, driving the shoulder directly into the canvas with all of the opponent's weight behind it! This usually sets up "The Glorious Conversion" Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) Regular Finish- "Glory Driver": It is a fisherman screwdriver. Lifting the foe up as for a fisherman suplex, Glory turns him and piledrives him. *SQUISH* Submission Finish- "The Glorious Conversion": This is a combination between a crossface chickenwing and a Crippler Crossface. GLORY locks the arm as if going for the Crossface, and then instead of hooking the head with both arms, hooks the face with one and the free arm with the other. This wrenches both shoulders, the neck and makes life very very painful until the victim submits (in Satsujin's words, "admits his superiority"). Last-Ditch Finish- "Extermination": When his foolish opponent just will not be defeated by any other means, GLORY has a career-threatening definitely-over-if-it- hits move. He seats his foe on the top rope facing out, and stands on the middle ropes. GLORY tucks his head in to his opponent's side, hooks his opponents arms with his, and falls backwards into what is essentially a Second Rope Vertebreaker. Can you say, "traction"? Three Strengths: 1. Physical Prowess. GLORY is a peak-level athlete. He obviously has invested a great deal of time in the development and care of his body. He's reasonably strong, fast, and durable. 2. Stamina. His conditioning is unreal. It takes a lot longer for him to tire than for your average Joe. Not that there are many Joes in Japan, but you know. :-) 3. Will To Win. Satsujin truly believes that he will win every match. Therefore, when things go against him, he will do anything to ensure that "his rightful victory is not stolen from him". Three Weaknesses: 1. Psychologically Fragile. GLORY thinks he is perfect... therefore, any attack on that perfection scares the crap out of him. Hit him in the face and he gets angry. Get him bloody and he panics. Injure a body part, and he'll overcompensate for it. GLORY is quick to anger and can be moved from his game plan simply by wounding him. 2. Experience. He's a rookie, and a rookie who THINKS he knows it all already. He will make rookie mistakes, and blame them on the "obviously incompetent officiating", thus failing to LEARN from said mistake. 3. Paranoia. GLORY believes that the officials are always out to get him, and that the fans want to see him lose because they envy his "obvious superiority". He'll spend way too much time arguing counts and mouthing off to the fans, giving his opponent openings and recovery time.