How Did This Whole Thing Start Anyways?????

    So, you may be asking yourself right now, "How did this get started?". Did the webmaster of the site had an experience or he is trying to express his feminine side. Well, this site was created because of a simple joke. That is a right, someone else help created all this. This whole website was caused from expanding a simple joke.

    Let us go back into time, weeeeee! Let us go back to the school year of 1998-1999. Back then, the impeachment trails of President Bill Clinton were going on, Volkswagen introduced the new design of the Beetle, and the big music groups were Cherry Poppin' Daddies, *NSYNC, Spice Girls, and Dixie Chicks. I have moved up to live with my dad after living with my mom for about 6 years. My parent's decided to share who will live with who, anyways, back to the story. I have left my old high school, Heritage High School, and were going to a new school, Elizabeth Forward High School, I was entering my 10th grade year. Well, in the summer, I join the marching band then school began and I was meeting new people and making a lot of friends. Well, my best friend, Jim, was trying to get up enough courage to ask a girl that has like for a couple years, her name was Darci. When all of us were at the Christmas Dance, he decided that he will ask her out after dance. He did and she said yes. Don't worry people, I am getting to it.

    Anyways, after a couples of months, I decided to call Darci to ask for something, I do not know what. We had a good long conversation. During that conversation, we have brought up the subject of swim class. We were both in the same swim class. She then goes off on how she does not have a lot of time to get ready after the swim class and about how long she spends getting ready in the morning. Then little innocent me ask that wonderful question, Why Does It Take Women So Long To Get Ready? Oh boy, at that time, I did not think she knew what she had done...

    So after a couple of months, then years, the joke got bigger and bigger and the creation of the old page. Well, it is now 2002, all of us were in college. Some people want the page back up, so, now, here we are, at the new page. Bigger and better than the old one. So if u wonder how all this got started, just think of that phone conversation with Darci.....

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