
Several years ago, some PHDs discovered secret papers of Mother Goose. It seems the good Mother had a secret fling with the Pink Bottom Button.

There seems to be two (2) writtings of Mother Goose. The 1st bunch of writtings where those you and I got. The 2nd bunch of writtings were those Mother Goose wrote in honor of that secret fling with the Pink Bottom Button.

Yours truly, your nondoctor here is not a liberty to disclose the PHD source of this momentus piece of history of the Pink Bottom Button showing up in Nursery Rhymes. This nondocterate does not want any of the great and mighty PHDs involved in this important piece of history to have their professional academic reputations damaged...

Please accept these excerpts from the vast collection of secret writtings of Mother Goose caused by her secret love affair with the Pink Bottom Button.

Little Bo-Peep
has not lost her sheep,
And can't tell
where to find them;
She can't find her
Pink Bottom Button, either.

Little Boy Blue,
don't blow your horn!
The cow's in the meadow,
and the sheep's in the corn.
Little Boy Blue's Pink Bottom Button
Ain't in the meadow or the corn.

Rain, rain, stay today,
Make the Pink Bottom Button go away.

Little Boy Blue,
don't blow your horn!
The sheep's in the classroom,
and the cow's in the dorm.
The Pink Bottom Button
Could show up there.

Patty-cake, Patty-cake,
Patty's man!
So she does, her Master,
As fast as she can.
She does her Pink Bottom Button faster.

Jack not be nimble,
Jack not be quick,
Jack fall face flat
on the candle-stick.
Jack jump on
The Pink Bottom Button.

60 bytes hath September,
April, June, and November;
February has 56 bytes alone,
All the rest have 62,
Excepting leap-year, that's the time
When February's days are 58 bytes.
Or something like that...
The Pink Bottom Button
Hath too many bytes all year long.

Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick,
Jack still fall face flat
on the candle-stick.
Jack still jump on
The Pink Bottom Button
Not too great.

Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee
Argue all day and night,
Over who is to be,
Over who is to click on
The Pink Bottom Button.

To market, to market,
to buy a skinny pig,
It cost so much
And it ain't that big.
The pig, wanted to click on
The Pink Bottom Button, anyway.

Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee
Fight all day and night,
Over whose turn to click on
The Pink Bottom Button to be.

Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them die.
He didn't do a thing for
The Pink Bottom Button.

To market again, to market again,
to buy a skinny hog,
Like the one that got smashed
Under a stupid log.
The hog could have found a better place
To click on the Pink Bottom Button.

Designed on Monday,
Operated on Tuesday,
Updated on Wednesday,
Got a virus on Thursday,
Worse virus on Friday,
Gliched on Saturday,
Deleted on Sunday.
This is the end
Of Solomon_Grundy.html.
The Pink Bottom Button,
Gliches on the same system.

If wishes were horses,
we would all buy a car.
If wishes were horses,
We wouldn't buy the
Pink Bottom Button any at all.

"Pussy-cat, pussy-cat,
Where have you been?"
"I've been captured
in a gay bar by a queen."
She couldn't click on her
Pink Bottom Button again.

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And still can't tell where to find them;
If she would leave her cell phone alone,
And leave it at home,
She wouldn't forget where she put them.
And she wouldn't forget where she put her
Pink Bottom Button.

If turnips were watches,
No one would ask you for the time.
No one would tell you its time
To click on the Pink Bottom Button.

There was an old woman
Lives under a hill;
And if the rents not gone up,
She lives there still.
Clicking on the Pink Bottom Button;
Paying that monthly internet bill.

Three wise men of Gotham
Went to sea in a bowl;
That's because
They didn't pay for a boat.
And they got away without paying for pay for
The Pink Bottom Button.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
Stayed on the hill
And played with her
Pink Bottom Button
Note From Your Nondoctor:
The piece above is done without punctuation. The PHDs investigating this, in secret talks with your nondoctor have two (2) theories about the lack of punctuation in the piece above.
Theory 1: Mother Goose was so hot and bothered, aroused and excited, the good Mother forgot to put in the punctuation.
Theory 2: Mother Goose was so busy with her first body of writtings and the love affair with the Pink Bottom Button, Mother Goose did not have time for the grammarcheck, the spellcheck and the re-edit.
This possible "rush job" does show up in the second set of writtings.

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