__ _ _____ _ / _\ __ _ _ __ ___ _ _ _ __ __ _(_) /__ \/\ /\/ \ \ \ / _` | '_ ` _ \| | | | '__/ _` | | / /\/\ \ / / / _\ \ (_| | | | | | | |_| | | | (_| | | / / \ V /\_/ \__/\__,_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__,_|_| \/ \_/\/ [The opening guitar riff to "Motorbreath" by Metallica blasts out over the fading Samurai TV! logo, bringing forth images of various WAVE wrestlers. Tasogare No Prince walking past the tent opening at the Kawasaki Stadium Parking Lot. GLORY Satsujin standing in the ring with a sneer on his face. The Spectre with his long dreadlocks dangling over his face.] #Living and dying, laughing and crying# #Once you have seen it you'll never be the same# [Rei Enzeru and Tasogare No Prince hit twin corkscrew/somersault plancha suicida's on GLORY Satsujin and Genichi Yoemon. TOORIMA hits the cobra clutch suplex on Watanabe.] #Life in the fast lane is just how it seems# #It's hot and it's heavy and dirty and mean# [GLORY Satsujin destroys Tasogare No Prince with the GLORY Suplex. The Spectre hits Nagano with a huge gaijin lariat.] #Motorbreath# #It's how I live my life# #I can't take it any other way# [Dane Black hits the RedRum 666 on Koji Nagano, taking out the young lion. Rei Enzeru cracks a kneeling GLORY Satsujin with a kick to the face.] #Motorbreath# #The sign of living fast# #It is going to take your breath away# [Kamlyn Watanabe drops Dane Black on his neck with the Orange Crush. Poor "Crazy Legs" Genichi Yoemon is tossed from the ring and into a barbed wire hell by Dane Black.] #Don't stop for nothing, it's full speed or nothing# #I'm taking down, you know, whatever's in my way# [Hiroshi Matsui and Koji Nagano trade off with chops and elbow smashes. GLORY Satsujin hooks in the Glorious Conversion on Tasogare No Prince.] #Getting your kicks as you're shooting the line# #Sending the shivers up and down my spine# [Tasogare No Prince leaps from the ring with a tope con hilo onto Satsujin. Watanabe catches TOORIMA with a rolling elbow.] #Motorbreath# #It's how I live my life# #I can't take it any other way# [GLORY Satsujin kills Enzeru with the GLORY Driver. Tasogare No Prince flips from the ropes, landing behind GLORY Satsujin and nailing him with the Twilight Suplex.] #Motorbreath# #The sign of living fast# #It is going to take your breath away# [The Spectre drops Yoemon with The Rebirth. Tasogare No Prince catches GLORY Satsujin with a rollup that ends it. And then cut to...] __ __ _________ _______________ / \ / \/ _ \ \ / /\_ _____/ \ \/\/ / /_\ \ Y / | __)_ \ / | \ / | \ \__/\ /\____|__ /\___/ /_______ / \/ \/ \/ ______ _ ______ | ___ \ (_) | _ \ | |_/ /_ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ | | | |_ __ ___ __ _ _ __ ___ | ___ \ | | | '__| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | | | | '__/ _ \/ _` | '_ ` _ \ | |_/ / |_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | |/ /| | | __/ (_| | | | | | | \____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, | |___/ |_| \___|\__,_|_| |_| |_| __/ | |___/ _____ _____ _____ _____ / __ \| _ || _ ||____ | `' / /'| |/' || |/' | / / / / | /| || /| | \ \ ./ /___\ |_/ /\ |_/ /.___/ / \_____/ \___/ \___/ \____/ Wednesday July 5th, 2003 No Town Bunka Gymnasium [Cut from the logo and to a dimmed No Town Bunka Gymnasium. The fans in Niigata wait patiently as a figure in a suit is seen aproaching the ring slowly. The familiar voices of Yasuo Shimada and Kiyoshi Miyazaki are heard in a quiet tone.] YS: Welcome fans watching us on Samurai TV!. We are here at the No Town Bunka Gymnasium for the third stop on the Burning Dream 2003 tour, the final show before Junior Crowning. KM: Is that Ishimura-san that is coming to the ring? YS: Yes, indeed it is. I can only guess that he is here to announce the final four competitors and the brackets for the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament. [A man carrying a long square-shaped object covered in a sheet, and another man carrying a doctor's weight scale follow behind Mr. Ishimura.] YS: And I can only guess that, that is the tournament brackets underneath that sheet, Kiyoshi. KM: Hai, I wonder how bad he will screw GLORY Satsujin in these brackets? YS: GLORY Satsujin is a rookie and should be greatful that he is receiving this opportunity, Kiyoshi. Few rookies in the past have ever been able to compete in a tournament as grand as this. KM: Few rookies are like GLORY Satsujin, Kiyoshi. He is one of a kind. [The lights come on over the ring but remain dimmed on the crowd as Mr. Ishimura enters it. The two men follow slowly behind, taking some time as they carry their respective objects through. Mr. Ishimura now is handed a microphone from a staff member, holding it for a moment before moving to the center of the ring and facing the fans.] KM: I think he's going to speak. YS: Shush, Captain Obvious. [But before he speaks, Mr. Ishimura gives a slight bow of respect to the fans... who in turn, applaud.] OI: Thank you very much. [More polite applause.] OI: Tonight... is a very special night. Tonight is the night that the final competitors will be announced for the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title tournament. [He pauses.] OI: This is a very special moment for me... a realization of a dream really... that so many great competitors throughout Japan would come to WAVE... it makes it all worth while. [The crowd applauds once more. Mr. Ishimura bows slightly before bringing the mic back to his lips.] OI: But lets get on with it then... shall we? KM: Thank you god. YS: Quiet! [A smile forms on Mr. Ishimura's face.] OI: The first man that I will announce as an entrant in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament... is "Firefly" Horo Atashi. [Small applause.] KM: The punk that is competing later tonight? Tasogare's tag partner? YS: Yes, indeed. He also competed previously in TOP and Neo... right here in Japan. OI: The second man that will enter the tournament as a freelancer... Kazuhiro GOLD. [No response.] KM: Who? YS: He was set to be a part of the failed Fighting Japan Pro Wrestling.. KM: Ah... who? YS: He is very talented, I assure you. KM: I'll take your word for it. OI: The third man that will be entering the tournament... is Takeo Tazaki. [Another quiet response.] KM: What is with the no names? YS: I have to admit that I know very much to little about Takeo Tazaki, Kiyoshi. But I trust Ishimura-san's judgement... who knows? He might even be good enough to take the whole thing. OI: The fourth man... well... [Pause.] OI: Genichi Yoemon, get on out here. [A mix of different responses comes from the crowd as "Stayin Alive" by the Beejees hits the speakers of the No Town Bunka Gymnasium.] YS: Genichi Yoemon? Is Genichi Yoemon going to get the final spot? KM: Seems like it. But is he at the weight limit? YS: I think that is why that scale is in the ring, Kiyoshi. KM: Hai.. [And "Crazy Legs" Genichi Yoemon steps out from the curtains slowly with a finger pointed at himself. He mouths the words "Me?" as he walks towards the ring.] KM: Yeah you.. ya big dummy. YS: Why do you dislike Genichi Yoemon? KM: Too damn goofy. YS: You've got to be kidding me. GLORY Satsujin is your favorite wrestler and he is the _king_ of goof. KM: GLORY is a god... what is it for a mere mortal such as myself to judge him in a foul manner? [Walking up the ringsteps and stepping through the ropes and into the ring, Yoemon looks at Mr. Ishimura curiously.] OI: Thankyou for coming out, Genichi. [Yoemon is handed a mic from a ring boy.] GY: Oh really.. sir.. the pleasure... [Pause.] GY: Is mine. [Yoemon nods in a thoughtful Martha Stewart-like manner. A few fans are heard having a chuckle in the crowd.] KM: Oh god... OI: Genichi Yoemon, you told me last week that you wanted to enter the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title tournament. GY: I did. [More thoughtful nodding.] OI: And even though you ran off... _assuming_ that I was going to give you your chance... I will give your chance. [A big smile forms on Yoemon's face.] OI: But you do know the requirement for entering this tournament... you must be at 225 pounds or under... and the last time I checked, you were at 232. GY: I have been running like nonstop, boss! I have lost those pounds... I swear! I swear! [The nervous look on Yoemon's face causes Mr. Ishimura to put his hands up.] OI: Calm down, Genichi. Calm down... [Genichi attempts to breath a little easier now.] OI: I believe you but... we must make sure. [Mr. Ishimura points his finger at the scale and Yoemon's eyebrows raise.] KM: The moment of truth! We know that slob hasn't lost seven pounds! YS: Your the ultimate pessimist. [Walking slowly towards the scale, Genichi turns back towards the fans, lowering his head lowly to them as if he is walking the plank. He takes his time... looking at the scale... making no move... until closing his eyes and stepping on.] KM: And he is on! Prepare for massive dissapointment. [The staff member next to the scale adjusts it as Yoemon remains standing. A few moments go by before the staff member speaks to Mr. Ishimura.] YS: Did he make it? Did he lose the weight? KM: Just wait a second, Yasuo... Mr. Ishimura is about to tell us. [Mr. Ishimura turns back towards the fans... Genichi Yoemon has a nervous expression on his face.] OI: ... [Pause.] OI: 225 pounds. [Big pop!] YS: HE MADE IT! KM: Ah.. shit! YS: Hey! [Genichi Yoemon visibly excited, leaps up and down in the ring, raising his arms up and down.] YS: Look at him! KM: I see him... [Mr. Ishimura puts a hand on Yoemon's shoulder, causing the new "Junior Heavyweight" to finally stop jumping.] OI: Congratulations. [Mr. Ishimura extends a hand to Genichi