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Ready to give it a try?

If you'd like to give it a try, just click on one of the buttons on the left side. Pick which ever one sounds good to you. This will take you to the casino gateway. It will ask you to download their casino. This will be done very quickly, and there is no need to worry about viruses. These casinos are very secure. Once it's finished downloading, you will be asked to setup an account for either a real player (for real money) or as a guest (not for real money). If you choose to open a real player account, you will qualify for any promotion they have at that time. Once your account is setup, the casino will e-mail you your account number. If you do not respond to this e-mail, your account will not be setup. If the casino supplies you with a password, the first thing you should do is change it to one of your own choosing.

After you have downloaded the casino and setup your account, (and activated it-responded to the e-mail), you should choose a method of making deposits to your account. There will be options for you to choose from in the banking area of the casino. Some of the options, (like Neteller or Firepay), will allow you to make deposits with your credit card after you setup an account with them. (To setup an account should be free) It's just like setting up a bank account exclusively for your deposits and withdrawals. Depending on what country you're in, you may be able to have your account linked to your own bank account so withdrawals can be transfered to your local bank. Or, you could choose to just deposit directly from your credit card, in which case, if your credit card company does not houner transactions to online casinos, will probably fail.
When you have finished playing, your balance can be cashed in, or just left in your account. If you wnat to cashin, just follow the instructions for that particular casino. There are a number of choices for this action. You can request a check to be sent to you, which usually takes about 3 weeks, or if you have an account setup with one of the deposit services, your winnings can be transfered to your local bank account. The time varys depending on your bank and the country you're in. Generally, the request to cashin your account balance from the casino is not performed for 2 days. That gives you the opprotunity to reverse the request or reduce the amount of the cashout (saving you more transactions).

This might sound like it would take a long time to do. Not so, depending on your connection speed and the speed of your computer, inside 30 minutes you could be playing your favorite game from the convenience of your own home. No need to think about getting cold going to your car, or if the car will even start, or being mugged in the parking lot, or if you've had too much to drink.

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