APPLICATION- Your Name: E-Mail: AOL IM: IRC Nick: Past experience: Wrestler Name: Height: Weight: Hometown: Allignment (Face/Heel): Physical Features: In-Ring Attire: Casual Attire: Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): Theme Music: Ring Entrance: (Write this out in the [ ] format, this will be copied and pasted when your wrestler is introduced on the show) History (Backround information): Wrestling Style: (Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: Moveset: (Between 15-30) Signature Moves: Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) Three Strengths: 1. 2. 3. Three Weaknesses: 1. 2. 3. (NOTE: The strengths and weaknesses don't always need to refer to in the ring.) Sample RP: (You can either send in a new RP or an old one from a different fed. It doesn't matter whether it is the character you are applying for WAVE with or not.) When you are finished, send this to my e-mail You should get a reply within the next day or so.