RPG Log 21

*** Laizia ****

Laizia looked around in confusion as she found herself not on the Valjean anymore. It appeared to be a strange planet--rather barren-looking. Also there were Nu'Daq, Dr. Rafko, a strange Vulcan lady Laizia had never seen before and another lieutenant--Janor, if she remembered the name right. And the two Q's.

They were talking about something that was totally beyond Laizia's comprehension. After she'd mentioned the word "Solangen" to Rafko, everyone started hollering at once. Laizia clapped her hands over her ears for a minute but then realized she didn't need to. Out here in the open air, the loud voices drifted away quicker than they could on the ship or on the station--in enclosed areas. Rafko calmed them down by pointing out that it was necessary to stay on task. Laizia moved to her side--she seemed to be the most sensible of the bunch. "Did you always want to be a doctor?" she asked Rafko as they idly weaved some flowers together into a long loop.

"I don't know," was the Bajoran's reply. "I think my foster parents wanted me to be a doctor and the idea just grew on me and one day, I was a doctor."

Laizia handed Rafko another flower then stared off into the distance. "I don't know what I want to be."

"That's all right," Rafko replied. "You're young. You have plenty of time to decide."

"I want to be in Starfleet," Laizia said next. It was where she always figured she would end up because she had no intentions of serving in the Klingon forces. *They wouldn't let me anyway.*

Rafko smiled, "Then you certainly have the genes for it."

A scream startled them both and they looked up to see Janor fall down. Rafko rushed to her side and this time, *she* was yelling. First at the Q's, demanding a tricorder, than at Janor for "not coming to see me sooner". Laizia watched the chaos for a moment, then an urge to explore pulled at her. She scrambled to her feet and took off. No one noticed. Her explorations took her out of range of Rafko's yelling at Janor. A slight breeze blew through the rocks. It was nice and peaceful, not stuffy like the Valjean could be at times.

Her explorations led her to a cave. She started to step inside but the blackness unnerved her a bit. She had no tricorder to tell her what was lurking beyond her line of sight. "I should go get Dr. Rafko," she murmured to herself.

As if her thinking aloud had summoned the doctor, Laizia heard her name being called. It was Rafko. She moved away from the cave mouth and scrambled up a couple rocks so she could be seen. Rafko immediately hurried up to her. "What were you thinking?" she shrieked. "I was so worried."

"I found a cave," Laizia pointed out. Rafko cast a wary glance at the cave mouth. "Let's go in there."

"No," Rafko said in a stern tone, the one Lam're used when she was starting to get upset. "We have to go back."

Laizia crossed her arms stubbornly. She was tired of being around yelling adults. "I'm not going back."

"Laizia, I've got to take care of Lieutenant Janor. It's very important."

"I want to see," Laizia insisted. Forgetting about her earlier hesitation, she dashed inside the opening. A moment later, she heard Rafko's footsteps behind her. Her eyes adjusted to the dimness and she picked up her pace, skipping happily. Ooh, could she ever brag to Kang when they got home! A rock caught her foot and she tripped. Something snapped and she cried out. Rafko was at her side in an instant.

"It hurts," Laizia moaned.

"I know," the Bajoran replied gently. "This is going to hurt too--"

Laizia gritted her teeth in preparation for what she knew Rafko had to do when a noise distracted them both. A strange man had appeared. "They....are....coming," he whispered.

"Who?" Rafko rose to her feet. "Who are you?"

"I am a....Q. They....are coming. You, all, must go."

"Who are they?" Rafko demanded.

"Irrisi. Beware....Irrisi."

Then the strange thing vanished. Laizia squeezed her eyes closed. Suddenly she didn't like this adventure anymore. Her feeling was compounded when the cave started shaking around them. Rafko flung herself over top of Laizia until it stopped. When it was over, doctor and child found themselves trapped.

Laizia tried to stay comfortable while Rafko pried at the rocks to get them out. But cold took over her quickly. Rafko wrapped her jacket around her, which helped a little then bound her ankle.

"You doing okay, Laizia?"

"I want my parents," Laizia mumbled.

"I know the feeling."

"Will you stay with me?"

Rafko looked to the wall again, then sat down and moved the girl closer to her. "I'm not going anywhere. It'll be okay, Laizia. They'll find us."

"I hope so," Laizia murmured.

