A Change in Circumstances

By Christopher L. Estep

Station Log: Stardate 49511.3:

The preparations for negotiations between the Klingon Empire and the Federation have barely begun. Quark, surprisingly (or not so surprisingly, considering his relationship with the Lady Grilka) has offered his bar as a negotiation site. Meanwhile, the relationship between Worf and Dax continues to deepen...

Lt. Cmdr. Worf, Strategic Operations Officer of DS9, awoke in his quarters on the Defiant in an unusual mood for him....a happy one. Then he looked beside him on the bed and re-discovered the reason for the change....the still-slumbering form of Jadzia Dax.

"Kahless!" Worf thought. "All this time, she was right in front of me, and I thought her weak. I must be as dense as a targ sometimes!"

"Sometimes....but eventually, you come around."

The voice spoke in a sleepy High Klingon, but he knew who spoke.

He bent down and kissed Dax on the mouth. "Good morning, Jadzia."

After Worf broke the kiss, Jadzia replied, "And good morning yourself."

"Give me a couple of minutes to take a shower, then I'll fix breakfast," Worf said.

"Klingon breakfast?" Dax asked.

"Not today. This time, I'm preparing a breakfast from Earth...specifically, the southern United States of the Twentieth Century. Bacon, eggs, pan-fried potatoes, orange juice, and coffee."

Dax grinned. "You're going to spoil me rotten!"

"One can only hope," Worf replied.

Captain Benjamin Sisko, commander of Deep Space Nine, sat in his office, trying to digest a rather strange message relayed to him this morning. It tasted terrible. However, there was nothing further he could do until Worf and the rest of the senior staff arrived for the morning briefing...so he continued to sit....and sweat. Five minutes later, Kira Nerys, Dr. Bashir, Odo, Worf, and Dax trooped into his office for the morning briefing. After the usual pleasantries, Sisko began to speak.

"Early this morning, a message was relayed to me from Gowron, leader of the Klingon High Council, requesting a meeting. The coordinates are just within Klingon space near the Federation border with the Empire, at the border's closest approach to DS9. He requested that Worf, Dax, Odo, Quark, Lady Grilka, and myself attend."

Worf asked, "Did Gowron give any reason why he has requested to meet with us?"

Sisko replied, "He did. He referred to K'Empec, the Khitomer massacre, and the sealed Imperial records of the House of Mogh's disgrace...and your discommendation. He also uttered a word: t'okkhe straave."

Dax jumped in at this point."Did Gowron say who he referred to?"

Sisko grimaced. "Yes....himself."

Worf simply sat there, shocked into silence. T'okkhe straave meant "willing slave" in Klingon, and was the vilest insult one Klingon could call another; so vile, that only a duel to the death could redeem it. For a Klingon to refer to himself as such...especially a leader of the High Council...had never occurred to his knowledge in Imperial history.

Sisko resumed speaking. "Major Kira, you're in command during our absence. The rest of you, pack your bags and get aboard the Defiant. We leave in two hours."

The senior staff left Sisko's office hurriedly.

Sisko thumbed the intercom station in his desk. "Sisko to Quark."

"Quark here, Captain. What can I do for you?"

"Is Lady Grilka still aboard the station?" Sisko asked.

"I guess you haven't been reading Dr. Bashir's Medical Logs if you asked that!" Quark replied. "Julian just left here...treating 'love injuries'."

"Are you well enough to travel?" Sisko asked.

"I'll force myself," Quark replied, grinning. "May I bring Lady Grilka?"

"The invitation is for both of you. Be aboard Defiant in two hours. Oh; by the way," Sisko said, "your quarters are well away from Odo's."

"Thank goodness for small favors. Quark out."

Lady Grilka was standing beside a seated (and still splinted) Quark. "May I help you up, my love?" she asked.

"Yours is the only help I desire, my Lady," Quark replied in Ferengi-accented Klingon.

Seven hours later, the Defiant had arrived at the rendezvous point, where a single Imperial dreadnought waited for them. After greetings were exchanged, Sisko and company beamed aboard the Klingon ship and were escorted to a briefing room, where Gowron sat...alone. The escort quickly left, leaving them alone with the Klingon leader.

Gowron said, "I have asked you here because I need a favor from you. The time has come to put right a grievous wrong within the Empire. Worf, son of Mogh, I am prepared to give you back your House....and your honor...in the Klingon manner. However, you must commit an unusual act...and it must be public."

