An Interesting Letter.....

This was actually a letter written about this subject. This was written by someone other than me, no joke! I bet you can't guess who it was...  Let us see what this person has to tell us about......


To The Web Masters Of WDITWSLTGR:

    When my wife FINALLY stepped out of the bathroom, I was greeted with the scent of at least 400 different products.  What was she spending my money on?  This was getting ridiculous.  She breezed by me in this enormous fuzzy robe, announcing that she needs more lotion- she just shaved and her legs were all dry.

            I ask you:  Why does she shave if she’s just going to wear that big mumu robe?  I asked her myself, but she just gave me the Look, so I shut my mouth and went outside and started the car.

            So later, I’m wandering around the biggest grocery store this side of the Mason-Dixon line, trying to find something called Jergens Magic Time Warp Age Removing Hair Reducing Lotion in Perfectly Peach Plum…or something like that.  Anyway, I thought the bottle was orange or something. 

            After about half an hour of aimless travels (and I do mean aimless- I swear I passed the Cheetos display four times), I finally managed to stumble across something that slightly resembles an orange-ish bottle of lotion.  Hey it says “moisturizing” and “cream”, so that’s got to be it.

            I drove home and handed my wife the bottle, but she flipped out- turns out I bought shaving cream instead of lotion.  She looked thoroughly irritated, so I decided that it was my turn to take a shower and all that.  (I would also like to add that at this point she didn’t look a whole lot different than she did when I left- what had she been doing all that time?  Knitting?  Cooking?)  I went into the bathroom (mind you there is STILL steam from her shower), and only then do I notice the extremely large quantity of products lining the shelves and counter of the bathroom.  Nose strip?  What is a nose strip?  And Fruition sounds like an apple’s way to college, not some bath product.  What kind of sick world am I living in where a lady shells out $35 so she can look two months younger?  This is out of control.

            Anyway, I take my shower (which is almost lukewarm- we’ve got a great hot water tank), and I ask my wife to explain to me the mysteries of her gender.  Why are they so expensive?  Who makes these products?

            But guess what:  I got no answer from her.  I asked her these questions earnestly, and she just gave me this really dirty look and said, “I can’t believe you.”

            I guess the question will remain unanswered….




And you thought this was a joke, this is a big problem!!!!

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