Yoemon... which is accepted... and a vibrant handshake takes place just as... "Holding Out For Hero" by Bonnie Tyler hits the speakers.] KM: What the hell? [The crowd turns to the entrance way, half cheering, half booing as he bounds out. He? Why HERO Ishikawa of course!] YS: Oh no! KM: OH YES! THE KING OF SWANK IS HERE! [Dressed in demin shorts, wearing sandals and an official IKAJIN t-shirt, HERO bounds from the entrance way, pausing at the top to FLEX~! Raising DA FIST~! into the air he walks down to the ring, taunting fans, sneering, laughing... ...crotch chopping~!] KM: I love this guy so much. YS: But why is he here, in WAVE? [HERO enters the ring, snatching the microphone away for himself. He smiles because he's a happy guy like that.] HERO(in English): HELLOOOOOOOO JACKERASSES!! [BOOO!] HERO: So.. WAVE has some tournament for junior heavyweighteds and HERO Ishikawa is not invited? Your HERO? [He shakes his head mockingly.] HERO(quiet): For the shame... for the shame indeed. But what do you know... ...YOU SUCK! AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! [He bounces around the ring as if the laughing is killing him... and then stops.] HERO: I kill me. Anywho misters I see like it this. You wanted to put some of su good guys together for a tourney? Where is me!? WHERE IS HERO! THIS IS NOTHING WITHOUT HERO! I AM... err... was... INDEPENDENT LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! I AM THE GREATESTEST!! [Or so he thinks. The crowd mostly boos.] HERO(still in English): WAVE has no honor because if they did they wouldn't make their little boyfriend No Prince protected and put HERO in it so I could whooped his butt! [Pro No Prince pops and cheering.] HERO: You knows I wasn't invited because I would beat up your boy and kill him and beat him up and drop DA FIST~! on him and then I would get him and... *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* [Pause.] HERO: And one more things! *crotch chop!* [RUDO HEAT! Yoemon looks on as confused and stunned as everyone else.] HERO: So does WAVE have honor? [He shakes his head.] HERO: Are they the nice? [Again, shakes his head.] HERO: Do they suck like stupid jerk heads? [He nods his head.] HERO: Indeed they do so WAVE should let me in it to the tournament and I can beat their boyfriends while their girlfriends look on and are all like "OHhh, that HERO is the sexy! I wish I could get in there and go OHHHHHHHH when he touches my special panties spot." and then I would and make you smell my fingers and then go... YIPPIE KI YI YEEE MOTHERBITCH! [He cackles.] HERO: Let me in it. Now. Or di-eeeee! Or... GET LOST! [The fans continue to jeer as Mr. Ishimura puts the mic to his lips.] OI: ... you think you can just barge in here and _demand_ these things from me!? [HERO nods his head mockingly.] OI: Well you can go su.. [Genichi Yoemon suddenly snatches the microphone from Mr. Ishimura.] GY: Wait _just_ a minute there!! Do not worry, Mr. Ishimura-san! I will defend WAVE's honor against this... eh... fiend! [He pauses as he nods to himself.] GY: Tonight, I will put my tournament spot up for grabs... just so I can kick your ass! [Yoemon points at Ishikawa vigorously as the fans cheer him on. Mr. Ishimura takes the microphone from Yoemon.] OI: Genichi... you don't have to do this. [Genichi speaks more words to Osamu that are unheard due to him holding no microphone.] OI: Well.. if you are certain.. than fine. HERO Ishikawa will go against Genichi Yoemon tonight for the final spot in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament! [Big pop!] OI: Unless... you have a problem with that? [HERO has a big grin on his face as he drops the mic to the mat, shaking his head. He then turns away with a smug look on his face as he leaves the ring.] OI: The tournament brackets will have to be held off until the end of the show now... when I know who the final competitor will be. Thankyou. [He bows his head lightly as he hands the microphone to Hideki Ito and turns to leave the ring with Yoemon following.] YS: HERO Ishikawa against "Crazy Legs" Genichi Yoemon tonight! I never thought I would ever see that happen! KM: Me neither. Yoemon is going to get absolutely destroyed! YS: And the winner gets the final slot in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Tournament... this will be interesting. KM: I just can't believe HERO Ishikawa is here in WAVE! YS: But now it is time to leave that and go to our first match. KM: Does it include my favorite wrestler in the entire world? YS: Yes it does. And I don't think your favorite wrestler is going to be too happy when he see's all of these Tasogare No Prince anime posters that were handed out to the fans before the show started. KM: I can't believe that prick is getting his own anime. YS: And I just happen to have one of those posters! KM: Don't show it off, Yasuo! YS: I think I will, Kiyoshi. [Shimada unrolls the poster depicting the Prince of Twilight smelling a white orchid with the faces of what must be the show's villains all around him.] YS: Pretty neat, huh? These will be great souvenirs for the fans! KM: Wow, I didn't think it was possible? YS: What's that? KM: He looks even fruitier on this poster than in real life! I don't believe it! YS: Honestly, Kiyoshi. We're all very excited about the Prince's new animated series and hope that it's a big hit. KM: Hmph! I bet I know one person who's not excited about it? GLORY Satsujin! In fact, if these fans have any sense, they'd all better hide those silly posters before GLORY gets here! YS: Well, in that case, they'd better make it quick, since GLORY Satsujin will be taking on RIFT in our very first match-up in just a few moments. KM: I sure wouldn't want to be RIFT. I mean, it's bad enough that Fuyuba is actually forcing a God to wrestle in an opening match, but he's been reduced to having to get in the ring with some filthy gaijin. GLORY is not going to be in a good mood. YS: When is he ever? Well, it looks like we're all ready to begin so let's head up to our ring announcer for the competitors in this first great match. HI: Now for our opening singles bout of the evening... [The crowd cheers excitedly and waves their Tasogare no Prince posters.] HI: Introducing first.... [The lights turn out completely except for a faint red light filtering through the entire arena. A fog seems to fill the arena in this red light. The driving guitars and perfectly growled vocals of Zao's "Parade of Chaos" sound heavily throughout the arena.] HI: Standing at 6'1" and weighing in at 224 pounds... RRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIFFFFUUUTTTTTUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [As the last growl of the music fades out the lights come back revealing that Rift is now standing in the center of the ring with no indication from whence he came...] YS: The rather impressive looking RIFT is making his debut here tonight! KM: Ha! Too bad the poor sucker has to face GLORY Satsujin. This could be his first and last match all in the same night. HI: And the opponent! [Bursting forth from the public address system is the choral classical piece by JS Bach, "Mass in B Minor: Sanctus". But instead of singing "Sanctus" repeatedly, the chorus is singing the word "Glory" instead. Thrusting himself out from behind the curtain is the man for whom the chorus sings, GLORY Satsujin. The fans Boo loudly and wave their Prince posters as the golden-haired self- proclaimed deity stands at the backstage entranceand glowers angrily at the ring. Clad in a golden workout suit (jogging pants and a matching top with kanji on the back), GLORY stomps unhappily to the ring. His handsome face bears a mustache dyed the same golden color as his hair, and he is a tremendous physical specimen.] RA: Standing in at 5'11" and weighing in at 223 pounds... GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY SATSUUUUUUUUUUJI-- [GLORY slides into the ring, snatches the mic from the ring announcer, and facepalms him away...] GLORY: The nerve of you ridiculous mortals! Who are you to dictate your immoral whims to an almighty being such as myself? GLORY does not wrestle gaijin. GLORY refuses to allow his magnificent flesh to be tainted with the disease-laden slime which coats the gaijin body. Therefore, GLORY demands that this Rift fool leave! [GLORY points at Rift, and makes "go away" motions with his hands. The tattoo'd Rift lunges at the self-proclaimed "god, who dives out of the ring in a most un-godlike manner... but still managing to maintain hold of the mic, how bout that?] GLORY: YOU STILL DEFY ME! ACCURSED DOGS! GLORY WILL NOT DEFILE HIMSELF BY REMAINING IN YOUR PRESENCE! [And with that, GLORY Satsujin turns and walks out as the fans boo loudly and with great zeal. One of the fans sticks their free Tasogare no Prince poster directly into the face of GLORY, who angrily snatches it out of the poor spectator's grasp and proceeds to rip it into shreds in a fit of temper.] YS: Oh, of all the... some god! KM: Hey! That idiot incurred his wrath. He shouldn't have waved that ridiculous poster in GLORY's face! YS: And I suppose you think Satsujin is justified in just leaving the ring? KM: Of course! I'd do the same thing if I had to face some dirty gaijin! [A voice suddenly is heard of the No-Town Bunka Gymnasium speaker system.] Voice: Who the hell do you think you are? [Suddenly the form who was seen only moments ago comes out from the curtains.] OI: You wrestle in my _organization_. [It is the owner of WAVE, Osamu Ishimura.] OI: And that means I pay you with _my_ checks. And that means that you will wrestle against whoever you are booked against. That means that you _will_ be wrestling for these