Wrestler Name: TOORIMA Height: 5'9 Weight: 209 lbs. Hometown: Kyoto, Japan Allignment (Face/Heel): Cocky Heel Physical Features: TOORIMA has a very well rounded, impressive physique. He's not incredibly muscular, but more of a solid, minimal body fat type. Picture the likes of Jamie Noble, but with a tad more bulkiness, and you'll get the idea. His skin is the typical Asian complexion, but a bit more tan than others. He has a smooth face, free of scars and facial hair. A blank, ice-cold look is always there. TOORIMA has short, spiky black hair dyed crimson at the tips. In-Ring Attire: In action, TOORIMA sports black trunks, covered in somewhat of an Aztec design in red and silver. He wears the low cut, black boots worn by Goldberg, or Dean Malenko. There are two silver buckles going down the front of the boots, there are no laces. Black kneepads, covered in an identical pattern of his trunks. His wrists are taped in white, and he wears a strip of tape on each of his fingers. Casual Attire: When not showcasing his gift in battle, TOORIMA always makes an effort to look very well presented. His usual look is a pair of neatly pressed black slacks and a tight black t-shirt, though he may switch it up from time to time, depending on the occasion. TOORIMA stays well groomed and cleanly shaven. A pair of thin, mirror tinted sunglasses usually adorn his face. Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): TOORIMA considers all spectators and other competitors of puroresu beneath him, so rather than spewing out rude comments, inappropriate gesticulations, or other attempts to create bad taste, he just chooses not to bother, and keep his feelings within himself. By no means is TOORIMA a mystic…just an asshole. Theme Music: 'What's Really Good' by The Diplomats Ring Entrance: [The arena lights dim to a depressing gray as 'Whats Really Good' by The Diplomats slowly begins to blare through the arena speakers. Slowly, TOORIMA emerges from behind the curtain draped in a long, sleeveless black leather coat that extends down to his shins. The coat has many silver buckles arranged vertically down the front. TOORIMA wears the collar popped. A pair of black sunglasses with a jagged, buzzsaw like silver frame adorn his face. TOORIMA slowly walks to the middle of the isle, stopping midway, and glaring in a way that seems to be aimlessly at the center of the ring. He resumes his stride. TOORIMA finally reaches his destination and slowly walks up the ring stairs and enters the ring. He remains still in his corner] ENTER INTRODUCTION HERE, WITH PROPER FAN RECEPTION [TOORIMA removes the sunglasses from his face, and slowly undoes each buckle on the leather coat, folds it, and places it neatly on the ring apron. His ring attire consists of black trunks covered in a red and silver Aztec-like design, low cut black boots, and black kneepads displaying the same design on his tights. His wrists are taped in white, and a strip of tape is around each finger. He begins to stretch as he awaits the sound of the bell.] History (Backround information): Not much is known of TOORIMA, hence the meaning, phantom assassin. What is known is that TOORIMA is the first graduate of the Gekitou Dojo. His trainers are not known. Wrestling Style: Pure, precise SCIENTIFIC wrestling. What he calls scientific wrestling is a mixture of Greco-roman, basic technical, and basic chain wrestling. Think vintage Malenko, or Owen Hart. Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: TOORIMA prefers not to compete in garbage wrestling. Moveset: (Between 15-30) 1. European Uppercuts 2. Dropkick to the knee 3. Hooking Clothesline 4. Fireman's carry, single leg, and every other basic takedown that's out there. 5. Arm Dragon Screw 6. Dragon Screw leg whip 7. Gutbuster. Pancake, fireman's carry, etc. 8. Suplexes. Snap, German, Dragon, Northern Lights, etc. He does 'em all. Suplex freak would be an understatement. 9. Pump Handle/Underhook/Tilt a Whirl Back Breaker 10. Neckbreaker 11. Fireman's carry armbreaker 12. Powerbomb occasionally flips over for the pin. 13. Brainbuster 14. Ipponzei into jujigatame 15. Elevated Half Crab 16. Dragon Sleeper 17. hiza jujigatame 18. Gory Special 19. Sickle Hold 20. GokuRaku-gatame 21. Mexican Surfboard 22. STIFF Knife edge chops. He's perfected these. 23. Running Calf kick(Malenko, Spanky style) Finisher's: KYOUDAN CLUTCH-TOORIMA applies a cobra clutch on his opponent. He'll wait a few moments. If the opponent doesn't submit, he'll turn the hold into a cobra clutch suplex, hold on, and keep him on the mat into a cobra clutch with leg scissors. This is his primary finisher. SHUURAJOU-TOORIMA sits on the top rope and his opponent is standing before him. TOORIMA stands up, bends his opponent over and applies a double underhook, and lifts his opponent in the air vertically. TOORIMA then jumps off and lands on his knees, dropping the victim on his head. FROZEN FLAME~! TOORIMA bends his opponent down into a powerbomb position, and lifts him up into a crucifix position where he holds him there for a few seconds. He then bends his knees and tosses his opponent straight up. On the victims way down, TOORIMA grabs his neck and sits down into a neckbreaker. Not a falling neckbreaker, but he sits down. This is THE last ditch. It's only used when his opponent just refuses to die. Three Strengths: 1. Precision-All of his moves are executed in precise, crisp, and extremely STIFF fashion, so the full effect is always there. He's a perfectionist. 2. Ring Psychology-TOORIMA is EXTREMELY smart, especially for a rookie. The counters and ring awareness are down pact. 3. Strength-For a man his size, TOORIMA possesses great strength. Three Weaknesses: 1. Inexperience-He's a rookie. 2. No brawling ability. When it's taken to the extreme, he usually gets his ass whipped. 3. Due to TOORIMA's cocky attitude, it's especially difficult for him to find allies.