Calculation of Ellipse Arc Length

Parametric Equations of the Ellipse
Parametric Equations of Ellipse with respect to the Eccentric Angle
Differentiating with respect to the Eccentric Angle
R = Semi-Axis lying on the x-axis
r = Semi-Axis lying on the y-axis
Differentiating with respect to f
dy/df = d(r · sinf)/df = r · cosf
dx/df = d(R · cosf)/df = R · (– sinf)
Arc Length of Ellipse
Prismoidal Formula
Simpson's Rule
Simpson's Rule : Estimating the Arc Length of an Ellipse
Given any two stations x1 > x2
Semi-Axis lying on the x-axis = R
Semi-Axis lying on the y-axis = r
Parametric Angle at x1 : f1 = arccos (x1 ÷ R)
Parametric Angle at x2 : f2 = arccos (x2 ÷ R)
The interval between the angles is divided into twenty equal strips :
Δf = (f2f1) ÷ 2 , where f2 > f1
The values of y are determined :
y1 = Square Root [(R sin f1)2 + (r cos f1)2]
Angle f1 is incremented by Δf :
y2 = Square Root [(R sin (f1 + Δf))2 + (r cos (f1 + Δf))2]
For each successive value of y, angle f1 is incremented again by Δf :
y3 = Square Root [(R sin (f1 + 2 × Δf))2 + (r cos (f1 + 2 × Δf))2]
y4 = Square Root [(R sin (f1 + 3 × Δf))2 + (r cos (f1 + 3 × Δf))2]
... other terms ...
y21 = Square Root [(R sin (f1 + 20 × Δf))2 + (r cos (f1 + 20 × Δf))2]

The values of y are multiplied and summed as per Simpson's Rule :
Ellipse Arc Length =
f ÷ 3) × (y1 + 4y2 + 2y3 + 4y2 + 2y5 + ... + 2y19 + 4y20 + y21)
Arc Length of Ellipse
Scope : First Quadrant, 0 £ x £ R
Semi-Axis lying on the x-axis , R =
Semi-Axis lying on the y-axis ,  r =
( x1 > x2 )   ...   x1 =
x2 =

f1 =
( f2 > f1 )   ...   f2 =
Δf = ( f2f1 ) ÷ 20 =
Δf ÷ 3 =
f1 + Δf yn Multiplied yn
× 1 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 2 =
× 4 =
× 1 =
Sum of Multiplied yn =
f ÷ 3) × ( Sum of Multiplied yn ) = Arc Length

Intercept and General Forms of Ellipse Equations
Intercept and General Forms of Ellipse Equations
As the value of x approaches the value of the Semi-Axis lying on the x-axis, R, the divisor in the formula above approaches zero, returning an absurd result for the Ellipse Arc Length.

Arc Length of Ellipse

Note the Ellipse Arc Length as x approaches R

Sample Data: Ellipses revolved about Reference Axes
Joe Bartok