fans tonight or else... [GLORY Satsujin's voice comes up to cut him off.] GLORY: Or else WHAT!? OI: Or else you will be removed from the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Tournament. [Big pop!] YS: Now this is more like it! GLORY Satsujin has to learn that he can?t just dictate who he will and will not wrestle here in WAVE! KM: If you ask me, its Ishimura who needs to learn that he may be the owner around here, but GLORY is a god on earth! [GLORY Satsujin has an incensed look on his face as he stares up the aisleway towards his boss.] GLORY: CRETIN! KNOW THIS DAY THAT YOU HAVE MADE AN ETERNAL ENEMY! But GLORY came prepared for this treachery! I knew you would use your scurrilous methods to force me to wrestle, and so GLORY will take measures to ensure that the gaijin diseases do not affect him! [GLORY walks back to the ring, and from under the ring, he slides out a large box. Written on the box is "PROPERTY OF GLORY SATSUJIN - TOUCH THIS AND DIE MORTAL SWINE". He opens the box, and pulls out... ... a Hazmat suit?! GLORY begins donning the Hazmat suit as the officials complain.] GLORY: SHOW ME IN THE RULES WHERE IT STATES THAT I CANNOT WRESTLE IN A HAZMAT SUIT! YS: Nan de. Oh this is absolutely ridiculous! A hazmat suit! [Mr. Ishimura shrugs.] OI: That is fine with me. Begin the match! [And Mr. Ishimura turns to walk through the curtains.] KM: This is great! I should have known that GLORY would have a back up plan! This'll show Ishimura and Kuyaba that they can?t push Satsujin around!! YS: All this is showing is how ridiculous GLORY is! And this is a complete and uncalled for insult to RIFT! But I suppose he does have a point, there's no rule stating GLORY can't wear that stupid get-up if he wants? KM: Exactly! [GLORY dons the suit, minus the headgear, and slides into the ring.] "DING! YS: And finally, this match is underway! If GLORY Satsujin would just forget his ludicrous theatrics and wrestle, people might take him more seriously. KM: You don't take GLORY Satsujin seriously? YS: I take his athletic ability very seriously, Kiyoshi. I would dare say everyone does, but if he truly wants the respect he claims to, maybe he should rely more upon that ability than acting like a spoiled child! KM: Oh man... just wait until I tell GLORY what you said about him! YS: Speaking of childish? KM: I'm gonna tell! I'm gonna tell! YS: And now up in the ring, Rift and GLORY LOCK UP! Satsujin pushes the newcomer into the ropes? IRISH WHIP sends Rift to the far ropes... OH! A HUGE LARIAT by GLORY Satsujin sends Rift to the canvas! KM: That's the power of a god for you!! YS: Satsujin is a truly impressive physical specimen without a doubt, but Rift undoubtedly is in shape as well, as that quick KIP UP shows! KM: But GLORY's right on top of him!! YS: Indeed, GLORY not giving Rift any breathing room here as he clubs him with a hard FOREARM SHOT to the back of the neck! Rift is sent staggering forward... and GLORY with a STANDING DROPKICK to the small of the back sends Rift chest first into the ropes!... Rift rebounds off the ropes... SCHOOLBOY ROLL UP by Satsujin! ONE!!!!!!! KM: Not even a 2 count! That's going to make GLORY angry! YS: GLORY Satsujin arguing with the referee now! See, that's the sort of thing I'm talking about when I was referring to Satsujin?s childish behavior. Meanwhile here comes Rift from behind... KM: Look out your holiness! YS: Holiness? Rift has Satsujin in a FULL NELSON... Rift leaps forward... "THUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: FULL-NELSON BULLDOG drives GLORY Satsujin face first to the mat! KM: How dare he? He could ruin the perfect face of GLORY! YS: Rift calls that maneuver "THE THIRDS FALL". KM: I call it cheating! YS: How is that cheating? KM: It caught GLORY unaware. He should have given him a chance to brace himself for the impact. YS: Give me a break! Now Satsujin is lying on his back holding his nose... he appears to be checking for any blood... KM: Rift better hope he hasn't bloodied the nose of a god! YS: Now GLORY is sitting up... Rift off the far ropes... "SMAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" YS: SHINING WIZARD catches Satsujin square on the jaw! KM: This can't be happening! Not to GLORY! YS: And now RIFT takes advantage with a pinning combination... ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!! THR..... KM: Whew! YS: A strong kick out there by GLORY! It'll take a lot more than that to put him down! Both men back up to their feet... CLOSED FIST to the jaw of RIFT by GLORY! And another HARD RIGHT! Now GLORY drives the KNEE right into the mid-section of RIFT! KM: Way to go, GLORY! YS: Always impartial, eh Kiyoshi? Now GLORY GOES BEHIND Rift... he has him around the midsection... "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....!" YS: RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!!!! KM: YES! Did you see the way that dirty gaijin's neck hit the mat? YS: Yes I did! That was a vicious hit to the back of the neck! Rift could conceivably be hurt here! KM: Well, that?s what can happen when you step in the ring with a God!!! YS: Claims of godhood not withstanding, GLORY has definitely seized control with that last exchange! Now Satsujin is bringing RIFT back up to his feet! Rift with a sudden flurry of MARTIAL ARTS KICKS to the body of GLORY Satsujin. Looks like he may have been playing possum. KM: Hey! That's not fair! YS: Now RIFT lifts Satsujin up into a Fireman's carry... He's holding GLORY up for a second... Satsujin however manages to fall to his feet while keeping hold of RIFT. INVERTED DDT drives RIFT to the canvas!!! KM: YES! I wasn't worried! YS: GLORY pulls RIFT back up to his feet again... SWINGING NECKBREAKER! And it looks like GLORY is now if full control of this match once more! KM: He's never not been in control. All those other times he was just... YS: Yes? KM: Resting! Yeah, that's it! YS: Uh-oh, this looks like it could be all over... Satsujin's setting him up for a Fisherman's Suplex... this could be? IT IS! "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!"" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" YS: GLORY DRIVAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! KM: That's it!!! No one gets up from that! ONE!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! THREE!!!!!! "DING!" HI: And the winner of the match... GLORY SATSUJIN! [Big heel pop!] YS: Despite GLORY Satsujin's winning ways, the fan's still hate him completely, Kiyoshi. KM: Their loss. A bunch of loser's I say. YS: But despite what the fan's think, GLORY Satsujin has to be one of the favorites going into the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament. KM: No doubt about it, Yasuo. He is _the_ man. YS: The next bout of the evening involves three men entering the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament.. KM: TOORIMA is the only one I can stand out of these three. YS: Tasogare No Prince and "Firefly" Horo Atashi will be going against TOORIMA and RAVE Yamadera. KM: Let us get to the damn match then! YS: And let us send it back to the ring for Kiyoshi's sake! Take it away... Hideki! [The shot cuts from the competitor's from the previous match leaving the area to Hideki Ito, who is standing in the ring.] HI: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall.. [Pause.] HI: Introducing first... standing at 6'2" and weighing 242 pounds... RAVE YAMADERRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! [Like a crash of thunder "Vampire" blasts over the PA system and RAVE Yamadera comes blazing down the runway.] YS: He looks excited. KM: More like insane. [He runs full force into the side of the ring and immeadiately starts slamming his body against it repeatedly before finally sliding under the ropes and slithering across the ring] YS: And this is our first look at RAVE Yamadera. KM: I like his blonde hair but... all those piercings are disgusting! How can a man pierce his own nipples, Yasuo? YS: I do not know, Kiyoshi. [The music fades away.] HI: And his partner... standing at 5'9" and weighing in at 209 pounds... TOOOOOOOOORIMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! [The arena lights dim to a depressing gray as ‘Whats Really Good’ by The Diplomats slowly begins to blare through the arena speakers. Slowly, TOORIMA emerges from behind the curtain draped in a long, sleeveless black leather coat that extends down to his shins. The coat has many silver buckles arranged vertically down the front. TOORIMA wears the collar popped. A pair of black sunglasses with a jagged, buzzsaw like silver frame adorn his face.] KM: Now that is a cool cat. Look at him.. he knows _style_. YS: Is this a fashion show or something, Kiyoshi? KM: No... it's wrestling. YS: Then why don't you start talking about wrestling? KM: Alright... well, TOORIMA is a very skilled technical wrestler and his finisher is the Kyoudan Clutch. He was born in Kyoto, Japan... where at a young age he learned he had a love for.. YS: Nevermind, Kiyoshi. Forget that I asked. KM: Thanks. I hate all that information crap. [TOORIMA slowly walks to the middle of the isle, stopping midway, and glaring in a way that seems to be aimlessly at the center of the ring. He resumes his stride. TOORIMA finally reaches his destination and slowly walks up the ring stairs and enters the ring. He remains still in his corner.] YS: TOORIMA always has a stoic, serious, determined attitude in and out of the ring. I think that is what makes him such a dangerous and focused man. KM: Speak it, Yasuo. [The Diplomats song then fades away..] HI: And their opponent's... introducing first... accompanied to the ring by Father Atashi... making his WAVE debut... he