Time passed like an eternity. A few more trembles shook but not as bad as the first. Then the rock wall behind them started moving. Nu'Daq's face appeared several minutes later. Rafko passed Laizia to him through the hole, then he turned his attention to getting the doctor out. Laizia attempted to walk on her sore ankle. It was a trial but she managed to get to the area outside the cave. There, she sat and waited. About 30 minutes later, the two adults emerged, looking bruised. "Are you two okay?" she asked.

"Yes we are fine, now we are fine. Now let's get back. We have a universe to save." Nu'Daq lifted her up to set her on his shoulder and they headed back the way they came. Upon returning, there were purple flowers everywhere and the female Q was complaining about her saving the day. Nu'Daq set Laizia down and went to talk to the female Q while Xenia started examining the flowers. Laizia moved about as quickly as her sore ankle would allow, collecting those the wind had scattered and bringing them to Rafko. Xenia then looked up, apparently catching onto Nu'Daq and Q's conversation. "And on another note: I saw another Q in the cave. He looked like he was in pain. He gave me the following warning: 'The Irrisi are coming'. What is that all about?"

Neither Q answered but both looked afraid.

"And his face was all blue like a Bolian's," Laizia added. "Was he sick? I thought Q's couldn't get sick."

The Q's statements turned even more fearful.

**** Nu'Daq ****

Nu'Daq was surprised. He never thought an omnipotent species like the Q could be afraid. But he could see it, he could feel it, he could smell it. He walked up to the male Q.

"Who are the Irrisi?".

But he didn't respond. He was just standing there. Nu'Daq grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him.

"Q! Tell me! Who is the Irrisi?".

Suddenly Q snapped out of it. He tore himself out of Nu'Daq's grip.

"You want to know who the Irrisi are? They are our enemies! Your enemies! Everybody's enemies!" He started hyperventilating, and the horror was obvious on his face.

The female Q was slightly more calm.

"The Irrisi are a race of corporeal life forms from the Delta Quadrant. They have an innate desire to rule the universe, they are very violent and hostile. A few millenia ago they started to develop advance technology and were on their way to conquer a large part of the galaxy....."

Morgan interrupted her. "But why are they coming after you? Did you have any dealings with them?"

Q turned towards her and continued: "When the Irrisi where at the peak of their knowledge and their empire strecthed across the galaxy, one of their scientist discovered the Q-continuum and entered it. He learned the source of our powers, the solanagen. And when he returned to normal space, he reported the results to the Irrisi leaders. And they decided to use their knowledge to launch an attack at the Q-continuum. The only attack ever made into the continuum by another race. Their goal was to conquer the Q-continuum and gain the powers of the Q. And use them to conquer and rule the entire universe. A long and bitter war ensued. It lasted for a decade, and they almost succeeded. But in the end the Q drove them out, destroyed their technology and entrapped them in a separate part of subspace forever guarded by the Q, where they wouldn't be able to do any harm. Anymore. But now that the solanagen is off-balance, our powers are vaining, and they must have broken free. Now they are coming for us. The Q. And you people are next!".

She stressed the last sentence and pointed her finger at Nu'Daq and the others. Nu'Daq didn't look impressed. But then Q continued. "Nu, Daq, my friend, I believe you know the Irrisi under another name. As far as I remember, the Klingons call them Hur'q....."

The word immediatly made Nu'Daq see red. Even though he had never seen a Hur'q and it had been over a thousand years since any Klingon had seen a Hur'q, just the mention of the name made his blood burn! Untill a millenium ago the Hur'q had ravaged large parts of the galaxy, plundering and spreading chaos and havoc where ever they showed up. The were the only enemy of the Klingons, who had ever attacked and plundered the Homeworld. They had taken the Sword of Kahless, the most sacred item in Klingon history, and no Klingon had ever seen it since. But suddenly they had all disappeared, their technology destroyed. Without a trace. Only the ruins were left. The idea of Hur'q with the powers of the Q..... It had to be prevented. Nu'Daq took a deep breath and calmed himself... a bit....

"So we need to hurry. We need to find a way to repair the rift in sub space, to get back to the ship and implement it, before the Hur'q get here." He turned towards Xenia. "How are you doing with the cure for Janor?"

She looked at him and shook her head slightly.

"Okay, I'll get to work, but do your best. Q, can you get us back to the ship, when we need to go?" Both Q's started snapping their fingers, but nothing happened. They shook their heads. This was not encouraging.

