Wrestler Name: Tasogare no Prince (The Prince of Twilight) Height: 5'11" Weight: 190 lbs Hometown: The Twilight Allignment (Face/Heel): The Prince is traditionally a Face in his native Japan. Physical Features: Tasogare no Prince is unusually handsome, with ghostly pale skin deliate facial features. His hair reaches down his back past his waist, and is dyed silvery-grey. He wears deep violet-colored contact lenses. In-Ring Attire: He wears short black boots and loose fitting black leggings tucked into the tops of his boots. His upper body is covered with a tight black top which goes all the way up his neck, but is sleeveless. He wears black fingerless gloves Casual Attire: In public the Prince is always well dressed in a full suit, usually grey or violet in color and a long purple overcoat. He always wears a violet colored pair of sunglasses which consist of one single Personality (His personality and gimmick if he has one): The man known only as Tasogare no Prince -- The Prince of Twilight -- has spent his adult life in pursuit of what he refers to as his "Destiny." However, just precisely what that Destiny is, is apparently known only to him. the Prince chooses to maintain an air of mystery about him at all times, something he picked up while training in Mexico and seeing the luchadores who even kept their masks on in public outside of the wrestling arenas. He literally lives his character and some even wonder if he truly believes that he is the chosen of Destiny! Theme Music: Tasogare no Prince enters the arena to calm, sombre, yet somehow soothing cello music that brings to mind images of flower petals, borne gently on the wind, tumbling across the Twilight sky. Ring Entrance: (Write this out in the [ ] format, this will be copied and pasted when your wrestler is introduced on the show) [Calm and somewhat sombre cello music plays, as the arena's lights dim. Purple, pink, and blue spotlights come on, giving the inside of the arena the appearance of the evening sky at sunset. Through the curtains, Tasogare no Prince strides smoothly and confidently. He pauses at the top of the ramp for a moment, smelling the white orchid in his right hand and smiling to himself. His eyes appear to be almost closed as they walk slowly and gracefully to the ring, enjoying the orchid's fragrance as he does. Upon reaching ringside, he pauses and smiles at the young girls at ringside which scream his name. He steps towards them, and presents the orchid in his hand to one of them. As she looks up at him in a mixture of gratitude and admiration, he leans forward and kisses her gently upon her forehead. He then climbs into the ring and takes off his long purple trenchcoat to reveal a thin, yet well muscled frame. He smooths his silver hair, which goes straight down his back between and past his shoulder blades, and turns to face his opponent...] History (Backround information): Tasogare no Prince, the Prince of Twilight, made his debut in the now defunct WHCW, where he quickly rose in the ranks to become that federation's Cruiser Weight champion. After holding that belt for about 2 months, he left WHCW in search of greener pastures. He ended up in IWC, and was one of the main reasons for the introduction of a Cruiser title in that federation. Although he failed in his quest to become the first IWC Can-Am champion, he suceeded in obtaining the belt after almost 2 months of constant battles with the champion, the only man to beat him in Cruiser weight competition in that federation thus far. After holding the belt for almost 2 months, during which time he defended it on an almost weekly basis, he lost the belt, and left the IWC to join the re-opened Super Japan Pro Wrestling. Upon his debut there, he was immediately entered into the tournament to crown the promotion's first ever Welterweight Champion, a tournament he went on to win. After holding that title for almost 3 months, he lost it to his bitter rival, Yukio Murakami. After the closing of SJPW, the Prince kept out of the public spotlight for several months. He began taking students and training them. His 2 most gifted students, Tooga and Sayonjii, now wrestle as part of his stable, the Shadow Dynasty, as the tag team known as the Bishonen. The Prince is now ready to return to action as the leader of the Shadow Dynasty and obtain the status that he feels has eluded him for too long. Eventually, the Prince returned to action in UEW, leading a heel faction known as the Kageouchou, or "Shadow Dynasty." His students, the Bishonen, established themselves as both the TV and Ultimate Tag titles, and the Prince wasted no time in becoming the fed's Cruiserweight champion, a belt he went on to retire. He then became the fed's Television champion, and was pursuing it's American title when that august organization finally closed its doors. Since then, the Prince has stayed out of the spotlight, waiting for the proper moment to fulfill his Destiny... Wrestling Style: (Multiple styles are okay just don't over-do it) The mysterious man known only as Tasogare no Prince, is the epitome of cruiser weight wrestling. He has obviously trained in both Mexico and Japan, and combines the best elements of both styles in the ring. He feels that only the type of wrestling he embodies, namely, high-flying, high-risk, acrobatics, is worthy of any mention, and frowns on wrestlers who rely solely upon strength and power. Is Your Wrestler willing to compete in death matches?: He would consider such exhibitions beneath him. Moveset: (Between 15-30) 1. Release German Suplex 2. Missile dropkick off the top turnbuckle (lands on his feet) 3. flying headscissors 4. corkscrew plancha 5. tope 6. somersault guillotine leg drop 7. top rope springboard plancha 8. hurancanrana 9. SDF 10. Lion Tamer (a la Chris Jericho) 11. chops (WHOOO!) 12. moonsault 13. shooting star 14. Michinoku Driver 15. Majistra Cradle 16. No Hands Somersault Plancha 17. Tornado DDT 18. Baseball Slide 19. Face Plant (opponent sitting on his shoulders) 20. 450 splash 21. Dropkick 22. Tiger Bomb 23. Tilt-a-Whirl Shoulder Breaker 24. Face Plant (smashes opponent's face into mat while dropping into a sitting position) 25. Quick Succession Legdrops (a la X-Pac) 26. Running Power Bomb (Liger Bomb) Signature Moves: Snapmare into the center of the ring, The Prince then comes off the ropes, delivering a dropkick into the face of his still stunned opponent who is sitting on the mat in an upright position. Scoopslam in the center of the ring, followed by a quick forward somersault guillotine legdrop off the ropes. Baseball slide on opponent outside ring. Followed with a Scoop Slam to the floor, and a springboard moonsault off the metal rail for good measure. Black Diamond Dust: This is essentially Masato Tanaka's Diamond Dust. Destiny Driver(Osaka Street Cutter): From behind his opponent, the Prince grabs them as if to apply an Inverted DDT, then picking them up almost like a reverse Vertical Suplex, but instead he lets them fall farther back so they land on their feet behind him into a "Stunner." Finisher's: (Between 2-5. In puroresu, most wrestlers have multiple finishers.) Nightfall. A modified 450 (actually 360) into a Guillotine Legdrop. (Secondary) Twilight's Thunder. A Swan Dive from the top turnbuckle, into a forward roll and a Senton Splash. (Secondary) Twilight Suplex. Irish whips opponent into far ropes. As opponent bounces back, the Prince does a Springboard moonsault off the top rope nearest him, _over_ the head of his returning opponent, landing on his feet behind him to execute a German Suplex and into the pin. (Primary Finisher) Three Strengths: 1) Tasogare no Prince's major advantage is his uncanny natural sense of balance. He can land on his feet easily from backdrops and other moves which take him off his feet. 2)He is also deceptively strong for his build, able to lift opponents much bigger than him. 3)Tasogare no Prince is at home on the top turnbuckle and ropes, and almost never falls or is knocked off them. Three Weaknesses: 1) He is obsessed with maintaining an air of mystery about him at all times 2) Tends to underestimate opponents who do not wrestle the same style he does, thinking other styles are inferior to his own. 3) Tasogare no Prince is convinced that he has knowledge of his own "destiny" and knows that he will eventually achieve all that he wants. This sometimes causes him to overlook opponents since he feels he cannot possibly lose to them.