stands at 5'11" and weighs 199 pounds... he is... "FIREFLY" ATASHI............. HOROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [An upbeat guitar riff hits the speakers of the No-Town Bunka Gymnasium as Father Atashi steps from the curtains slowly. Behind him comes young Horo Atashi, who is attired in only in long white martial arts pants. His long black hair is tied back into a pony tail and his face has a very focused but excited look to it. The "Firefly" slaps hands with the fans to either side of him as he bounces excitedly down the aisle behind his father.] KM: Where did they pull this boy from? YS: He competed in TOP and Neo-Japan. He is a very skilled high flyer, Kiyoshi. KM: And why the hell does his father come out with him? He should be his own man. YS: Horo Atashi has said that his father keeps him grounded and is good influence on him. He doesn't want fame to get to his head... like some of the "other" wrestlers we have on this roster. KM: Like who? YS: GLORY Satsujin mainly. KM: GLORY would kick your ass if he heard that! [As Father Atashi walks up the ring steps, "Firefly" Horo Atashi rolls in under the bottom ropes and into the ring. He raises his arm into the air as he nods out of the Japanese fans, who give him a good pop in return. The music then fades away as Father Atashi begins to talk to his son.] HI: And now introducing his partner... he stands at 5'11" and weighs 190 pounds... TASOOOOOOOOOOGAAAAAAAREEEEEEE NOOOOOOOOOOOOO PRINCCCCCCCCCUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!! [Calm and somewhat sombre cello music plays, as the arena's lights dim. Purple, pink, and blue spotlights come on, giving the inside of the arena the appearance of the evening sky at sunset. Through the curtains, Tasogare no Prince strides smoothly and confidently. Huge face pop! He pauses at the top of the ramp for a moment, smelling the white orchid in his right hand and smiling to himself. His eyes appear to be almost closed as they walk slowly and gracefully to the ring, enjoying the orchid's fragrance as he does.] KM: ... YS: Don't even start. KM: I won't make a comment this time. But don't expect this to be a usual occurence, Yasuo. [Upon reaching ringside, he pauses and smiles at the young girls at ringside which scream his name. He steps towards them, and presents the orchid in his hand to one of them. As she looks up at him in a mixture of gratitude and admiration, he leans forward and kisses her gently upon her forehead.He then climbs into the ring and takes off his long purple trench coat to reveal a thin, yet well muscled frame. He smoothes his silver hair, which goes straight down his back between and past his shoulder blades, and turns to face Horo Atashi and Father Atashi...] YS: What a great duo this is, Kiyoshi. Tasogare No Prince, a legend in this country and all over the world.... while "Firefly" Horo Atashi is a great young wrestler who definitely has the potential to reach that level one day as well. KM: Like the classic heel that I am... I have to disagree with you. TOORIMA and RAVE Yamadera will dominate this match. YS: ... [Father Atashi leaves the ring as Tasogare and Horo Atashi talk to eachother in their corner. Referee, Jiro Tsujimoto, speaks words to both sides before signalling...] "DING!" YS: And this match is officially underway. KM: Indeedy. YS: And it looks as though Tasogare No Prince and TOORIMA will start things off! TOORIMA scored the win last week over Tasogare No Prince's team and Tasogare will be looking to change things this time around. [Tasogare moves gracefully from his corner and into the center of the ring. TOORIMA in turn moves like a predator in his low fighting stance, meeting Prince in the center of the ring. Both men seem to be sizing the other up until TOORIMA suddenly lunges forward, taking Prince down to the mat with a single leg takedown.] YS: And TOORIMA starts this thing off with his classic mat wrestling style. KM: He is a different kinda cat, Yasuo. While all the other juniors want to do backflips... and play gymnastics, TOORIMA just wants to methodically take his man out. [Maintaining hold of the leg, TOORIMA hovers lightly above Tasogare... taking his time until he releases the leg and dives over, catching Prince in a headlock. But Tasogare wiggles his head through, spinning and pulling TOORIMA's arm behind his own back.] YS: Both men are getting to their feet now... TOORIMA is taking his time in searching for an escape. KM: He is in no rush, Yasuo. [And TOORIMA does find the escape in the form of a drop toe hold... and immediately afterwards, TOORIMA jumps back into another headlock, grounding Prince's head into the mat. Bringing himself and Tasogare back to his feet, TOORIMA backs into the ropes... and is pushed off by Prince, being sent into the opposite end.] YS: TOORIMA hits the ropes... and he is coming back now. [Tasogare leapfrogs the oncoming TOORIMA, who then hits into the ropes once more and returns... with a dropkick to the knees... but Tasogare swan dives forward, avoiding the blow... "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh....." Both men return to their feet with TOORIMA getting up the old fashioned way, while Tasogare No Prince forward rolled with the swan dive. Quickly moving closer, Tasogare throws forth a chop, which is blocked by the forearms of TOORIMA. The stoic junior then slips around Prince's back and hooks in a waistlock.] YS: These two men are just waiting for the other man to make a mistake. KM: And neither has made it yet. This is just some great technical wrestling. [Hoisting Prince up, TOORIMA drops down to the mat with a waistlock takedown. He immediately slides over the back of Tasogare, hooking in a front facelock. The Prince of the Twilight's hands begin to feel around his opponents torso... until he is dragged up to his feet... and immediately brought back down...] "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." YS: TOORIMA hooks in a bodyscissors on Tasogare No Prince! This is almost like a sleeper or a chokehold, Kiyoshi. KM: Hai, Prince is grounded. Not much of a way to escape this... [And as that is said Horo Atashi has entered the ring, charging across with a boot to the back of TOORIMA's neck. Pop! Releasing the hold, TOORIMA rolls to his feet, looking angrily across the ring as Atashi returns to his corner.] YS: Smart move by Atashi, Tasogare No Prince was trapped right there. KM: If GLORY Satsujin had done that, you woulda called him a cheater! YS: No... KM: Admit it. YS: Nope. KM: And Tasogare is getting up.. [Prince slowly begins to roll slowly to his feet, unrealizing of TOORIMA behind him...] "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: COBRA CLUTCH! KYOUDA... [But Prince moves too quickly, dropping to his knees and swinging his left arm forward, throwing TOORIMA with a modified over-the-shoulder armdrag.] KM: That lucky bastard! YS: TOORIMA is back to his feet and running at Prince! [And Prince catches the oncoming TOORIMA with a picture perfect dropkick to the face, bringing the young junior back to the mat. TOORIMA rolls up once more and this time is able to brush aside the second dropkick... and as Tasogare starts to roll up, he nails the Prince of the Twilight with a dropkick right to the knee.] YS: TOORIMA wasn't fluttered by that flurry... eh...... and was able to take Prince down to the mat with a dropkick that connected right to the knee cap. KM: He is just "keeping it real", Yasuo. YS: Your real hip with the western slang, Kiyoshi. KM: Quit trippin. [Tasogare gets to his feet much more slowly this time and is met by a quickl boot to his knee, which causes him to lean into the ropes. TOORIMA pulls up Prince's leg and sets it onto the middle rope... but Tasogare wants none of it, throwing forth a couple of fists to the face, backing TOORIMA off... but not deterring him...] "SMAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." YS: STIFF European Uppercutt right to Prince's face! That has to hurt! KM: He does em' better than anyone else. [Going back to his original plan, TOORIMA takes a step back... and then forward, throwing a hard boot down onto the exposed kneecap of Tasogare. Prince clutches his knee and drops it from the rope and down to the canvas. TOORIMA grabs onto the leg now, taking a step backwards... and then... kill time.] "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: DRAGONSCREW LEGWHIPPPPAAAAAAH! KM: I love that move. Anytime a man has his knee wrenched is absolutely a stimulating moment for myself as a viewer. YS: You are a sick puppy. KM: Damn straight. [Grabbing hold of Prince's leg, TOORIMA drags him along the canvas and into his corner. He then looks up at his big heavyweight partner and tags him in.] YS: Here comes RAVE Yamadera for the first time here in WAVE! KM: That freak better kick some ass or else..! [And that freak enters the ring slowly, looking down at Prince as TOORIMA continues to hold the leg... and drops down with a big elbow drop across the chest, crushing Prince in the process.] YS: Big elbow drop and... cover! ONE!!!!!!! [Big pop!] YS: Only one! That wasn't enough to hold Tasogare No Prince down... not even for more than a second! KM: I think the way to beat RAVE would be just to give him a nice ole' nipple ring tug. That should do it. [RAVE pulls Tasogare up to his feet, pushing the smaller man into the turnbuckles... and whips him across the ring. He then charges behind him, coming up... and nails Tasogare with a stiff lariat as he hits the turnbuckles, sending him stumbling out into the center of the ring. RAVE charges once more, swinging out his arm... and connecting with a huge lariat to the back of Tasogare's head. Prince crumbles to the mat.] YS: DOUBLE LARIATOOOOOO! Cover! ONE! TWO! [Pop!] YS: And Prince isn't staying down! KM: No he ain't, pahtnah! YS: For some reason I don't think you are taking this match too seriously. Get on the job, Kiyoshi! KM: Yes, Captain! [Pulling Prince up to his feet, RAVE pushes him back into the ropes and irish whips him across the ring. Reaching Yamadera on his return, Prince drops down, baseball sliding between the bigger man's legs and ends up right next to his corner. Pop!] YS: HORO ATASHI is tagged in!! KM: Father Atashi is so excited by these turn of events! [Grabbing onto the ropes, Atashi slings himself up... and jumps off...] YS: Springboard dropkick! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: RAVE Yamadera catches him on his shoulder! He has got him! KM: That is one _dumb_ kid. He looks a little too excited for me. He shouldn't even be wrestling tonight! [But "Firefly" is able to wiggle his way loose from RAVE's grip and slide down the larger man's back...] YS: ATASHI SUNSET FLIP! ONE!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! "Ohhhhhhhhhh!" YS: RAVE Yamadera was almost caught up in that sunset flip! You could tell that he did not expect it right there. KM: I'm still waiting for a tug of the nipple... just a little one. [Both men quickly roll to their feet with Atashi being the quicker, and he just as quickly throws forth multiple palm strikes to the face of Yamadera, staggering him back. And then in a moment of martial arts mastery... Atashi comes with a flurry of lightning fast kicks and chops, giving RAVE no chance to do absolutely anything about it... and then ends it with a spin... and a legsweep! Big pop!] YS: Look at the speed of Atashi. I would even say that he is faster than Tasogare No Prince. KM: I would have to agree, Yasuo. He is a speedy little guy. [And as RAVE gets to his feet, Atashi charges into the ropes behind him, rebounding back and... driving Yamadera's head to the mat with a bulldog. Atashi rolls back to his feet quickly and gets into a crouch behind RAVE...] YS: Atashi is hovering behind RAVE.. KM: Yamadera is getting up! [With RAVE moving to a seated position... Atashi's suddenly shoots his leg forward...] "SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" YS: KICK TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD!! KM: He could of knocked him out! That has to hurt! YS: The cover! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." YS: Kicks out right after two. KM: What is Atashi doing? [Quickly bouncing to his feet, young Horo looks outside to Father Atashi and points to the top rope. Father Atashi nods.] YS: High risk time! KM: Horo's running to the ropes! [And as Atashi reaches the ropes, he grabs onto them and slings himself up. The "Firefly" gains his balance, looking down, crouching and...] YS: TOORIMA grabs onto Atashi's leg! He walked from his corner all the way around here, just to stop him! KM: And Atashi is caught up there! YS: And here comes Tasogare! [The bolting Tasogare No Prince sprints across the ring, running right to TOORIMA and... in a dead leap...] "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" YS: FLYING HEADSCISSORS! KM: Holy! YS: Tasogare No Prince just leaped over the ropes, onto TOORIMA's shoulders and both men just flew off the edge of the ring! That was amazing! KM: And TOORIMA hit the outside matting hard, Yasuo. YS: Hai, but now this leaves Horo Atashi all alone! [But suddenly RAVE is up to his feet and throws a fist forward, connecting with Atashi's stomach. Horo sits down on the turnbuckles now, clutching his stomach, and hearing the instructions of his father.] YS: RAVE Yamadera was able to recover during that skirmish with TOORIMA and he now has Atashi hurt.... he's climbing the turnbuckles! KM: Little Atashi is about to be in some big pain! [RAVE grabs Atashi's head, pulling him in and into suplex position. "Firefly" immediately struggles, throwing fists into the stomach of Yamadera... which causes the bigger to release. Atashi then grabs on the ropes, turns to the side... and... "SMAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Nails RAVE Yamadera with a kick right to the side of the head! RAVE clutches his head, falling backwards...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!" YS: RAVE Yamadera falls back to the mat! That kick caught him right on the temple! KM: He kicked him _hard_. YS: And now Atashi is perched on the top rope... [Moving to a perfectly vertical base, Atashi takes a moment.... balancing... and then flying...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" YS: TIME TO COME HOME! 450 SPLASH!! COVER! ONE! TWO!!! THREE!! "DING!" [BIG POP!] HI: And the winners of this match... "FIREFLY" HORO ATASHI... and TASOGARE NO PRINCUUUUUU!!!! YS: And Prince and Atashi will be going into Junior Crowning with a win. KM: But what are the odds of them winning the whole thing? Low. YS: I think either man has what it takes to win the tournament and I would say that Tasogare No Prince is the favorite as well. [Prince has rolled himself into the ring, greeting Atashi as he stands up. The two have their hands raised by Tsujimoto.] KM: TOORIMA can't take this loss too badly going into Junior Crowning, Yasuo. I would say he is a favorite if he has his head in the game! YS: He could quite possibly be a favorite. KM: Damn straight. YS: Now it is time to find out who will be entering in the 8th spot of the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Tournament. KM: HERO Ishikawa time! YS: Yes.. and Genichi Yoemon time! KM: Egh. Let's get this sumbitch going! [The shot cuts from Prince and Atashi leaving the ringside area and back to the ring, where Hideki Ito is standing.] HI: It is time for our next match of the evening... and it is a singles match scheduled for one fall. The winner of this match will be the eighth entrant in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament. [A small pause as Ito clears his throat.] HI: Introducing first... he stands at 5'10" and weighs in at 225 pounds... he is... "CRAZY LEGS" YOEMON...... GENICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! [Face pop! "Staying Alive" by the Beejees hits the speakers.] YS: And this has to be the biggest match in Genichi Yoemon's career up to this point. KM: That dope probably doesn't even realize it! [The figure of Genichi Yoemon suddenly darts from the curtains, charging down to the ring with a smile blazed on his face. He rolls into the ring quickly, jumping to his feet with his arms in the air. He points out to the crowd as he moves into the center of the ring... pausing... and then dancing. Mad laughter pop!] KM: He has no clue. Look at him get down! He is about to be fighting HERO "Fucking" Ishikawa, Yasuo! YS: Indeed he will be... but Genichi just wants to have some fun, Kiyoshi! [As the dance theme dies down, Yoemon walks to his corner and points at some of the nearby fans.] HI: And his opponent... he stands at 5'8" and weighs in at 180 pounds... HERO ISHIKAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ["Holding out for a hero" by Bonnie Tyler hits the speakers.] KM: Our hero is here! YS: He's not my hero. KM: Who would want you as a fan, Yasuo? You big ole' glass wearin, pencil neck, nose pickin', gum chewin' son of a... YS: Kiyoshi. KM: Sorry... just some pent up aggression. Muwhahaha. [And suddenly HERO steps out of the curtains bounds down the entrance way, throwing DA FIST~! into the air, to a BIG HEEL POP as he twirls in place spinning and spinning and spinning and spinning, coming to a rest flexing! He swings his head side to side, walking down to the ring with a swagger.] #I need a hero!# #I'm holding out for a hero to the end of the night# #He's gotta be strong and...# #He's gotta be fast and...# #He's gotta be fresh from the fight!# [A well toned athlete though small of stature compared to most, his body isn't ripped lean but rather lithe and athletic. His hair is short and dark with dyed blond highlights. HERO carries himself in a very smug, confident manner... you can just tell he's an asshole. And he is... trust me. Remember that guy in high school who sat behind you cheating off you and shooting spitballs at you all while hitting on the head cheerleader? Imagine him... but without a cheerleader... His outfit consists of baby blue surfer/beach style shorts (down to knee length) with black knee pads underneath and black amateur style wrestling shoes, his wrists taped in white with a strip of blue overtop.] #I need a hero!# #I'm holding out for a hero till the morning light# #He's gotta be sure and...# #He's gotta be soon and...# #He's gotta be larger then life!# [Hopping deftly onto the apron, he poses with DA FIST~! one more time before blowing a kiss to a group of giggling high school girls... crotch chopping them right after! Slingshotting himself in, he tumbles across the mat, popping to his feet in a corner, hands on his hips, smile on his face... and the music dies away.] KM: HERO Ishikawa rules! He is so damn swank! YS: Control yourself, Kiyoshi. Your like one of those excited high school girls. KM: Shut up, Yasuo. [Kensuke Noguchi moves inbetween the two athletes... brings up his hands and...] "DING!" YS: We are underway! KM: Quit it with the underway... sounds like were on a frickin voyage or something. YS: There is a lot on stake here in this match... HERO Ishikawa vs Genichi Yoemon... winner goes into the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament. KM: You speak like a poet, Yasuo. [Moving towards the center of the ring, Yoemon takes a long look across the ring at Ishikawa before... breaking out into... the crowd suddenly lets out some HUGE LAUGHTER!] KM: Oh my god.. YS: MACARENA!!!!!!! KM: Someone please murder Genichi Yoemon... please murder him. [Once Yoemon decides to stop, he points at HERO Ishikawa, speaking out some words...] KM: Is this goof challenging HERO Ishikawa to a dance off!? HERO is the motherfucking king of swank! YS: And it looks like... is Ishikawa going to accept this challenge? KM: This is a _wrestling_ match... not a dance competition! [HERO steps towards Yoemon and to the center of the ring, shaking his head at the dance king... and then he breaks out into dance! Laughter!] YS: He is dancing! KM: What the hell!? YS: Is this some kind of hip hop style? KM: Shutup, Yasuo. [HEEL POP!] YS: That bastard! HERO Ishikawa just shoved his thumb into Yoemon's eye! KM: Ha ha! The only purpose of that dance was to trick that big dummy! [Oozing in maximum rudoness, Ishikawa swings his arms down... *crotch chop!