The Dictator of Prussia
Hello and welcome to the official website of the Dictator of Prussia. This is an affiliate of the VDPA and is protected by it.

You may wonder how one can be the dictator of a country that doesn't exist, but then ask yourself that same question and you will come up with the answer. You Can't! So with that in mind I am now accepting applications for positions in the site government, so please feel free to E-mail me with your name if you would like to become one of our distinguished members!

members get their name written on the wall of shiny things, so sign up now before the positions fill.

To apply please tell me some things about yourself in the E-Mail and I will fill you in a position!

And remember, a kind regime is evil, "Bread or Club" philosophy is the only way!
This is my flying mansion/rocket
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The Wall of Shiny Things
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Princeps Theodorus's Home Page
Noodles, My Cat
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Rocketry Page by Adam Brown
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My Info:
Name: Voskovitch Chelminsky
Email: [email protected]
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