"How far are we from the Valjean?", he asked the Q. "Only about half a lightyear".

Nu'Daq started calculating. "Hmmm, it will take the Valjean about 8 hours to get here, if they haven't moved since. Let's hope they have. Morgan, start modifying the computer's secondary calculating unit to emit a beacon for the Valjean." She nodded and started working. She had always been good at tinkering, no doubt she would be able to do it. Now they just needed to find a solution for the problem. And it seemed like Nu'Daq was the only one to do it, if Xenia couldn't get Janor to her feet. If only he had paid better attention during the sub space physics classes at the Klingon Academy....

**** Xenia Rafko ****

I took the components the Qs had whipped up for me in an attempt to synthesize a cure for Lieutenant Janor. In the distance, I could hear a long speech about who the Irrisi were, but I wasn't particularly interested at the moment.

Laizia was next to me, asking many questions about what I was doing. And then Nu'Daq showed up, aggravating me with his nagging. Finally, I looked up at him and asked him to go away.

"I'll get it done if it's possible. These are not the best circumstances," I told him. He looked annoyed but walked away.

"This is crazy," I said under my breath. "I didn't sign up for this."

"Sign up for what?" a familiar voice asked from behind me. I turned around.

"Okal, I'm so glad you're here."

"I don't know where `here' is," my friend said. "One moment I was in Engineering, and the next I'm here."

"That's pretty much the story all around," I said.

"The Valjean is panicking. Half the crew is missing."

"Yes," I looked around. "But it looks like things are going to get hairy here. I can't synthesize this antibiotic and Lieutenant Janor is close to passing out. Do you think you could help her?"

Okal nodded, "Sure."

Laizia was watching me with big eyes.

"Is she going to die?" Laizia asked.

"No," I said impatiently. "She'll get better on her own. It's just a minor infection."

"Are we going to die?"

"No," I snapped. Then regretting my harsh tone, I said, "No, Laizia, we're not going to die."

"Everyone sounds very serious."

"The situation is serious but it doesn't mean we're going to die."

Laizia nodded and then got up, obviously not happy with me at the moment. It didn't matter. My head was pounding and I didn't want to deal with anyone at the moment. My stomach was still clenching and unclenching, annoyingly enough. I got to my feet, fighting back nausea.


I turned at the unfamiliar voice. Morgan. Damn. Of all the people...

"Can I help you?" she asked.

**** Morgan ****

I blinked and looked around. I was on my way up to the bridge, and then all of a sudden I was on a strange planet. "I'm guessing this has nothing to do with Romulans" I thought to myself.

I have always been an observer, rather then jumping into things straight away. I like to watch and learn first, and act later. I stood and watched the Q cringe as Nu'Daq grilled them about these strange "Irrisi" people. And I also noticed Dr Rafko. Every now and then she would look at Nu'Daq, and then her eyes would slide over to me. She didn't seem happy to see me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Nu"Daq saying my name: ". Morgan, start modifying the computer's secondary calculating unit to emit a beacon for the Valjean." Finally, something that I understood. These Starfleet officers certainly did babble a lot!! I started work on the computer. If there was one thing I was good at, it was playing with computers. I was settled into my work and was just about to finish when I noticed something. Rafko was still glaring at me!! I was going to have to do something about this.

I stopped work, and walked over to her. "Doctor?" I said

Rafko looked annoyed. "Can I help you?" she asked.

"Whatever you think about me, you're wrong. I pose no threat to you".

Rafko looked a bit surprised. "What do you mean?"

"You keep glaring at me, like I am going to drag Nu'Daq off by his hair or something".

Rafko sighed. "You two seem to have this big secret, and you spend a lot of time together. I can't help being bothered by it".

I wanted to smile, but didn't. It was like being back in school again, with girls fighting over their boyfriends. But this was obviously important to Rafko, and I didn't want to upset her.

"Nu'Daq loves you. Anyone can see that. And I have no feelings for him at all. He's just a friend".

Rafko seemed to relax a bit when I said that.

"And as for our big secret, I personally don't think its a big deal, but Nu'Daq does. I helped him out once, and he doesn't like to admit it. You know how touchy Klingons are about their honour. If you want details, you should ask him."

Rafko smiled at me. I don't know if she believed me, but at least she had stopped glaring.

