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Welcome to White Eagle Online

Welcome to the White Eagle Chapter, of Tahosa Lodge 383. We are part of the the Order of the Arrow. WE Arrowmen are located in the Arapahoe district of the Denver Area Council, BSA.

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This site is built and maintained by youth, please pardon any misspellings or slow updates.
Developed by WE Web Development Team™, © 1999-2002, All rights reserved.


Meet the WE CEC
Chief: Bryan Kaiser
VC Admin: James Van-Horn
VC Program: Franz Holscher
Chapter Advisor: David Moore
Chapter Professional: Jeffrey Greene
DE: Ann Strapec
Visit our CEC PAGE


This dust has settled, we have launched a new design to keep up with a growing site. Please send in your feedback

The District Klonderee is comming soon. Are you into it? Get ready, because this event is on the promises to be full of fun and memories, so be prepared, and we'll see you at camp hale.

Our lodge chief has challenged us to be active in the Lodge. He wants us to attend the next Lodge event: sectional. Get ready for it. This event is in April from 4-19 to 4-21. Our chapter member Andrew Ritzdorf is helping to plan this event. There will be fun times had by all as the Section hosts ceremony evaulations, dance training, and much much more. Get ready for training, games, recreation, and a night show that is second to none. For more information visit our section page.

Visit the lodge website to get the latest



To... David Moore, becoming the New Chapter Adviser

To... Andrew Ritzdorf was distiguished as a Vigil Candidate this year.

WE Chapter becomes first W. Chapter of Tahosa.

Way to go to all the chapter members who earned the ASA last year.

Special thanks to the chapter members involved in the banquet. Ryan, the vigil ceremony was great.

Lodge Chief and chapter member Christopher Moore was awarded the distinquished honor of becoming the 2002 Tahosa Lodge Youth Founder's Award Recipiant. Dan Morahan is the Adult recipiant.

Quick News

Site Updated with new look
Sectional Conclave
Banquet Memories
Cony Parties
Lodge Chief's Corner
Chapter Chief's Corner
Meet the new chapter adviser
Wimachtendienk Chapter Awarded to Tahosa

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