* Heel pop! He then takes another step towards Yoemon and stomps down on the dance king's foot. Yoemon stumbles backwards as he has his other foot stomped on now, sending him to fall back into the turnbuckles.] KM: Good ole' fashioned foot stomping! I can't get enough of this! YS: HERO Ishikawa grabs onto the ropes... and he is stomping a mudhole into "Crazy Legs" Genichi Yoemon's stomach! KM: And down Yoemon goes to the mat! [And as Yoemon drops, HERO immediately brings his boot up, placing it across Ishikawa's face... and pushes forward... "Ohhhhhhh.."] YS: BOOTSCRAPE! KM: This is exactly why I love the rudo's so much, Yasuo. I can't get enough of it! YS: Hai, HERO Ishikawa has his boot up again... another BOOTSCRAPE!! [HERO hops out of the turnbuckle area, bouncing up and down in a cocky manner... *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* Heel pop!] KM: Is there anything better than this!? [Until he turns back... and runs forward.... "SMAAAAAAAAAAAACK!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.." Nailing Yoemon with a dropkick right to the head!] KM: Crap! He just blasted Yoemon right in the face! YS: And "Crazy Legs" has rolled to the outside of the ring.. KM: He wants none of Ishikawa. YS: But he does want a spot in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Tournament and that is what he is fighting for right now! [Ishikawa, getting back up to his feet, looks down at Yoemon on the outside of the ring. The King of Swank then turns and charges into the ropes, hitting the opposite side and coming back....] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!" YS: TOPE!!!! Right through the middle and top ropes! KM: HERO Ishikawa is insane! That was the best damn looking tope I have ever seen, Yasuo! Eat your heart out, Tasogare No Prince! [As Yoemon is laid out, leaning on the guardrails, Ishikawa is already getting back to his feet.] YS: HERO is back up after that daredevil-like manuever... and he is bringing Yoemon back up to his feet. KM: Hopefully HERO Ishikawa will murder Yoemon here tonight... would save my assasin the trouble. YS: Righhhhht.... [HERO Ishikawa holds onto his opponents arm and irish whips Yoemon across the ringside area... "CRAAAAAAAAAAASSH!" And right into the steel guardrail. The dashing form of Ishikawa charges behind and leaps up, landing with his legs around Yoemon's shoulders...] *crotch chop!* YS: HURRACARANNA! KM: Crotch chop hurracaranna! It doesn't get much better than that, Yasuo. YS: Genichi Yoemon is down on the mat, clutching his head from the impact of the floor. HERO Ishikawa... bringing Yoemon back to his feet... and he rolls him back into the ring. [And as Yoemon is rolled back into the ring, Ishikawa pulls himself up onto the apron before moving to the turnbuckle.] YS: HERO Ishikawa is scaling the turnbuckles now.. KM: Genichi is getting up! [Immediately as Yoemon catches glimpse of whats happening it is too late... Ishikawa leaps with a 180 turn on the turnbuckle, landing and then diving backwards...] "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" YS: MOOONSAULTOOOOOOO!! KM: And Ishikawa caught Yoemon perfectly across the upper torso and both men are down! YS: Ishikawa has the leg hooked! ONE!!!! TWO!! YS: But it isn't enough! Genichi Yoemon kicks out. [Ishikawa immediately rolls back to his feet, turning to stare down upon the fallen Yoemon. "Get up JACKERASS!!" is heard coming out of HERO's mouth and a few jeers are heard in response.] YS: HERO Ishikawa isn't a very polite man, is he? KM: Eh... no. If I were Genichi Yoemon... I would just stay on the damn mat. YS: But you know Genichi will never stay down. [And on cue with that, Yoemon begins to roll to his feet... his eyes coming into view of the crouched and taunting Ishikawa... who then grabs the dance king and irish whips him across the ring.] YS: Genichi Yoemon is whipped across the ring... leapfrog by Ishikawa! KM: Ahh! Yoemon stopped! [Stopping right behind Ishikawa, Yoemon reaches his arms back... and takes the former Sex Dog down with a neckbreaker. Pop!] YS: AH! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: HERO Ishikawa kips up! KM: That neckbreaker did absolutely nothing to him, Yasuo! [Staring right at the rising Yoemon, HERO throws his arms down in a taunt... *crotch chop!* And Yoemon charges right at him...] YS: LARIATO... OH! HERO ducks! [And Ishikawa wraps his arms around Yoemon's waist... and Yoemon runs into the ropes, grabbing onto them. Ishikawa is shoved backwards from the momentum of this, and backrolls to his feet.] YS: A good escape by Genichi Yoemon. KM: Eh.. it was decent. Nothing special. He's no GLORY Satsujin, Yasuo. [Charging out from the ropes, Yoemon heads right for HERO Ishikawa... but is caught with a hurracaranna! But as Ishikawa starts to fall backwards, Yoemon just drops him down shoulder first onto the mat with a powerbomb... "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" Big pop! And then rolls over while maintaining hold of the legs.] YS: JACKNIFE POWERBOMB!! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! THR.... YS: HERO barely kicks out! Genichi Yoemon almost had him right there! Maybe this isn't such an unfair match after all, Kiyoshi. KM: Give me a break. He caught HERO Ishikawa off guard for about a second. YS: It only takes three seconds... and HERO Ishikawa is rolling out of the ring now... he obviously needs a breather here. KM: He is just regaining his composure, Yasuo. YS: He better not take too long... because here comes GENICHI!! [The dance legend grabs onto the top ropes, sizing up the unattentive Ishikawa... and shoots himself over... "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" And lands right onto the rudo with a big plancha!] YS: Slingshot plancha! Ishikawa goes down hard into the mat! KM: Genichi Yoemon is suicidal! What is he doing!? YS: He is trying to win this match and keep his spot in the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Tournament... that is what he is doing! [Getting back to his feet, Genichi Yoemon slowly climbs onto the apron, standing up and then turning back to Ishikawa. And as soon as HERO can get up and turn around... Yoemon runs forward...] "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" "THUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!" YS: APRON DIVE SENTON HITS NOTHING BUT HARD FLOOR! HERO Ishikawa ducked right in time! KM: HERO Ishikawa just has too much damn awareness, Yasuo. Yoemon won't be able to get him with all these crazy moves. YS: Kensuke Noguchi is up to a ten count here... [HERO Ishikawa rolls himself into the ring now, rolling to his feet and leaning against the turnbuckles.] YS: And Yoemon hasn't made a move yet on the ground... the count is growing! [Hideki Ito's voice now goes in unison with Noguchi's with the count..] HI: 12... 13.... 14.... 15.... [Yoemon is on his knees now, his right hand resting on the ring apron.] 16... 17... 18... [Suddenly Yoemon grabs onto the bottom rope and slides himself into the ring. The fans applaud Yoemon as he is able to get back in.] YS: Genichi Yoemon is back in the ring... and HERO Ishikawa is stomping all over Crazy Legs. KM: Stompin' a mudhole in him... hyuk! [Taking a step back, Ishikawa measures Yoemon up... BIG MOVE POP!] YS: FISTDROPUU!!!!! KM: The effectiveness of those fists never seem to amaze me. Ishikawa could probably knock out Lennox Lewis in about five seconds for god sakes! YS: You are insane. You need help. [Waiting for Yoemon to get to his feet, HERO throws his arms down... *crotch chop!* And then brings his arms up and takes them down with a mongolian chop to the shoulders of Yoemon. Genichi drops to a knee.] YS: Mongolian chop by Ishikawa. He is measuring up Yoemon again... *crotch chop!* YS: And another mongolian chop connects! KM: Yoemon is back up to both feet.. [Grabbing Yoemon as he gets up, HERO locks an arm over Genichi's shoulder and sweeps his leg around and backwards...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!" "OHHHHHHHHH!!!" YS: STO! Genichi Yoemon has just been driven into the mat! KM: And where is HERO going now? YS: ... he is heading for the turnbuckles. [As he reaches the turnbuckles, HERO ascends them, climbing all the way up to the top... before turning around to face back into the ring. He has a smug look on his face as he stands up all the way... *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* *crotch chop!* And... a hesitation... *crotch chop!* BIG HEEL POP! HERO then looks down at Yoemon in the ring... and leaps off the turnbuckle... his fist raised high in the air...