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New To Online Casinos?

If you're new to online casinos, here are some things you should know.

Online casinos are not the same as the local casino.

At the local casino you go in, find a place to sit in front of your favorite game machine and put your money in the slot, then the credits appear. If you win the credits increase and if you loose the credits decrease and when you've had enough, you cashout and get your money, right? Also you have to abide by the rules of the establishment. Example: Let's say you're a smoker and there is an anti-smoking bylaw, even if the casino doesn't mind, you're still not allowed to smoke, bummer!
When it's time to go home, if your luck was good and you've got all this cash in your pocket, you might ask for an escort to your car that's parked, (what seems to be a mile away), on the far side of the parking lot, and it's very dark outside. But, you have the cash in your pocket. At least til you can get to the bank in the morning. Seems like a lot of stress and worry. But you had a night out, right?

While playing at the Online Casino after the initial setting up of your account and downloading the casino to your computer. You just turn on your computer and go to the casino through the internet (Actually the casino comes to you). You choose your favorite game. The balance you have in your account is shown as credits, and away you go. If you want to smoke, light em up. Relax and enjoy the experience. All of the online casinos have background noise and machine sounds that you might be accustom to. If you prefer, these sounds can be turned off. If you choose table games, there is a moderator to keep you informed and dealers that talk.
After you've had enough and it's time to cashout for the night, (which could be anytime you want, the casinos run 24/7/365), if you're ahead, the amount is transferred back to your account and shows the new balance available. There is no need for an escort from the casino and no worries about, is it cold outside, will the car start, is there a mugger in the parking lot or "I'm too drunk to drive home".

These casinos also have "VIP Clubs or Player Clubs" which you can signup with that allow you to collect bonus points. The bonus points can be used for various things. Of course there are different membership levels. Basicly, the more money you gamble, the more points you accumulate. There are certian point levels that are achieved and after the number of points is met, then the member advances to the next level. Naturally, the higher your level, the more points you collect for each transaction. The most popular use is redeeming them for a cash return. Considering the amount of the cash return you recieve, you are much better off to just leave your points until you are at the top level. That way, you are getting a higher point return for each transaction. You could cash in the points that you accumulate over the maximum requrements.

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