The Wall of Shiny Things
Where site members are recognized
Okay, I admit it, they are teeth
Princeps Theodorus- 2nd in the leading of stuff and the torturer of cuddley fungi
Krishnavolitch Calmacack-Ambassador to a small patch of dirt near london and to Antarctica
Philvovicy Canclomky-Ambassador to a killer-ant nest near Normandy
Other Positions
Sasha Rass-devon-diey- Sheik of a cactus I keep in my closet
Gordomaeoraroraporae Stanantantantantantantaky-Toilet Bowl Kleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeener
Jacovitch Vicrocamitch- Flag and Card-Board sheild barer
Cicka Yicka Zhangoooooorier- Some guy who preeches the wrongs of comunism
E-mail me!
[email protected]
Home Page
Billiam Willeitch- Head of clamsauce devision
Munions Section
Dignified Members
Munions Page
Princeps Theodorus- head of research dept.
Dr. Andreaus Sheffelian- Head of munion disection dept.
Mattovitch Khoncholieio- Coordinater of affairs in an exeedingly small lake.
Heads of Affairs
Click on pic above for homepage of munions.
Nicolitch Litovitch- Master of Business stuff and Grand Tax Person
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