Rules summary




First of all, bear in mind that it is a free game, just for fun…

1) Your team

2) Scoring points

































































1) Your team:

Go to the page dedicated to this (‘Composez votre equipe’, sorry it is in French, but it is not really complicated to understand).

Build your team picking players from the selected lists.

During the first step of the game, You are not allowed to pick more than one player from the same country. If you chose more than one players from the same country, your team will not be validated. Before quarter finals, you will be able to create a new team, picking two players per country

Of course, you can’t chose twice the same player (even if it is technically possible to chose Fabien Pelous as N°4 and N°5).

One team per Email address.

Once your team has been sent, it cannot be modified.

Deadline for participation: The day before the first game (06-sept, but for us it will be easier if you send your team sooner).



2) Scoring points:

+1 point if the selected player participate to a game (a substitution grants a points, even if it is for a few minutes)

+5 points for each try scored by one of your players.

+1 points for 3 kicking points (drops, conversions and penalties).

+3 points per winning player. +1 for a draw.

-6 pts for a yellow card.

-12 pts for a red card.

If a player plays at a position different from the one you selected him for (for example your winger plays a game as a full back), you will score his points anyway.

Results will be published on a regular basis. If you do not agree with it, don’t hesitate to contact us by mail.




Build your team










































































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