"What do you think of the Q and the Irrisi?" she asked me.

I looked at the Q. I had heard stories of them, but I had never seen one before. They didn't really look that impressive.

"I don't know. I think we are dealing with people that we don't fully understand, either the Q or the Irrisi. I think we should be cautious. The Q are not to be trusted, and I have never even heard of the other group. How do we know they don't have some other agenda, and are just using us?"

Rafko nodded, and looked worried. " I think I need to talk to Nu'Daq", she said, and hurried off.

I went back to my computer and sighed. I didn't want any of this. I didn't want to save the galaxy from some evil warlords, or help the Q, or get involved in a silly love triangle, or anything. I just wanted to get away and stay hidden for a while. So much for that!!

"The computer is ready, Nu'Daq" I called out.

**** Nu'Daq ****

Nu'Daq was standing at the computer, working on a solution of the problem with the solanagen imbalance and the rift in subspace..... He didn't seem to make any progress. He stopped for a brief moment to clear his head. He looked around him. He saw that Catava had also appeared... "What was she doing here?" he thought by himself. She was standing next to Xenia and Morgan...? Morgan and Xenia were talking. About him? For a moment Suspicion reared it's ugly head. Was Morgan telling Xenia about his secret? He hoped not.

Morgan returned to her work, and then told Nu'Daq the computer beacon was ready. Nu'Daq initiated it, and the comforting beeps could be heard immediatly. Now it was just a matter of time, before the Valjean would be here - hopefully before the Irrisi. And to make it all work, he had to solve the problem with the rift in subspace.

He returned to his work, but somehow it didn't look any easier now than before. He gave a deep sigh. It would never work. Suddenly he felt a comforting hand on his shoulder. For a moment he thought it was Xenia, but as he turned he looked into the eyes of Catava. This was a bit awkward. Catava and he hadn't had a chance to talk since the latest encounter between Taite and Nu'Daq. For a moment they were silent, but then Catava spoke.

"Nu'Daq, I know there have been hostilities between Taite and you, but I don't want that to come between our friendship."

Nu'Daq nodded and attempted a small smile, however a bit unsuccessful. But Catava saw it and understood. She moved to his side and started looking at the computer panel.

"Now let's solve this problem. It seems like Janor wont be able to help us."

Half an hour passed. Xenia was still trying to stabilize Janor, but it was to little effect. Janor was still unconscious. Morgan sat next to them, trying to cheer up everyone, but she was as unsuccessful as Xenia. The Q were just standing there, not knowing what to do without their powers. At the computer panel Catava and Nu'Daq were working on the space-time-problem. They were slowly making progress.

After another half hour they could hear Catava shout out "Heureka, we've got it. It's so simple and yet so complicated."

Nu'Daq looked at the numbers on the computer screen. She was right, the solution was right in front of them. Literally. They could close the rift. And the tools needed were the Romulan warbirds caught in the center of the rift. The cause of the rift was a resonance interference between the artificial singularity powering the warbird and the wave pattern of the folded transport device. All they had to do was to disrupt this interference pattern. An easy task, if you had the advanced equipment of the Valjean to your help. A carefully tuned Donaldson radiation wave patterned after the frequency of the resonance combined with an antimatter charge should disrupt the interference pattern and close the rift..... in theory.

Nu'Daq looked up. He could see the smile on the faces of his fellow crew members. They were halfway there. Now they just needed the Valjean, and she was hopefully soon here.....

Nu'Daq went over to Xenia. "How is Lt. Janor doing?". Xenia raised her head, she did not smile.

"Not good. We have to get her back to the ship soon." Nu'Daq was worried, not so much about Janor, but about Xenia. She was pale. Nu'Daq knew, that it had been a long time, since Xenia had gotten her medication. "And how are _you_ doing?"

She didn't answer, but she didn't have to. Nu'Daq could see it in her eyes. She was in a bad shape. Nu'Daq gave her a kiss in an effort to comfort her.

"Don't worry, the Valjean will be here soon". She didn't look convinced, but there was nothing to do but wait.

Unfortunately they didn't have to wait long. Suddenly a group of aliens appeared a short distance from the group. Not all of them recognized the aliens, but neither the Q or Nu'Daq were in any doubt as to their race. The Q's only stared at them in fear, but those close to Nu'Daq heard him whisper "Hur'q".

