After the Storm

By Katia


Disclaimer: Places and characters belong to Paramount. Story belongs to me.

This story picks up during the last scene of "Let He Who Is Without Sin."

Thanks to Jaz for her help in editing this piece.


 Warning: Some material in this story may be inappropriate for those under the age of 18.

The couple stood silhouetted against two setting suns of Risa. The skies were streaked in hues of gold, lavender and pale blue.

"I won’t tell if you won’t," the woman said softly. Her companion, a Klingon, nodded, as he slowly unzipped his jacket.

"Really, Worf?" the woman asked as she watched the man pulled his shirt over his head.

"Really," Worf answered. He put his arms around her slender waist and pulled her close. "What about you?"

"No, no," she giggled.

"What’s the matter?" Worf asked.

"Out here on the beach?" the Trill looked around. "I don’t think so."

"It was your idea."

"Perhaps, but you’re the one who forgot his swimsuit. I’ll see you in the water."

Worf shook his head and followed his lover into the water, shedding his clothes on the way in.

"Jadzia!" he called as he entered the water. Like everything else on Risa, the temperature of the lake was tightly controlled and it was warm and soothing. In the distance, Jadzia Dax surfaced, her hair plastered against her head.

"Hello," she waved. "The water is absolutely beautiful."

"Yes," Worf said, immediately regretting all the trouble he had caused recently by joining up with the Essentialists’ movement. The time he had spent helping the Essentialists disrupt Risa’s wonderful climate could have been time he spent with Jadzia. As it was, they spent very few precious moments together.

Jadzia waded towards him and linked her arms around his neck.

"I’ve missed you," she whispered. Worf kissed her gently on the lips and then on her forehead.

"I am sorry, Jadzia. I did not mean to ruin our vacation. I will make it up to you."

"Oh, I fully intend that you do. Suffice it to say, I don’t think we will be welcome here again."

"I would not be welcome here."

"Do you think I would come here again without you?"

Worf kissed her again, this time more passionately.

"Oh," Jadzia giggled. "I see you missed me too."

"More than you know."

They swam in the warm water a little more. Worf was a very strong swimmer and was able to cover a greater distance than Jadzia. Eventually, Jadzia swam back to the shore and sat down in the water, the water bobbing gently at chest level.

"Tired?" Worf asked, as he swam back.

"A little. And the sunset is beautiful. Look at the way the clouds streak the sky and how the sun is just a little sliver on the horizon."

"Ah, the lady is a poet."

"Not really, that’s your department."

Worf sat next to Jadzia and then in a forceful gesture, pulled her onto his lap. She settled comfortably against him, reveling in the strength of his chest behind her back. Worf rested his chin gently on her shoulder, slowly peppering kisses up those exotic Trill spots.

"That tickles," Jadzia said softly, leaning back so that her head was resting on his opposite shoulder.

"You know," Worf said conversationally, his hands moving up Jadzia’s torso and finally settling on her breasts, "You and I, we haven’t… not since we left the station."

"Because you were too busy trying to make a point," Jadzia said. "Was it worth it?"

"No, of course not," Worf answered. His hands moved up to the straps of her swimsuit, slowly lowering the material down her shoulders.


"What?" he asked between nibbles.

"What are you doing?"


"Ah, familiar territory?"

He slowly pushed the swimsuit down and warm water gushed at her chest. Those strong hands gently stroked her breasts, before moving down to her stomach.

"It’s been a while," Worf admitted. "You will have to be patient with me. I may get lost."

"No problem."

His hands had wandered down to her waist and he began to push the swimsuit down. Jadzia smiled to herself and helped him. The silver garment floated away.

"No one can see us?" she asked quietly, as his hands began to massage her thighs.

"It’s dark now."

It was strangely erotic, Jadzia thought, making love in an open area like this. She leaned against Worf, feeling his hands slowly kneading into her skin, and then she felt his fingers in her most intimate part.

"Mmm," she murmured. "Keep going, please."

"Of course."

She could feel herself muscles relax and all the tension of the last few days dissipate as Worf’s fingers continued to work. His fingers slipped inside of her and then again out, as he caressed her. Jadzia closed her eyes, waiting for the release she knew was fast coming.

"Oh," she gasped. "Worf..."

A few seconds later, she fell limply against Worf. He stroked her face gently, pushing her wet hair out of the way.

"Satisfied?" he asked softly.

"Yes," she whispered. She turned around and straddled him, her knees grinding into the soft sand. Worf leaned over and took one of her breasts into his mouth. She played with his long, thick hair, and kissed his neck.

Worf’s hands were moving down the length of her body, before settling between her legs once again.

"Have I ever told you that I love the way you touch me?" she asked softly.