"What would you have me do, Gowron?" Worf asked.

Gowron replied, "I would have you kill me, and assume the leadership of the High Council, as is your proper right."

Worf said, "Do you speak of a duel between us?"

"No. I speak of an execution, for my crimes against the Empire. As the wronged party, it is your right by Imperial law to carry out the sentence personally. Will you do this?"

"Again, I must ask...why do you request this of me?" Worf said.

Gowron grimaced, then began to speak. "I have examined the records of my tenure as leader of the High Council, and seen a record full of dishonor, treachery, and unnecessary death. From beginning to end, mine has been a tale of deceit and needless suffering. Even the circumstances of my accession are suspect. However, the final straw came when that abominable Changeling was discovered....disguised as one of my closest advisors. As much blood as I have spilled, this proved to be more than I could stand. Again, Worf, I ask that you stand ready...for the Empire asks you to serve it again...this time, with honor."

Worf replied, after some thought, "I must consult with my superiors. This is no little thing you ask of me."

Gowron replied, "I understand. The resources of this ship are at your disposal until we reach the Homeworld. Consult with your superiors. I go to await your answer."

With that, Gowron left the room.

The group stood, stunned into silence.

Finally, Sisko asked Worf, "Who do you wish to contact, Worf?"

Worf replied, "Admiral Picard, currently at Starfleet Headquarters as Acting Chief of Fleet Operations."

Sisko replied, "Sensible."

Worf contacted Admiral Picard and quickly sketched out Gowron's request of him. Picard thought a moment, then replied, "Mr. Worf, it is within your right to do this, by Klingon law. However, under Starfleet regulations, you could be charged with murder were you to remain a Starfleet officer."

Worf replied, "Then I must resign my commission."

"If you do, Worf, then I shall resign my commission as well," Dax replied.

Sisko exclaimed, "Jadzia! Why?"

Dax replied, "I love him. Is that not enough?"

Sisko grimaced, then said, "I understand."

Picard replied, "Lieutenant Commander Worf and Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax, it is with great regret that I accept your resignations as Starfleet officers, effective immediately. Picard out."

Worf and Dax stood there, continuing to stare at the now-blank viewscreen. Then, Worf turned to Sisko.

"Even though you are no longer my superior officer, I ask that you accompany me to the Homeworld, as a friend of the House of Mogh," Worf said.

"I accept," Sisko replied.

Gowron came into the room. "Have you decided?"

"I shall do as you have asked, Gowron," Worf replied.

"I shall stand with him, as is my right, as his mate," Dax stated.

"And I shall stand with him, as a friend of the House of Mogh," Sisko added.

"I shall also stand witness, as leader of the House of Grilka, " Lady Grilka commented.

"And I shall stand with my Lady, as is my right, as her mate," Quark put in.

Gowron shook his head in wonder. "Even now, there is still honor in the galaxy."

He thumbed the intercom button. "Bridge. Set course for the Homeworld. Maximum speed."

Personal Log of Benjamin Sisko, Stardate 49515.1:

We have arrived at the Klingon Homeworld. I am about to witness something unprecendented in Klingon history...the execution of a Klingon High Council leader...at his own request.

Dawn has come to the Homeworld...a dawn that none will soon forget... before this day is done, history will be made, and an Empire changed forever. Within the Council chambers, a most unusual metting has been called. A silence has gripped the Council...for this meeting is unlike any ever held before.

"Members of the High Council...distinguished guests....a great wrong has been committed within the Empire. Years ago, an act of treachery resulted in the massacre at Khitomer. Supposedly for the good of the Empire, the facts of that treachery were kept hidden, and a great House was wrongfully disgraced. However, it has not turned out to be for the good of the Empire. Deceit, dishonor, and needless death have been the result," Gowron shouted. "The time has come for the facts to become known, and for the wrongs to be made right, so the Empire may regain its honor. One Klingon stands accused of murder, treason, and crimes against the Empire. Only his blood can erase the stain of dishonor that has tainted the Klingon Empire."

"Who is this Klingon that has committed these acts?" a Council member asked?

"Never before has someone this high within the Empire stood under sentence of death for his acts of treachery," Gowron shouted. "For I am the guilty one!"

