A t t u n e m e n t

A Sacred Healing Art and Spiritual Practice

Wayne O'Keefe, Certified Attunement Practitioner

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Lloyd Arthur Meeker,

"The purpose of attunement is this:
To establish alignment in the body and mind and heart with the natural forces of being, alignment in the body with the forces of life."

Founder of Attunement

Lloyd Arthur Meeker was born in 1909 in Ferguson, Iowa. As a young man, he worked his way up to a comfortable position with a construction company only to be financially ruined, with many others, in the Great Depression of 1930.

After a sequence of difficult experiences, Lloyd settled in Nashville, Tennessee. With very little worldly resource, he resolved to dedicate his whole concern to a life of giving without concern for results. He developed a healing practice using radiant current through the hands, a process he described as "attunement". In September of 1932 he experienced three successive evenings of specific awakening, writing realizations which would form starting points for his ministry to come. Some years later, Lloyd Meeker adopted the pen-name Uranda. He wrote, taught and traveled extensively, conveying a remarkably practical range of spiritual principle and application in broad, non-sectarian terms. Uranda�s portrayal of the Bible as one story filled with mystical symbolism, history, magic and practicality entranced readers and listeners. His understanding of spiritual healing led many health professionals to attend his lectures and classes.

In August of 1954, Lloyd Meeker�s life came to a sudden and untimely end in a small aircraft crash in the Oakland Bay in California. However, he had left a rich and comprehensive legacy of written and transcribed material as well as several hundred hours of audio taped presentations.


Email: Wayne O'Keefe
519 474 7945
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