Worf looked at her in surprise, "No."

"I love it," she told him. "I love it when you are gentle like this."

"I thought…"

"Oh, I like that too," she blushed as her hands moved down to meet his. For a second their hands linked. "You are ready for me?"

"How could you tell?" he teased as her hand clasped his member. She moved slightly as she guided his penis to her entrance, her hand on top of his. Worf closed his eyes, releasing his penis to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Slowly, she settled down, feeling the length of him fill her.

"Oh," she gasped as he thrust into her.

"Did I hurt you?"

"No, it was just the initial… entry."

Slowly, she moved in rhythm with the waves which were slowly lapping at her. Worf's hands rested gently on her hips, caressing her softly.

"Faster," he whispered. Jadzia obliged, her hair falling into her face. Worf's hands tightened around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Finally, Jadzia felt a rush of warmth flow through her.

"Worf?" she asked.


She laughed at him, kissing his nose. He responded by pushing her off of his lap.

"Hey!" Jadzia cried out, as she landed in the water. "Why did you do that?"

"I just wanted to look at you," Worf admitted, as he straddled her. "You are beautiful."

Jadzia smiled, "Are you trying to convince me of something? You know my heart is yours."

"Just wanted to make sure," he answered. He kissed her softly on the forehead.

They held each other for a long time and Jadzia felt something flowing through her, a feeling of completeness that was more than physical.

"Are you cold?" Worf asked as Jadzia shivered in his embrace.

"A little."

"We should go in then."

"Sounds good. Oh!"

"What's the matter?"

"We were supposed to meet Quark, Julian and Leeta for dinner," Jadzia said.

"Well," Worf said, standing up. He held out his hand. "Could we tell them we were detained?"

Jadzia blushed. Even in the darkness, Worf could sense the sudden heat rising in Jadzia's cheeks.

"What's the matter?" he asked softly.

"I'd rather we not say anything."

"I wasn't planning on it. We simply went for a swim and lost track of time."

The couple strolled hand in hand through the water. When they reached the shore, Worf began to gather his clothes. Jadzia looked around, finally locating her wrap.

"Something wrong?" Worf asked.

"My swimsuit. It's gone."


The two stared at each other for a moment.

"Well," Worf cleared his throat. "You know, I have no problem with that."

"I know you don't," Jadzia said, wrapping herself in the wrap. "But what about the others?"

"You're right," Worf said, admiring the way the thin material molded itself to Jadzia's wet body. He reached over and ran a finger down between her breasts and then finally, pulled her close. "Your wrap hardly covers you and I have to be honest, I hate sharing."

"Don't think I don't know that."

"Here," Worf handed her his uniform jacket. "Wear this. We will sneak in the back way."

Once back in their room, Jadzia found a note from Julian.

"We missed them already," she told Worf.

"Are you disappointed?"

"No," Jadzia said. "No, because I was with you and that's all that matters to me."

Worf took her by the hand and pulled her close, "Jadzia…"

She touched his lips, "What?"

"I want to apologize to you. Apologize for not trusting you enough."

"Worf," she circled his neck with her arms. "Please believe me when I tell you that I'm not going anywhere. That's a promise. You're not going to lose me."

"I know that and I'm sorry for doubting you."

She touched his cheek, "Come. I have sand all over me and in my hair. Come take a bath with me."

"Sounds good."

They filled the tub with warm water.

"You know what I would love?" Jadzia asked suddenly. "Bubbles."


"You know, a bubble bath?"

"As you wish."

When the bath was ready, Jadzia entered first, reveling in the luxury of the bubbles. Worf watched her for a moment, before turning away.

"Worf! Where are you going?"

"I'll be back."

Jadzia closed her eyes and lay back in the bubble mixture. She loved the feeling of the bubbles against her skin.


Her eyes flew open. Worf handed her a slender glass of a ruby red liquid.

"Risian wine," she said, sniffing it.


She took a long drink of the beverage, "Wonderful. I can't believe you got this from a replicator."

"Actually, I didn't," Worf admitted. "Arandis gave it to me."

"Arandis?" Jadzia sat up. "You talked to her."

"I apologized to her. I was rude to her."

"That was nice of you, Worf. Now come in here and let me thank you."

Worf nodded and dropped his robe on the floor. Jadzia scooted in the tub to make room for him.

"Isn't this wonderful?" she asked dreamily.

"Yes," he began to gently massage her shoulders. "I wish we had another few days here. I can't believe we leave day after tomorrow."

Jadzia turned to face him, "Promise me that we will spend every minute together? I want to feel like we are the only two people in the world."

"I promise."


They sat in the warm water for nearly an hour, relishing the feel of skin on skin. But mostly, it was the conversation, that muted conversation of lovers.

