Here are some cool pictures .. of me and what-not. Enjoy.

Funny stuff

My brother and I, last year

Me in Aug of 2001

Cute little thing :)

I LOVE Eeyore

Not really me, I was just bored .. sorry about the distorted colour *bleh*

My friend Summer and I

Rueben, from Road Trip, he's a hot boy :)

Something an old friend made for me

My friend, Kimberly

My friend, sister, and confidante


A real sweetheart

My friend, Carrie Anne

Me when I was set up with the guy in the pic

Me that night, again

Another ..

My best friend Lita and I .. yup .. that night

Some friends on New Year's

My friend Michelle and I entering the excitment of Bear Bash: New Year's 2002

Some pre-Bear Bash laughs

I don't know when this was taken ..
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