The Bell Brothers play some sort of backwoods-hillbilly, southern-superhero, alien-freeform, experimental, noise, tone-rock. Instrumentation includes: Tone Generators, Pedal Steel, Keyboards (Analog & Digital), Banjo, Sitar, Shitar, "The Bubble," Bass Guitar, Coral Firefly Vincent Bell Signature Guitar, and Drums of all shapes and sounds.
The Bell Brothers also live and function at their own recording studio/converted Swift meat-packing plant/performance space hideaway...We'll Dick You Over Records/The Wherehouse. The Bell Brothers ooze entertainment.

01...Chris With Guns
02...Live 6/22/97
04...Spandex & A Trumpet Playing Elvis
05...11th Annual Fly-In & Threshers Reunion
06...Starchy Chaps In Bloom
07...Whexican Yoppie (Cacti Jive)
08...Destroyer (Live 6/22/97)
09...Night of Conviction
10...Set Song at 4196

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