"Look at me, I'm turning into a prune!" Jadzia laughed, holding out her arm to Worf. He took her hand and planted a gallant kiss on it.

"Come, let's get out," Worf said. He got out of the tube and put on his robe. He found Jadzia's robe and handed it to her. "We need to get you another swimsuit tomorrow."

"We could always go without… again," Jadzia grinned, circling his waist with her hands.

"Not during the day," he reminded her.

She sat down at her little vanity and began to comb out her hair. Worf walked over to her and took the brush from her.

"Fifty strokes," she reminded him.

"I know."

"Thanks," Jadzia said, after Worf put down the brush. She found her nightgown and pulled it over her head. "I'll see you in bed."

Jadzia fell asleep almost immediately. She did not hear Worf slip in next to her. Worf stared at her sleeping for a while and then leaned over to kiss her good night. It had been a good day, he decided, and he fully did intend to make good on his promises to her.

Jadzia's eyes opened as she felt a familiar hand caressing her, almost absently.

"Worf? Is that you?"

"It better be," the Klingon growled.

She giggled at him and snuggled closer into the crook of his arm. She loved lying there, in the strength of his embrace. After a moment of lying there, she rolled over on top of Worf and kissed him.

"Hey," she whispered.


Their lips met again, this time more passionately. Worf's hands moved over the length of her body, pushing up her nightgown. Finally, his hands rested on her rear ended, kneading the soft flesh. Jadzia nibbled on his ear, and then moved down his jawbone, her lips planting soft kisses on the way.



She was suddenly aware of his hands spreading her legs. She looked down at him.

"Worf, I had something to discuss with you."


"Mmm," she kissed his neck.

"What is it?"

She could feel his hands prodding and pressing against her sensitive skin. Her legs twitched, almost involuntarily. She could feel his fingers reaching inside of her.

"You're distracting me," she whispered down at him. Worf grinned up at her.

"I can tell," he answered softly. She almost blushed, suddenly aware of how wet she had become at his touch. "Is it something very important?"

"It could be," Jadzia answered, feeling as if speech was leaving her.

Worf rolled over so she was lying on her back this time, staring up at him. She could see the intensity in his eyes, so she reached down and began to untie his pajama pants. She pushed the pants down, as Worf pushed up her nightgown.

She could feel his member prodding at her opening, teasing and tantalizing.



"I want to talk to you."

He did not answer; instead he began to push into her, thrusting into her. Jadzia winced slightly, but did not cry out.

"I hurt you?" he asked softly. "I'm sorry."

"No," she was quick to reassure. "I just don't know why… I should be used to you by now."

"Tell me if I hurt you."

"No, it's fine now."

His body undulated over hers, and Jadzia felt all sense leaving her. She closed her eyes as she waited for that intense wave which she knew would soon roll over her. A second later, Worf released a warm liquid stream into her.



She opened her eyes to see Worf staring down at her.

"Something wrong?" he asked anxiously. "I didn't push you, did I?"

"No," she smiled up at him. "No, I wanted this as much as you did."

"Good… I don't want to think that…"



"You are insatiable. How did you get by before?"

Worf grinned at her, "I… satisfied myself."

Jadzia giggled as Worf rolled off of her. His arms snaked around her, enveloping her in a warm embrace. Jadzia knew she never would want to leave the safety of those arms.



"You wanted to tell me something before?"

She hesitated for a second.

"You can tell me, Jadzia."

"Remember earlier when I told you that I cared about you?" she began softly.


"Well, I lied," Jadzia said. "I didn't mean that."

"What did you mean?"

"Worf," she sat up finally, letting her nightgown fall back down. "Worf, it's more than that. I realized that today when we were swimming. I realized that I felt complete with you… that I truly only wanted to be with you. I guess, what I'm trying to tell you is that I love you."

Worf stared back at her. Jadzia was afraid suddenly, unable to read his expression.

"Worf? Say something," she implored.

He sat up and held out his arms. She leaned into those wonderful arms gratefully.

"I was afraid you didn't feel the same," he said huskily. "Especially after I almost ruined our vacation."

"You mean…?"

Worf nodded. He traced her jawbone with his index finger, "Yes. I do."

Jadzia smiled happily, "You were right. We did have much to discuss."

"Not much," Worf said, pushing her back onto the bed and wrapping his arms around her. "Just the three words which really matter."

Those bright eyes gazed back into his darker ones.

"I love you," she whispered. "And I'm not going anywhere. I'm afraid you're stuck with me."

Worf kissed her forehead, "And you are stuck with me."

"I could live with that."

"As can I."

And they slept the rest of the night, their bodies pressed closely together, in the calm that follows the storm.

~ The End ~



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