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" YS: FISTDROPU OFF THE TOP ROPE.... DOESN'T CONNECT! KM: Ah! HERO Ishikawa just drove his own hand into the mat! Shit! [Ishikawa yells out in pain as he immediately rolls to his feet, clutching his hand. Capitalizing on his opponents misfortune, Yoemon rolls to his feet and runs at Ishikawa...] "THWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" YS: LARIATOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! [And HERO Ishikawa flings backwards, rolling over his neck to lay stomach first on the mat.] KM: That was uncalled for! He could of broken my HERO's neck! YS: Look at Genichi Yoemon! [Yoemon yells out to the gods or the fans, whichever suits you best, and stares, with the most intense look he has ever had on his face, right at the rising Ishikawa.] YS: Genichi Yoemon is possesed! KM: Look out!! [Genichi bursts forward with wild series of right and left punches, staggering HERO into the ropes. Grabbing onto Ishikawa's arm, Yoemon whips him across... but HERO reverses it... and catches Yoemon with an armdrag. Genichi slides across the mat, rolling to his feet and comes after HERO once again... and falls to another lightning fast armdrag.] KM: He has too much energy and not enough skill, Yasuo. He falls for everything that HERO has planned for him! YS: Hai. [And as Yoemon rolls back to his feet, Ishikawa is the aggressor this time as he charges at Yoemon with his full arm extended... but Yoemon ducks the attempted lariat and catches HERO by the head as he turns around...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!" "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: GENICHI YOEMON ACE CRUSHER!!!!!!!! COVERAH!!! ONE!!!! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: HERO Ishikawa kicked out after only one. These fans cannot believe it! KM: Genichi Yoemon can't win this battle, Yasuo! [Yoemon can't even seem to believe it as he rolls to his feet, staring down at the rising young junior punk. He loses his look of bewilderment as he snaps back to where he is and grabs Ishikawa by his spikey hair, pulling him towards the turnbuckles.] YS: Genichi Yoemon has HERO near the turnbuckles... and he lifts him up and onto the top turnbuckle! KM: It's high impact time, Yasuo! Someone is about to get hurt! [Ishikawa catches Yoemon with a quick fist to the face which stuns Yoemon for just a mere second... and Genichi quickly fires back with multiple right hands to HERO's face. Yoemon climbs up onto the second turnbuckles, gaining his balance... before going up to the top.] YS: Genichi Yoemon is at the top! He is hooking up HERO... for a superplex! KM: Fight it! Fight it! [But as Yoemon begins to lift, HERO grabs onto the ropes with his opposite hand, keeping him from going anywhere. Ishikawa then lands a couple of quick shots to Yoemon's stomach, causing Genichi to release him. He quickly grabs onto Genichi's head, looking backwards... before dropping off to the outside of the ring... "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" And throwing Genichi downwards... to land neckfirst across the top rope, causing Yoemon to fling back sickly to the mat. HERO meanwhile has landed on his feet.] YS: What was that!? HERO Ishikawa just dropped Genichi Yoemon neck first onto the top rope! And he doesn't have a scratch to show for his drop to the outside! What an athletic freak! KM: He knows what he can do, Yasuo. He knows he can do it _all_. YS: And HERO Ishikawa has climbed up to the apron now... and he is scaling the turnbuckles! [Reaching the top turnbuckles, HERO takes a quick look to the crowd and raises an eyebrow... *crotch chop!* And then turns back to the fallen Yoemon and leaps...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" YS: VIOLENCE JACKOFF FROGSPLASH!!! IT CONNECTED! IT'S OVER! HERO HOOKS THE LEG! ONE!!!!!! TWO!!!!!! THREE....... [Shocked pop!] YS: YOEMON GETS A SHOULDER UP! KM: And HERO seems kinda shocked here, Yasuo. YS: He should be. Genichi Yoemon just kicked out of the Violence eh... Jack... Frogsplash. KM: Can't say the word? YS: I don't want to say it again, Kiyoshi. [Rolling to his feet, an incensed Ishikawa stares a hole through the fallen Yoemon. He then drops into a crouch and motions with his hand for the fallen dance king to get up. The fans begin to stir...] KM: HERO Ishikawa is through with playing around, Yasuo. He wants Genichi Yoemon to get up _now_. YS: And Yoemon is getting up! [Unknowingly and uncaringly, Genichi Yoemon stumbles to his feet... holding his stomach as he turns around... and receives a HERO Ishikawa boot to the stomach! Ishikawa then slips around Yoemon's back and pulls him into an inverted facelock. Gaining his balance and getting ready to use all of his strength, Ishikawa lifts...] YS: Ishikawa has Yoemon up! Yoemon weighs 45 pounds more than him! KM: He has the fighting spirit, Yasuo! His face is just sandwiched together from the energy he is expending! [And as Ishikawa holds Yoemon upside down, he hooks an arm between his legs... and just drops...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" YS: HERO'S WELCOMAHHH!!!!!!!!!! KM: IT'S OVER! [And as Yoemon's slumps over sickly from the version of the Michonoku Driver IIb, HERO hooks a leg.] YS: COVERAH!! ONE!!!!!!!!! TWO!!!!!!!!! THREE!!!!!!!! "DING!" [HEEL POP!] YS: The winner of the match and moving onto the FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament.... HERO ISHIKAWA!!!!!!!!!!!! YS: Genichi Yoemon gave it his all and he still couldn't defeat HERO Ishikawa. KM: He's the king of swank... whatcha gonna do? YS: So now all the competitors are official for the tournament and we will be showing the brackets right after the main event. KM: Main event? I thought this was the main event... YS: No, Kiyoshi. We still have The Spectre and Dane Black going against... KM: What is it? YS: Wait... I am told that we are going to go backstage now. KM: Uh oh... looks like some breaking developments! [And then the shot cuts to a wide open hallway where a man is sprawled out along the floor.] KM: What the hell? YS: That... that is Dane Black! [A large gash leaks blood from Black's head, soaking the area. The shot then pans out to see a figure of an extremely large man walking with his back turned.] YS: Who is that!? KM: That is the guy who did _this_ to Dane Black! And he is enormous! YS: What the hell!? Let's just send it to the ring where Hideki Ito is standing by.. [The shot cuts from the backstage area and to the ring.] HI: Now it is time for our MAIN EVENT! [Light applause.] HI: The following match is a tag team contest and it is scheduled for one fall... [Quick pause.] HI: Introducing first... he stands at 6'4" and weighs 270 pounds... he is... THE SPECTRUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!! [A deep, whispering voice comes in over the P.A. system, asking "Are you afraid of the dark?" The lights suddenly cut out, plunging the crowd into a thick, choking blackness. "Beautiful People" by Maralyn Manson floods the arena with its cacophany as a single red spotlight falls on The Spectre, who emergerges from the back. His dreadlocked black hair falls in front of his face, which is bathed in a grisly red mask from the single spotlight. Spectre pauses at the top of the aisle, holding his taped arms out to the sides, and slightly raised before he walks to the ring, ignoring the fans in attendance.] YS: Who is The Spectre's partner going to be now? KM: I don't know. [The Spectre then walks over Hideki Ito, speaking words with the ring announcer.] YS: Why is he talking to Hideki Ito? [Ito nods to The Spectre.] HI: And his new partner... he is... SHARKEY SHUUUUUUUUULTZ!!!!!!!!!! [Before the sounds of Helmet & House of Pain's "Just Another Victim" manages to escape the P. A. System, the snarling and blood-thirsty Irishman - Sharkey Schultz - comes power walking through the curtain with definite signs of "piss & vinegar" coursing through his veins.] YS: Hey.. who the hell is this!? KM: That looks like the same guy that was walking away from Dane Black! YS: And now this monster is The Spectre's partner tonight!? KM: I think this was all planned. YS: Of course it was all planned! The Spectre told Hideki Ito to announce Sharkey as his new partner. [Stalking angrily down the aisle, Schultz lets a few of his favorite four letter words fly in the direction of the Japanese fans, even managing to threaten one with a backhand. With the urging of security, Sharkey rethinks things and turns his focus back to the battleground that lies before him.] KM: I can't blame The Spectre for having this guy as a partner instead of Dane Black... I mean... look at him! He is a crazy, fat, mean, humongous monster! He is threatening the fans with a smack or two even! YS: When was the assault on Dane Black planned? How did these two meet? KM: You have questions... and I have no answers, Yasuo. [Finally arriving at the squared circle, the man-beast rolls under the bottom rope and assists himself back to his fit as quickly as a near four hundred pounder possibly can. Dusting off his knees, Sharkey turns his ice cold stare towards the aisle and cracks his well taped knuckles .. hungrily awaiting the arrival of his prey .. mouthing the next few lines of the song.] # Just another victim # You're just another victim, kid # Just another victim # You're just another victim, kid [As the song begins to die down, Sharkey takes off back and forth across the ring - hitting the strands a few times to loosen up, before coming to screeching hault in the center of the ring and throwing a few punches in the air. The music dies away.] HI: And their opponents... they are... ONISHI... KENTAAAAAA! AND KOMURA....... MITSUAKI!!!!!!!!!! ["Glay" by Kanojo hits the speakers... and out come Komura and Onishi, side by side, looking out to the crowd...] "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: The Spectre and Sharkey Shultz have left the ring! And they are going up the aisleway to meet Komura and Onishi! KM: Fight time! [The music abruptly stops as Onishi and Komura suddenly charge at the two gaijins.] YS: Brawl! Onishi and The Spectre are going at it! Komura and Shultz are trading blows! KM: This is crazy! [Noguchi quickly leaves the ring, turning towards the time table and motioning...] "DING!" YS: And Noguchi has just decided to start this thing right now! He isn't about to try and force these warriors to get into the ring! KM: He would get killed! [The Spectre stuns Onishi against the guardrail with a stiff right fist. He then takes a step back... before running forward...