Wrestler Name: RAVE Yamadera Height: 6'2 Weight: 245 Hometown: Tizhigi, Japan Allignment (Face/Heel): Heel Physical Features: Bleach blond hair cut short, nearly a crew cut. Stocky but not powerful build (not quite obese though, think Kintaro Kanemura). Pierced all over, nipples, tongue, lip, eye brows and ears (4 each ear) In-Ring Attire: Black vinyl pants with biker boots Casual Attire: black vinyl pants, torn tank top with leather jacket Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): The wannabe punk, RAVE is Tokyo club kid who revels in violence and brawling. He despises authority on all fronts. This is a punk garbage wrestler in the making! Theme Music: "VAMPIRE" by FEEL SO BAD Ring Entrance: [Like a crash of thunder "Vampire blasts over the PA system and RAVE Yamadera comes blazing down the runway. He runs full force into the side of the ring and immeadiately starts slamming his body against it repeatedly before finally sliding under the ropes and slithering across the ring] History (Backround information): Wrestling Style: (Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) Garbage wrestler/brawler Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: Moveset: (Between 15-30) Lariat piledriver low blow running double axehandle fisherman's suplex running elbow drop forehead bite backdrop suplex running headbutt falling headbutt legdrop brainbuster russian legsweep big boot bulldog hot shot Signature Moves: Implant DDT Death Valley Bomb Running flip senton Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) Party Crasher - Yamadera's version of the reverse Tiger Driver X-STACEY - Yamadera's version of the Cobra Neckbreaker twist RAVE REMIX - 3/4 facelock russian legsweep forward fall (drives head int othe mat) Three Strengths: 1. Fearless - Because he is a stupid punk Yamadera knows no fear and will stand up to anyone 2. Crazy - Wil ltry anything at least once and then maybe twice if he really liked it 3. Resilient - Can tkae a beating and will still come at you Three Weaknesses: 1. Not skilled- as a straight ahead brawler Yamadera has no real wrestling skill and can be dominated on the mat 2. Stupid - The kid doesn't know when to stop which leads to him getting his kicked more often than not 3.N orespect for anyone - Has no friends a true lone wolf