Spedia HR

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Surf, Click, Register, Email, Shop, Games
30 - 70 c per hour; 2.5 - 5 c per email

50 c

% 10/ 5/ 5/ 5/ 5
$30 PayPal, check

Spedia is the oldest and the best sponsor. It is the backbone of online advertising and is most popular with online companies. Spedia has the highest rates and never defrauds its members.

- As you register, subscribe to Power Direct - an emai4-cash program, collaborating with Spedia. The greatest advantage of this program is that you are not obliged to read these emails, you can delete them immediately and still get points.

- We don't advise you to play Spedia games, as the payrate for them is very little.

If you have registered for any of the Spedia Instant cash offers you will be able to make "Fast Points" by visiting those web sites. After you register, the Fast Points will be automatically enabled for the programs that you have registered for. You can make up to 3 Fast Points per click per program per day. You must visit and log into the selected site for at least 1 minute to qualify for Fast Points. The maximum number of payable clicks (Fast Points) per program is 6.

Surfing is conducted with SpediaBar. Every minute one point is added to your account. At the end of each month your points are converted to US dollars.

- The ad bar is active only when you use Internet Explorer. The address in the browser window should change every minute, otherwise, you won't accumulate Spedia points. When the bulb in the upper left corner of the adbar is green, you accumulate points, when it's red or yellow, you get no money.

The rates are as follows: for US residents - 49 c per hour, for International surfers - 30 c per hour; If you surf for two or more hours a day the payrate will be 70 c for US residents and 50 c for International surfers. You won't receive points from your referrals surfing if you don't surf yourselves.

Register with Spedia, you won't regret.

Click here to sign up

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