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Advanced 3D Graphics
Never before has the PlayStation experienced gameplay graphics as smooth and life-like as those present in FINAL FANTASY VIII. Utilizing the artistic talent that is a Square trademark, and a brand new 3D engine, FINAL FANTASY VIII will dazzle players with fully rendered backgrounds and ultra-detailed character models which move with astounding fluidity.
Seamless Movie Integration
With the new 3D engine capable of displaying highly detailed character models, FINAL FANTASY VIII showcases the latest advance in videogame animation, the seamless integration of Computer Graphic video with real-time gameplay scenes. The transition is such that many players may not notice when a static cinema sequence becomes active gameplay.
Dolby Surround Sound
In order to complement the ground breaking visual effects in FINAL FANTASY VIII, equally ground breaking audio effects are needed. The inclusion of Dolby Surround Sound marks a dedication by Square to enhance the game playing experience through the creation of a fully immerse gaming environment.

All copyright by maxlee.
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