Cash Fiesta

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Activity Payrate


Referrals Payment
Surf, Register
1 - 100 c per hour


% 15/ 7/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 3/ 1/ 1
$50 check

- Register with this sponsor only if you spend relatively much time online.

You earn points for surfing with a special ad bar on your screen. The ad bar remains active whenever you are connected to the Internet and the ads are on (compared to Spedia, which is active only when you use Internet Explorer). According to FAQs you can accumulate 600 points an hour, which is of course not true: there's a filthy Cash Fiesta boy (you'll recognize him once you start the program), who does his best to prevent you from getting the points.

- Points are added only when the Fiesta boy is walking. If he is sleeping, move your mouse pointer over him and wake him up (you won't wake him if the ads are not being displayed). Sometimes he sets on a trip along the banners. In this case you have to click on him and bring him back.

It's most possible to earn 500 points an hour.

- The points are added to your account only when you close the Cash Fiesta adbar, so be sure to clo it when online.

When you start the program, make sure that Internet Explorer is set in online mode, otherwise the adbar won't connect to server. You may also receive a bonus of up to 7000 points for actively using the adbar.

Now a bit about the points: At the end of each month they are calculated into cash according to your Individual Payrate, which ranges from 2 c to $2 per 1000 points. The rate depends on the special offers you sign up for. International members will be able to raise their payrate to 30 c per 1000 points signing up for free offers. Even more free offers are available to US residents, which can easily raise their payrate to $1. Gold Membership ($1.66) is almost impossible to achieve. For the rest of offers you have to pay, but if you can spend four hours a day with the adbar this investment will yield much money.

- When signing up for special offers log in to your account first and use the exact email address you used to sign up for Cash Fiesta. Use Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator only!

Signing up for offers is credited at a fixed rate of $1 per 1000 points You can increase your payrate even more if you choose to redeem your money through Cash Fiesta store (US only).

- Keep in mind that your individual payrate is valid for one month only! Next month it will be 1 c per hour again, so do your best to earn minimum payment amount in a month.

Click here to sign up

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