Never before in his life had Nu'Daq been this angry. He could feel his blood burn, everyone around except the Hur'q disappeared. Although he had never seen a Hur'q before, there was no mistake. It was them, the ancient enemies of the Klingon Empire. Nu'Daq was raised with stories about the Hur'q, how they had desecrated the Homeworld and stolen the most valuable items in Klingon history and dishonored every Klingon then, now and forever.

As the Klingons the Hur'q preferred hand-to-hand combat- Each of the four Hur'q's were equipped with a swordlike weapon. They spread out in a triangle with what seemed to be their leader at the front. Nu'Daq was about to assail them all singlehandedly, when a gentle but demanding hand grabbed his. The fire in his soul stilled a bit. He heard Xenia's voice whispering in his ear: "Slowly, my dear. Revenge is a dish best served cold". Nu'Daq steadied himself, acknowledging the wisdom in the ancient Klingon proverb. And he stilled the fire within him, as the group of Hur'q approached them. The leader looked at Xenia, seemingly knowing she was the highest ranking officer present.

"We are the Irrisi. We have no problems with you. We only want the Q. He has something we want."

Xenia took a step forward. What she was about to say was a bold move, but she needed to know more about what was going on.

"The Q are under our care for now. If you want something from them you have to deal with us also."

The Hur'q leader didn't look to happy about that.

"We don't look for your approval. We want the key, and the Q has it."

A scream came from behind them. It was the male Q.

"Nooooo, never. You will not gain access to the Q-continuum this time. We will resist you."

This seemed to humor the Hur'q leader. "Resist? With what? You have no powers. We will take the key, enter the Q-continuum and replace the Q as the true Q."

The two Q's looked as they were about to faint.

The Hur'q started to approach the Q. Xenia and Nu'Daq's eyes met. Nu'Daq whispered to hear. "I love you forever."

He slowly and silently drew his mek'leth. "This is a good day to die". She looked at him with fear in her eyes and said to him: "batlh Daqawlu'taH. Qapla' my love." {You will be remembered with honor. Success my love}.

Nu'Daq went into the middle of the clearing, the Hur'q where with their backs to him on their way towards the Q as he lifted his voice and firmly stated: "Hur'q! bIjeghbe'chugh vaj bIHegh!" {Irrisi, surrender or die}.

The four Hur'q turned and faced Nu'Daq. They didn't look intimidated. The leader looked at Xenia and said: "You should hold back your Klingon pet, or it might get hurt". All the other looked at her, expecting her to order Nu'Daq back. But Xenia stood still and said nothing. The Hur'q leader turned his head and looked at Nu'Daq.

"Do you really wish to fight us? Do you really want to die?"

Nu'Daq stood firm and said: "I do not fear death. You do. And that's why Klingons will always be better than Hur'q. Bow down to the wrath of the Klingon Empire. I will teach you the respect you lack, before I kill you all as punishment for your crimes against the Klingon people."

The Hur'q looked at Xenia, but she didn't seem to want to prevent the fight. They looked at Nu'Daq and knew, they had to fight. But they were confident they could win. They outnumbered him four to one. They spread out in an offensive pattern and approached Nu'Daq with their weapons held high.

Catava rushed to Xenia's side. "Xenia, we have to do something. They are going to kill him."

But Xenia knew, there was nothing to do. None of them had any weapons, they couldn't help Nu'Daq fight. And she also knew, there was no way to stop Nu'Daq. This fight he had to fight. For himself and the entire Klingon race. Her response to Catava was firm.

"No, he will win". And she knew, she was right.

The Hur'q approached Nu'Daq fast. Two of them attacked him from the front, while the other two tried to encircle him and get around to his back. But Nu'Daq had anticipated it, fended off the two attackers and moved out to the side, getting his back to the computer panel. This way they could not get behind him. The four Hur'q regrouped and attacked him in a broad wing formation three men, while the leader stood back. The fight was hard, but quick. Two of the three attackers made a stab at Nu'Daq at the same time. He managed to duck away from one of them, while he parried the other one. He shifted his weight around, avoided the swing of the third attacker and drove his mek'leth deep into the Hur'q's gut.