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" YS: BACKBODY DROP! Onishi backdropped The Spectre into the crowd! KM: Shultz is beating Komura down to the ground! There is action everywhere! [As his fists connect to a kneeled Komura, Shultz suddenly grabs onto Komura's head... and headbutts him right between the eyes! Komura slumps back to the ground. Kenta Onishi hops over the guardrail, grabbing onto the rising Spectre's head. He throws in a couple of fists to Spectre's face, stunning him, before leading the dark gaijin through the crowd and towards the ring.] YS: Kenta Onishi is bringing The Spectre back towards the ring now. These fans are definitely not getting in the way of these two powerful individuals. KM: I wouldn't. YS: Sharky Shultz is now bringing Komura up now... [Pulling Komura up, Sharkey pauses for a moment before taking Mitsuaki by his head... and pulling him into a standing headscissors.] "Ohhhhhhhhh...." YS: Standing headscissors... this could be bad for Komura! KM: It is going to be bad! [The Irishman bends down and hooks Komura's legs, yells out a curse or two, and then lifts up....] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" YS: POWERBOMB!!!!!!! KM: KOMURA'S DEAD! YS: Powerbomb right onto the concrete floor! This monster just killed Mitsuaki Komura! [Many fans seem to be concerned as look over the guardrails. Shultz does not however, as he just takes his big 390 pound frame away from the hurt man... and walks back towards the ring like nothing had happened.] YS: Sick son of a bitch. KM: He certainly fits the bill. YS: Kenta Onishi has The Spectre near the ringside guardrail... [And The Spectre suddenly shoots up a right hand, catching Onishi right in the jaw. Onishi clutches his face, leaning against the rail, before The Spectre takes him by his head and tosses him over the guardrail.] YS: The Spectre is following after Onishi... takes him by the head and rolls him into the ring. KM: We first thought this was going to be a 2 on 1 against the Spectre... but now Onishi is the one without a partner! [Following into the ring behind Onishi, The Spectre brings the young rookie up to his feet, and pushes him into the turnbuckles. He then brings up his elbow into the neck of Onishi and chokes him, causing Noguchi to start up a count... 1... 2... 3...] YS: And The Spectre finally releases. He is bringing Onishi out from the turnbuckles now... [Pop!] YS: Onishi is fighting back! [Suddenly stunning The Spectre with a forearm shot to the face, Onishi comes with more and more forearm shots. The Spectre stumbles back a few steps before being able to return fire with a _hard_ fist of his own, which rocks Onishi backwards.] KM: That was a tooth rattler! YS: The Spectre turns into Onishi... and takes him down to the mat with a headlock takedown! KM: It looks like Komura could be done for this match. WAVE staff officials are coming out and checking on him... [The staff members slowly begin to help Komura to his feet before help him back to the locker room.] KM: For some reason... I don't think he is coming back, no? YS: Hai... and it looks like this rookie is going to have to go at it alone with two monster gaijins. KM: This is bad for Onishi. [Both men roll up to their feet as The Spectre maintains hold of the headlock. Onishi throws forth a couple of forearms to the stomach, attempting to cause The Spectre to release... but it only causes him to transition into a front facelock.] YS: The Spectre has the frotn face lock cinched in and.. he is moving to his corner... and tags out to Sharkey Shultz! KM: Sharkey! [The very large Shultz, steps through the ropes and into the ring, sending a boot to Onishi's exposed stomach. The Spectre lets go of the facelock and Shultz jumps in with another boot... which knocks Onishi back to the mat.] YS: That heavy boot of Sharkey just dropped Kenta... and now Shultz is pulling Kenta back up... KM: He has him hooked! "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!" KM: Fat man belly to belly suplex! YS: ... KM: What!? Fat guys in wrestling _rule_. [Waiting for Kenta to rise back to his feet, Shultz connects with a couple of stiff forearm shots to the face. Onishi stumbles into the ropes before being grabbed by Sharkey and irish whipped across the ring. Kenta hits into the ropes coming back right into a... Pop!] YS: FLYING ELBOW SMASH! Onishi got him! [Sharkey tumbles to the mat before rolling slowly back to his feet only to be caught by a couple of forearm shots... backing him into the ropes... and Onishi throws him across the ring with an irish whip...] "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" YS: ROLLING ELBOW! DOWN GOES SHULTZ! KM: Ahh! [Quickly capitalizing on the downed big man, Onishi slips behind Shultz, pulling him up to a seated position, and brings his arm over... submission pop!] YS: DRAGON SLEEPER HOLDAH! KM: OHH! He has Sharkey locked in! YS: The Spectre is coming... [Big heel pop!] YS: And a boot to the head breaks it up! [The Spectre holds his hands out as Noguchi forces him to go back to his corner. Onishi recovers quickly and drags Shultz to his feet.] YS: Kenta Onishi has Sharkey up and irish whips him across the ring! Onishi charges into the opposite ropes... both men running! KM: Insanity! [And as both men near eachother, Onishi throws out his large arm... "Ohhhhhhhhhhh..." But Sharkey ducks under the attempted lariat, turning back at Onishi...] "THWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!" YS: YAKUZA KICK! KM: AHH! ONISHI IS UP! [There is a huge roar from the fans as Onishi rolls right to his feet, letting out a yell of his own and charging at Shultz... but runs right into a stiff jaw jarring elbow! "Ohhhhhhhhhhh...". Sharkey then ducks down, gripping around Onishi's side...] "THUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUD!!!!!!!" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" YS: DANGEROUS BACKDROP DRIVAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! KM: NECK DROPPER! YS: COVER! ONE!!!!! TWO!!!!! THREE!!!!!! "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." YS: NO! Onishi got a shoulder up at the very last moment! [Big feet stomping.] KM: He kicked out of the backdrop driver! That is amazing! YS: Kenta Onishi has heart, Kiyoshi. His fighting spirit is strong but this has to be just too big of a challenge for him tonight. [Sharkey shakes his head as he lets some spit fly from his mouth. He stands up slowly to his feet and lazily makes his way across the ring, tagging in Spectre.] YS: And The Spectre is tagged in! He enters the ring and approaches Onishi.. [The Spectre slowly stalks behind the young man, who is now just getting to his knees after having been neck-dropped. The Spectre waits slowly behind him... moving his hands up... until he lunges downwards.] "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" YS: KATAIJIME! ON THE MAT! [The fans scream as The Spectre hooks it in... and then drops to his back, scissoring the body of Onishi.] KM: He has him completely _hooked_ in... and Onishi has no one to help him! YS: Noguchi is checking for the submission now! [As Noguchi slides to the mat, Onishi reaches his arms out to the air helplessly. The fans begin to rally...] "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" "ONISHI!" YS: These fans are chanting Onishi's name! They are trying to will this man on! KM: He's done, Yasuo. [Onishi's eyes are almost closed now as he still dangles his arms out... Noguchi suddenly turns away and motions.] "DING!" HI: And the winners of the match... SHARKEY SHULTZ AND THE SPECTRRUUUUUUU!!!!!! YS: IT'S OVER! The ref had to end the match! Onishi wasn't getting out and Noguchi didn't want any long term damage to occur. KM: This team of The Spectre and Sharkey Shultz will be dominant, Yasuo. There is no doubt about that. YS: Onishi fought strongly while he could... but he was just too outmatched. Two on one? Even if he had to go against either Sharkey or The Spectre one on one... I don't think he has enough experience to last even then. [Shultz and The Spectre have their hands raised by Noguchi in the ring, as Onishi is helped out of the ring by some of the ring boys.] YS: It is a shame what happened. KM: Where the hell is my FSJ Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament bracket, Yasuo? YS: Well... I guess now is as good a time as any! Goodnight WAVE fans! And as we leave you tonight... here is bracket! We will see you at JUNIOR CROWNING!! [And the scene fades from the a shot of the gaijins in the ring to a graphic which lists the first round matches for the tournament.] GLORY Satsujin vs Takeo Tazaki - Tasogare No Prince vs Kazuhiro GOLD TOORIMA vs Akira Shinashi - "Firefly" Horo Atashi vs HERO Ishikawa [Fade to black.] Credits: GLORY Satsujin vs Rift: Alan TnP and Horo Atashi vs TOORIMA and RAVE Yamadera: Rob HERO Ishikawa vs Genichi Yoemon: Rob The Spectre and Sharkey Shultz vs Kenta Onishi and Mitsuaki Komura: Rob