Murmuring abruptly broke out within the Council chamber. Gowron himself, guilty of crimes against the Empire...by his own admission!

"Behold the evidence!" Gowron shouted.

On display panels within the Council chambers, and on vidscreens throughout the Homeworld, and further relayed by subspace relay station throughout the Empire, the entire shocking story of the truth behind the Khitomer massacre, which had been kept under Council seal for years, was laid bare. The discommendation of Worf. The unmasking of the Changeling within the Council chambers...and his destruction.

"You have seen the evidence. I present no defense. I admit my guilt. The sentence by Klingon law is death. Worf, son of Mogh, stand ready!" Gowron shouted.

With that, Worf walked forward to the center of the Council chamber, Dax and Sisko by his side. Behind them, Kurn, Worf's brother, was accompanied by Odo, Lady Grilka, and Quark.

"In my final act as Leader of the High Council, I give the House of Mogh back it's name...and rescind your discommendation." Gowron drew his sword and handed it to Worf. "Carry out your duty to the Empire!"

With that, Worf swung the sword.....and lopped of Gowron's head just above the shoulder. The head rolled toward the entryway to the Council chamber...and through it. The headless body collapsed at Worf and Dax' feet.

A Council member approached Worf. "I ask, on behalf of the remaining members of the Council, that you take Gowron's place. Worf, son of Mogh, will you accept?"

"I do. But first, I ask that you bear witness to a Swearing of the Oath between myself and Jadzia Dax," Worf replied.

(I know no Klingon; what follows is a translation into English.)

Worf turned to face Jadzia. "Jadzia, I swear my love for you, now and forever."

Dax faced Worf. "And I swear my love and loyalty to you, my mate. Now, and forever."

The two of them faced the Council and spoke together, "We are now one soul...one flesh. Hail our union!"

"Hail, Worf and Jadzia! Now and forever!" shouted the assembly.

Lady Grilka and Quark walked to join the new couple and turned to face the Council. "This is a day that will be known throughout the Empire. History will remember it as the day that honor returned to the Empire," Lady Grilka shouted. "This is also the day that I choose a mate for life. Quark, son of Dantar, I give my love to you unconditionally. To you, I give my House, and my loyalty. Now and forever."

Quark turned to face Lady Grilka. "Lady Grilka, I swear my loyalty to you unconditionally. I accept your oath, and your love."

The now-mated Quark and Grilka turned to face the stunned Council.

"Never before has a Ferengi willingly entered marriage to a Klingon before the Council. Only once before has a Ferengi stood as Head of a House in the Empire," Quark said. "Tradition within the Empire names the House after the senior male. However, I ask that the Council allow me to choose a new name for our House...which I name as the House of Love."

A young Council member shouted, "I so move that the House of Love be accepted."

An older member shouted, "I second it!"

The young Council member shouted, "All those in favor!"

"Hail!" thundered the Council.

"Those opposed?" asked the older member.

Silence filled the Council chamber.

"Welcome, Quark, leader of the House of Love!" shouted the young Council member.

"Hail Quark and Grilka! Now and forever!" shouted the older Council member.

"Hail, Quark and Grilka! Now and forever!" shouted the assembly again.

The two newly-mated couples left the Council chambers, accompanied by an honor guard.

Several days later, a heartfelt farewell scene took place at the Spaceport near the Council chambers.

"Worf, I wish you much luck leading the Council," Sisko said.

Now-Council leader Worf replied, "I'll remember what you said about when I get four pins on the collar...and about wanting to choose another profession."

Sisko turned to Dax. "Take care of him, Old Man. And yourself too."

"This isn't forever, Benjamin. We'll meet again," Dax replied. "I'm sure of it."

Sisko turned to Quark. "Coming?"

Quark replied, "As a matter of fact....no."

Sisko looked stunned; Odo looked shocked.

"What about the bar?" Odo asked.

Quark gave a holochip to Odo. "This transfers the bar, the casino, everything I have back on the station to Rom and Nog. See that my mother gets a copy as well." Quark bent to whisper in Odo's ear, "Keep my brother out of trouble, will you?"

Odo looked like he was about to cry. "I will. Take care of yourself, Quark."

Sisko tapped his combadge. "Sisko to Defiant . Two to beam up."

With that, a chapter in Klingon history ended...and another began.

~The End~

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