The Hur'q dropped to the ground, dead. This seemed to surprise the other two Hur'q, as if they only now realised the graveness of the situation. They moved at him with a more ferocious attack, one attacking high and the other low. Nu'Daq ducked and rolled over, and suddenly he was standing behind the two Hur'q. He could feel the blood burning, as he slit the throat of a second Hur'q. The last of the three turned to face Nu'Daq. Nu'Daq could see the fear in his eyes. This made Nu'Daq smile. "Come here, Hur'q. Feel the wrath of the Klingon Empire." Nu'Daq moved towards him. The Hur'q made a desperate stab at him, but Nu'Daq disarmed him, gave him a straight punch in the stomach, moved around him. He grabbed his head and twisted it hard. He could hear the low crunch from the neck, and the Hur'q was dead.

As Nu'Daq was savouring the moment, he heard a small cry from behind him.

"Xenia", he immediatly thought. He turned and saw the Hur'q leader holding Xenia hostage, his weapon pressed against Xenia's neck. It reminded him of the first time he met her back on the old Federation starbase. If the present situation hadn't been so grim he would have smiled. He took a couple of steps towards the Hur'q leader and Xenia.

The Hur'q pressed the weapon harder at Xenia's neck and said: "Stop, pat'aq, or I will kill her."

Nu'Daq stopped. "Put down your weapon and surrender yourself. Now! Or she will die!"

Nu'Daq was not sure what to do. If he surrendered it would mean the end of the Q's and perhaps the entire universe. But he couldn't risk Xenia's life. Xenia looked at him. She couldn't speak, since the Hur'q was covering her mouth with the other hand, but Nu'Daq could read her eyes. They told him not to surrender. But how could he not.

Otherwise Xenia would die. And he didn't want to lose her, not even to save the universe.

He whispered: "Sorry Xenia, but I can't do it. Not with your life at stake." And he bent down and put his mek'leth on the ground and stepped back. The Hur'q looked contently at him. "Wise decision. Now for the key."

But suddenly something happened. The Hur'q lost his grip on Xenia, who tore herself free and rolled away into safety. It was Catava, who had hit the Hur'q had with a rather large rock. Catava hurried away, before the Hur'q realised what had happened. And before he knew it, he was standing face to face with Nu'Daq, who had picked up his weapon. The sight of an angry Klingon with a raised weapon worried him, but he still believed in the superiority of the Hur'q and attacked Nu'Daq. It was a mistake. And within seconds the Hur'q leader lay dead on the ground.

Nu'Daq looked up. He had Hur'q blood all over him, but he was exctatic. He had as the first Klingon in several millenia avenged the Hur'q plundering of the Klingon Homeworld, maybe only a little, but it was a big thing for him. Xenia came running up to him and gave him a big hug.

She whispered into his ear: "Thank Kahless you are such a skilled fighter. I was worried about you".

"I am sorry, Xenia, but I had to do this." She hushed him with a kiss.

"I know, I know."

Suddenly a large group of Hur'q appeared a few hundred meters away. At least 50. And they started running towards them. Nu'Daq turned around. He raised his voice.

"It seems like it is not over yet. Everyone, flee away east. I will stay here and hold them off. It will give you a few seconds. Leave Janor here, they might ignore her since she is unconscious. But the rest of you, run. As fast as you can."

Morgan, Catava with Laizia in her arms and the two Q's started running. But Xenia was still there.

"Xenia, you have got to get away. Run."

She looked at him with a warm but firm look. "No, my love. Not this time." She picked up a Hur'q weapon. "I will fight alongside you. We have sworn to live together forever. And now we will die together. As soulmates. As husband and wife, maybe not by law, but by heart."

"But Xenia...."

"No but's. I outrank you. I stay and fight."

He looked at her and once again he knew, why he loved her so much. He kissed her gently and turned to watch the 50 angry Hur'q coming towards them. He shouted out once again: "This is a good day to die!"

And as one they both cried out "Qapla'!"

It is amazing, how slow the time goes, when you are faced with certain death. In these long seconds, watching the wild Hur'q crowd coming towards them with a ferocious look in their eyes, Nu'Daq had a lot of time to think. His mind wandered through his life, considering all the good things, all the bad things and all the trivial things in his life. And there was plenty of all of them. But most of all his mind lingered at the times with Xenia. His happiest moments had been with her. He turned and looked at Xenia, and despite all, he also considered this a happy moment. He and his wife were on their way to Sto-Vo-Kor together. He smiled and turned back to face the enemy.

