Antiflame Statement

We Trek fans don't always get along and sometimes we tend to be disrespectful of other people's opinions. After a recent incident, some of us decided that it was time to make a stand against flames. The following statement was written by Kim Johannsen (yes, he's a guy and he's Danish ;-)). Those who agree with Kim's statement have "signed" this petition. If you are interested in adding your name to the list, email the webmaster. You don't have to be a member of JEWEL to sign this statement; you only have to believe in it.

I as a member of JEWEL, a Star Trek fan and a human being will do my outmost to make cyberspace a friendly place.

I will treat everyone with respect and tolerance, acknowledging that everyone has a right to their own opinion and freedom of speech.

I will to the best of my ability refrain from making any negative comments about other people, their work, their opinions or otherwise.

I will in no form whatsoever retaliate any harrassment towards me, since I am aware, that this will only contribute to a more hostile environment in cyberspace and the real world.

Remember: Aggression comes back to you!


Ali, JEWEL member

Carrie Gascoigne, JEWEL member

Emallia, JEWEL member

Jessica Krucek

Kata, JEWEL member

Kim Johannsen, JEWEL member


Liz Logan, JEWEL & JJLL member


Seema, JEWEL member


Val Morgan

Take me home

The Worf/Dax Fanfic Archive belongs to wdfa. Copyright 1998-2000. Characters & places belong to Paramount. No profit or infringement intended. Please don't borrow any of this website or the stories on it without first asking the author and the webmaster.

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