Wrestler Name: Takeo Tazaki Height: 5'10 Weight: 182 Hometown: Osaka, Japan Allignment (Face/Heel): face Physical Features: Tattooed to high hell, with dark skin on a compact frame. Takeo has short black hair in a buzzcut, with a clean shaven face. His upper body shows just the slightest hint of gym time, with kanji tattooed down his chest in perfectly straight lines. In-Ring Attire: In the ring, Takeo wears long, loose white wrestling tights and white wrestling boots. Casual Attire: Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): All that needs to be known is that once Takeo was an agent of evil, murdering and committing heinous acts of vengeance for a Japanese Syndicate. An epiphany changed his ways, and now he is on His side, fighting the good fight. Theme Music: Ring Entrance: (Write this out in the [ ] format, this will be copied and pasted when your wrestler is introduced on the show) ["Down In A Hole" by Alice in Chains begins to play over the loudspeakers as the crowd awaits the arrival of Takeo Tazaki. Moments later they get their History (Backround information): See above. Wrestling Style: (Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) Fearless daredevil with some token skill on the mat Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: Not usually Moveset: (Between 15-30) 1. Koppo kick 2. Skytwister press 3. moonsault legdrop 4. spinning leg lariat 5. springboard 450 6. ropeflip moonsault 7. palm thrust 8. standing moonsault 9. hurricanrana (springboard, normal, avalanche) 10. Asai DDT 11. satelite headscissors 12. dragon suplex 13. Northern Lights bomb 14. fishaman bustaaaah 15. Japanese armdrag 16. swinging armdrag 17. missile dropkick 18. Tornado Ace crusher 19. tilt-a-whirl headscissors 20. cross armbreaker 21. Sickle hold 22. dragon sleeper 23. Tarantula hold Signature Moves: 1. Ropewalk into Tornado DDT 2. Handspring Corkscrew Moonsault Suicida Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) 1. Tazaki Cutter - Shiranui 2. Judgement Day Driver - top rope tornado guillotine facedriver 3. Springboard Spike Rana - springboard into a snapping hurricanrana, landing the victim right on their head. On impact Tazaki hooks the leg for the pin. Three Strengths: 1. Body Control - A marvel of agility and balance, unbelievably light on his feet. With all the daredevil shit he tries, this is essential. 2. Fearless - Beyond just the norm of not being afraid of the top rope, he truly believes that the Almighty is watching over him and that He is on his side. Fears no man, backs down from no encounter. Three Weaknesses: 1. Strength 2. Susceptibility to mat wrestlers