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How to Make Money Online: The Simple, Cheap Way
People are always asking me how I make money online. I�ve been doing it for almost 4 years now and, fortunately, haven�t had to get a �real� job yet (since graduating college). It�s definitely not easy to do, but anyone with some intelligence, creativity, and/or the willingness to do large amounts of research can make a good living on the Web. However, it�s important for newbies to start off small and cheaply. Despite what the marketing �gurus� try to tell you, you really don�t need to spend a lot of money on ebooks and software to begin earning a nice income on the internet.

Anyway, here�s an easy and cheap way to create an online revenue stream that I developed for my friends:

1. Choose a profitable topic/theme - There are several ways to do this but one of the easiest is to use Overture�s free bid tool (Tip: It�s always best to choose a topic you know something about�. or at least are very interested in.)

2. Setup a blog - You can use a free one such as or MSN Spaces. This will become your main �site� since it�s really just a way to easily publish content.

3. Start writing high-quality, focused 400-700 word articles DAILY! - This is probably the most important thing you can do for long-term success. You can also use syndicated articles from article directories to �beef up� your site but don�t rely on it. Make sure all articles are based around your site�s central theme.

4. Post your theme-based content to your site/blog on a regular basis - Try to post at least one or two good articles per day.

5. Monetize your blog - Put related affiliate links and Google Adsense on your blog to start making some money.

6. Write and submit good articles to the online article directories - This will get you some free one-way links (great for search engine rankings), increase your site traffic, and help to establish your credibility.

7. Get a low-cost autoresponder and start collecting the email addresses of your site visitors - Offer a useful free report or email mini-course to entice people to sign up.

8. Send out a weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly newsletter with useful information and a couple affiliate links - If you �nurture� your subscriber list well it can quickly turn into your biggest moneymaker!

9. Continue to drive traffic to your site - Submit your blog�s RSS feed to feed directories, submit your main page and/or a few good internal pages to general web directories and theme directories ( is the most important), and trade links with good sites that have related themes.

Well, that�s just the beginning! But it�s a great way to get started making money online. In the future I may post an �extended� version of this list with much more detail but I hope this basic list helps you out!


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