Wrestler Name: Koji Nagano Height: 5'11" Weight: 228 pounds Hometown: Wakayama City, Wakayama Allignment (Face/Heel): Face Physical Features: Koji is a an athletic man with a very flexible body. He has short wavy black hair and hazel eyes, resting along a very young looking face. In-Ring Attire: He wears blue trunks that go down to right above his knees. He also has on black boots and an elbow pad along his right arm. Casual Attire: Usually seen wearing the shirt of one of his favorite metal bands or sporting workout clothing. Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): Koji is a young lion, looking to show the world that he has the fighting spirit. He is very energetic and also humble, taking each day in stride. Theme Music: Ring Entrance: (Write this out in the [ ] format, this will be copied and pasted when your wrestler is introduced on the show) History (Backround information): Nagano entered Matsui's Japanese dojo at the age of 17, training there over the next two years. When WAVE was opened and Matsui was brought into it, Nagano was taken with him, given a chance to prove his ability on a wrestling outlet. Wrestling Style: Technical/Mat Wrestling(Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: No Moveset: 1. Snap Suplex 2. Vertical Suplex 3. Piledriver 4. Hip Toss 5. Armdrag Takedown 6. Rear Chinlock 7. Camel Clutch 8. Boston Crab 9. Ankle Lock 10. DDT 11. Neckbreaker 12. Spinning Toe Hold 13. Atomic Drop 14. Knife Edge Chop 15. Leglock Submission 16. Slingshot Plancha (Between 15-30) Signature Moves: 1. Elbow Smash (His favorite strike) 2. Running Elbow Smash 3. Jumping Elbow Smash Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) 1. Roaring Elbow 2. Northern Lights Suplex Three Strengths: 1. Energy: He has the energy and passion to carry him in his matches. 2. Patience: To work well with the energy, he has the patience to let the match come to him and not to run into bad situations. 3. Student: He learns from each match he goes into and often will try to incorporate the techniques that troubled him into his own style. Three Weaknesses: 1. Green: He is a true young lion, having only now competed in his first wrestling matches. 2. Size: He is small for a heavyweight. He will have trouble with the larger gaijins and natives. 3. Overzealous: He tends to be a little hyper and anxious when in an important match for him.