Wrestler Name: Hiroshi Matsui Height: 5'9" Weight: 241 pounds Hometown: Setagaya Ward, Tokyo Allignment (Face/Heel): Face Physical Features: Matsui is a wide but physically strong man. His body is very thick and his muscles are tough but not defined at all. He has short fuzzy buzzed black hair and a full beard coming from his long black sideburns. He has dark brown eyes and a stone jaw that gives a definate intimidating look to his grizzled features. In-Ring Attire: He wears short black trunks, two black kneepads and black boots. He keeps it simple. Casual Attire: Either seen wearing a business suit or gym apparel, like sweat pants and a tanktop. Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): Matsui is a very serious man and a very strict man. As the head trainer for the WAVE Dojo, he tries to instill a certain attitude into every match, every interview and every moment of his business day. Theme Music: "Hangar 18" by Megadeth Ring Entrance: (Write this out in the [ ] format, this will be copied and pasted when your wrestler is introduced on the show) History (Backround information): Matsui grew up in the Setagaya Ward of Tokyo, Japan forty-two years ago. He made his pro-wrestling debut when he was 19, wrestling as a mid-lower card wrestler over the next ten years. When he turned 30, Matsui left the promotion he was in for the his whole wrestling career for a booking position in a smaller independent promotion. This lasted for the next five years as he enjoyed working with the younger wrestlers and getting them started off with their wrestling careers. Now, after being asked by his old friend Mr. Ishimura to wrestle and be the head trainer for WAVE, he looks to teach the new breed how it is done. Wrestling Style: Power/Mat Wrestling (Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: Yes, not as a regular though. Moveset: 1. Open-Hand Chop 2. Lariat 3. Double Leg Takedown 4. Vertical Suplex 5. Bearhug 6. Sleeper Hold 7. Boston Crab 8. Front Facelock 9. Rollup/Schoolboy 10. Abdominal Stretch 11. Backbreaker 12. Powerbomb 13. Piledriver 14. Russian Legsweep 15. DDT 16. Back Suplex 17. Jawbreaker Signature Moves: 1. Mongolian Chop (A favorite of his, he uses this often) 2. Double Underhook DDT 3. Multiple Running Lariats (Whipping his opponent into the turnbuckle and following with a lariat and doing it over again with another turnbuckle) Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) 1. STF 2. Diving Lariat Three Strengths: 1. Veteran Knowledge: He is a smart wrestler and an intelligent one. He will often take his time in the match to pick apart his opponent. 2. Focus: He is a very focused wrestler. 3. Power: He is powerful for an old guy and uses it to his advantage. His lariats and chops are deadly. Three Weaknesses: 1. Age: He is well past his glory years and often is not good enough to compete with some of the upper tier wrestlers. 2. Lack of Speed: He isn't fast and that can hurt him when going against opponents who can do that. 3. Drive: Matsui isn't looking to accomplish much in the ring anymore so he doesn't look at winning as a big deal anymore. His focus is on training the younger wrestlers and breaking them in.