Fools Is Coming to Salem!

Audition Dates
December 7th and 8th from 5:00-7:00

Show Dates
February 8th and 9th at 7:00 PM and February 10th at 2:00 PM
at the
Salem Middle School Auditorium

Directed by Jordan Dos Santos

Produced through special arrangement with Samuel French, INC.

Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students (K-12). For reservation e-mail us at [email protected]

Fools is a light-hearted romantic comedy set in the small village of Kulyenchikov, Ukraine (Russian Territory), during the late 1800s.

The story starts with Leon Tolchinsky, an ambitious young schoolteacher, arriving in the village of Kulyenchikov. Upon arrival, Leon encounters a rather 'unintelligent' shepherd by the name of "Something Something Snetsky, the sheep loser." After a confusing and tedious conversation with Snetsky, Leon goes off to find the home of his new employer, Doctor Zubritsky.

Leon meets with Doctor Zubritsky and his wife, Lenya, after struggling with the locals (Mishkin the postman, Slovitch the butcher, and Yenchna the vendor). He is introduced to the Zubritsky's daughter, Sophia, and is immediately lovestruck. Alas, she proves to be just as unintelligent as the rest of them, if not more so.

He discovers that the town's idiocy is no accident, that it is a 200-year curse of stupidity cast on them by Vladimir Yousekevich after his son killed himself because the first Sophia Zubritsky (not the doctor's daughter, but rather an ancestor with the same name) was forbidden to see Vladimir's son by her father, who found out the boy was illiterate, and made to marry another man. If Leon can't educate her within 24 hours of his arrival in Kulyenchikov, he, too, will fall victim to the curse. And the curse can only be broken if he can educate Sophia . . . or if she marries a Yousekevich.

As well as idiocy, the people of Kulyenchikov are also incapable of loving. Still, even without love, the last of the Yousekevich line, Count Gregor, proposes to Sophia twice a day. With more motivation than ever, Leon strives to educate Sophia. Try as he might, 9 o'clock rolls around, as announced by the magistrate, and all seems to be lost.

After a few more twists and turns there is a happy ending, but you will have to come and see this funny play to find out just how it ends.

Our Cast Includes:

Leon Tolchinskey- Hanley Fultz
Snetsky- Dani Williams
Magistrate- Casey Miller
Slovitch- Aaron Johnson
Mishkin- Cassie Snelling
Yenchna- Shekinah Fultz
Dr. Zubritzsky- Mark Carter
Lenya Zubritzsky- Toni Williams
Sophia Zubritzsky- Sarah Snider
Gregor Yousevitch- Stratton Thomas
Villagers - Carrie Chastain, Charity Graef, Chelsey Brewer, Daniel Main, Wes Bledsoe

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