At that moment they heard a groaning behind them. It was Lt. Janor. She had picked just the appropriate time to re-awake. They heard her sit up, give out a surprised cry and a "What the heck is this? Am I still dreaming....?".

"No, you just picked a bad time to wake up", Xenia dryly retorted....

The Hur'q were coming closer..... Nu'Daq was still concerned about having Xenia here. He turned to her and said: "There is still time for you to go. Take Janor and leave. You can still make it."

She looked as if she at least thought about for a second. With a slightly quivering voice she said.

"No, I stay here."

And once again Nu'Daq smiled. Xenia had never been much of a fighter. And once again he was sure: She loved him as much as he loved her.

As the first Hur'q approached fighting distance, Nu'Daq - caught in the rush of the blood burn - citing another ancient Klingon proverb yelled out "qaStaHvIS wa' ram IoS SaD Hugh SIjIaH qetbogh IoD" {Four thousand throats may be cut in one night by a running man}, he assumed his offensive combat posture and looked his death in the eyes with pride. Xenia didn't have the same assurance, but this was not the first time she faced an overwhelming enemy. This somehow reminded her of some of the battles she fought in the Maquis against the equally bloodthirsty Cardassians. But this was different, this was the first time she didn't run. She wasn't sure why, but it had to be love....

And even if Xenia had chosen to stay it didn't mean she wasn't afraid. She was. Very much afraid. But it was too late to regret. She raised her weapon to engage the oncoming Hur'q. This was going to be a slaughter.

But suddenly they both felt a very well-known tingle throughout their bodies. It was the familiar grip of a Starfleet transporter. And as they dematerialized in front of the surprised Hur'q crowd, Xenia thanked God (or was it the Prophets....?), but Nu'Daq's face, as he also dematerialized, didn't show relief, but disappointment?!

Seconds later they materialized on the Valjean in transporter room 3. They were greated by Ensign Arsinoe: "Welcome back, we are happy to have found you all."

"In the last minute", Nu'Daq said, "but we need to get to the bridge, we have to seal the rift as soon as possible".

She looked at him with a crooked smile: "Don't worry. Ensign Okal is already there, working on it. As well as the two Q's." Nu'Daq gave a sigh of relief. "Commander, you should get Lt. Janor to sickbay. I have to get to the bridge".

Xenia nodded and turned her attention to the still weak Janor next to them. Nu'Daq rushed out and headed for the bridge.

As he entered the bridge he saw the Captain, Ensign Okal and the two Q's bent over one of the science panels at the back. They all looked up, as he entered. The Captain welcomed him back.

"Just in time. We are about to initiate the closure of the rift. Prepare an antimatter charge at the coordinates specified by Ensign Okal."

Nu'Daq acknowledged and assumed his position at Tactical. He let his fingers run over the smooth wooden sides and looked at the familiar displays.

"Welcome home", he said to himself. Behind him, he heard Okal say:" Initiating the Donaldson wave now." A slight humming indicated, that the wave pattern was spreading inside the time-space rift. A set of coordinates came up on the Tactical display, and Nu'Daq prepared the antimatter charge. Captain Worf started the countdown

. "Prepare to lanch at my mark. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Fire!!"

Nu'Daq launched the charge with a content smile and whispered "Die, you Hur'q pataq", as he watched the charge enter the rift. A small ignition was seen, and then the blurry shape of the time-space distortion started to contract, and within seconds the rift was closed. A loud cheer came from the bridge crew, but it suddenly stilled. Because the sight of the blurry distortion was replaced by the 5 romulan warbirds, which had been nesting inside the rift.

"Red alert. Shields up. Ready all weapons." The Captain's commands were performed even before they were uttered.

Nu'Daq made a scan of the ships. To his surprise he saw, that they were disabled. No weapons, no shields and only minimal energy. He reported it to the captain.

"Of course" Okal cried out. "The disruption of the interference pattern caused a collapse of the artificial singularity powering the warbirds. They collapsed into the time-space distortion. They could be anywhere. 5 lose singularities. 5 black holes, that can pop up anywhere, anytime. Most interesting......"

At that moment they received a hail. It was from the lead romulan ship. "Captain, the romulans want to have a word with you", Nu'Daq reported. Worf and Dax both made a grin. "Put them on the screen."

Log Twenty-Two

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