1st Semester
     They say college is the only way these days that you can get a good paying job, while at the same time getting a job that you love. In the first semester of college I learned a lot about myself. Whether it be the fact that I no longer wish to pursue art any longer, the fact that I discovered a degree under the English category is more my cup of soup or the fact that I learned exactly where I stand with my friends.

      My senior year of high school I came to a realization that I wanted to do something with art. I loved showing up to school for that first hour everyday and just simply drawing and expressing myself. It was so much different compared to my other classes. Once my freshmen year of college started and I realized that art would no longer be fun to me I decided to drop it and think on other things in my life that I really enjoy doing. Some things in my life include art of course, music, and writing. Essays, to me, are very easy to write. Another thing I enjoy doing is making up fictional stories and tell them to other people. I realized that I enjoy writing.

      With that realization I went and talked to my counselor and talked to her about the options I had. She was very friendly and we both came to the conclusion that I should take creative studies. I have always excelled in English and writing classes so I figure this is a good choice. I love writing things that people can relate and maybe even laugh about. While I do enjoy writing funny stories more than serious. I am not without a serious side. I am very serious when it comes to getting my point across. I?m not afraid to look up sources and back up my facts. Writing to me is just a better way to express yourself to people. Some people I like to appel to in more of the funny category are my friends. They know me and I know that I know them. I know that if I write something a little risky I can get at very least a chuckle out of them. They help a lot in my life.

      Some other things I have learned about my friends in life is the fact that if they were going to screw me over, they would have done so by now. I actually know these people and a couple I?ve known since second grade. They make life so much easier sometimes. They help with school, work, and pretty much every aspect of life. It?s good to know that my friends will always have my back and always be there for me. Life without good friends isn?t life at all. Friends help make me, me and without them I would not be who I am today.

      Life in the first semester of college has truly been an eye opener. I know so much more about myself, my friends, and everyone who was once considered a friend. I have grown to love the college way of life. I like being able to skip class and my parents not punish me. I love being able to do what I need to do for my own self to get by. I like being independent. In college I've learned several things, some being art is not for me, I am better at writing creatively, and I know exactly who my friends are.
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