AD's September Letter 
AD's December Letter
AD's December 10 Letter
Coach's Box

1st Coach's Letter
2nd Coach's Letter

Coach's Roster
Gym Schedule 2005
Post Season Tourney
School Roster
Schedule  2005
Team Roster 
Waiver Form
1999 Results
2000 Results
2001 Results
2002 Results
2003 Results
2004 Results
2005 Results

Quick Glance 
at the ECC Season

October 1st 
Mail AD Letters to Schools

November  10th
Commish Follows up and calls Athletic Directors about gyms

November 20th 
Team Rosters Due to Commish

November 27-29th
Commish Puts schedules together

December 1st Commish mails schedules to Athletic Directors for final approval

December 9th
Mail schedules to coaches

December 15th
Medical Waivers Due to Commish.  Schedules mailed to coaches and AD's. 

December 16-21st
Preseason Tourney??? I need  schools to host !!!

January 6th -March 1
ECC Basketball Season 

January 15th
Deadline for all $ fees

February 24-28th
Girls Post Season Tourney

March 3-8th
Boys Post Season Tourney

Welcome to the official site of Elementary Christian Conference Basketball for 5th and 6th grade boys and girls.  The 2004 Basketball season is here and gone check the 2004 Results.

General ECC information:

Pre Season Tournament @ NOAH 101st and Yale 
Boys A  December ?
Boys B and Girls A December ?

ECC consists of three boys divisions (A, B, C) and two girls divisions (A, B).  See below on how to divide your teams.

Season starts 1st week in January through February.  Teams play 9 or 10 games.  Post- Season tourney for girls is the last week in February and the first week in March for boys.
  Girls Post- Season tournament  FEB 19 - 26- 2005
  Boys Post- Season tournament  FEB 28 - MARCH 5 -2005

Your school's  team roster is due November 20th.  Mail to: Al Cap, ECC Conference Commissioner, at 10612 East 99th Tulsa Ok. 74133. Or fax roster to 317-5157(Put Attn: Al Cap on cover).

If your school has a home gym and wants to play home games please submit gym dates and game times for those dates along with your team rosters.  There are some league schools that do not have a gym so allowing games at your gym that do not involve your school would be helpful in scheduling. See form in AD Letter.  I will mail the ECC schedule to you and your coaches by December 20th.

Medical waivers are due December 15th.

Entry Fees:

$40 .00 per team  fee if you host at least 5 of your games per team @ your home gym, or $70.00 entry fee per team if you don't host games.  Do not send league fees with the rosters.  ECC will bill the school after all team fees and late fees have been totaled.
  There will be a $15.00 late charge per team if rosters are not received by Nov. 20th and, or, if medical waivers are not received by Dec 15th.

Go to the Results  link to see the final standings of the 2004 season. Use the rest of this web site to view schedules, standings, rules, and rosters.  A new part is a report a score section where you can enter your game scores without calling it in.  This will help in allowing more up-to-date standings. 

   If you have any questions just email me at work : [email protected] or at home: [email protected]

Coaches,  make sure you Report your Score.

See legend below for a map to the gym

Al Cap, ECC Commissioner

  2004 thoughts,

The Boys "C" division worked as planned.

Girls "B" division can have no more than 2 - 6th graders on each team.

Boys "A" division : If a school has 20  - 6th graders (give or take a few), then teams must be evenly divided.  If a school has 12 -6thgraders (give or take a few then one team can be stacked and less developed players play on B team.

2003 thoughts:

One of the improvements that I  want to implement for 2004 is a Boys "C" division.   Here are my thoughts below on eligibility and how to evaluate in the preseason where a team fits.

 Boys A division : Competitive division of 6th graders.  This division would consist of the stronger more competitive teams out to win the "much coveted" ECC City Title.  

 Boys B division : Developmental division of 6th graders and stronger 5th grade teams.  No all 6th grade teams

 Boys C division :  Very developmental division of 5th graders.  No 6th graders can play in this division. 

So, the idea is to take some of the "weaker" 6th grade teams and put them in the "B" division.  Then take some of the "weaker" 5th grade teams and place them in the "C" division.

Knowing the results of 2003, here's how the A B C breakdown would have been.

Boys A
Noah                    9 - 1
  Holland Hall G   8 - 2
  Metro                  8 - 2
   ET                       8 - 2
  VCS A                 8 - 2
  VCS B                  6 - 3
  Lincoln                5 - 4
  Grace Leo            4 - 6
Boys B

Holland Hall S 6th gders  3 - 7
Wright 6th gders               3 - 7
Mingo Valley 6th gders    3 - 7
Victory 5th gders               3 - 7
Grace Mavs  6th gders      2 - 8
Chef 6th gders                   0 - 10
 Jenks                                  10 - 0
 Eastwood                            9 - 1
 Noah E                                 8 - 2
 Grace                                    9 - 1
 Holland Hall                        8 - 2
 ET Rubin                              7 - 2
Boys C
Trinity                  7 - 3
 St. Augustine     6 - 3
ET Johnson         4 - 6
Noah Wofford     2 - 8
Tulsa Lutheran    2 - 8
Mingo Valley       2 - 8
Southpark            1 - 9
Chef Hill                0 - 10
Chef Derham        0 - 10

The hardest part of this is doing a preseason analysis of where each team should fit.  Because we get new coaches to the league each year, they don't know which division to play.  A pre-season tournament could help, but which gym or gyms could host, and what if the better player on the team is sick for the pre season tourney?  That would skew the evaluation process.

Another way to evaluate would be for Athletic Directors to hold a "tryout" of all 5th and 6th graders.  In 2003 @ Grace Fellowship there was (13) 6th graders that came out for basketball.  They were divided up evenly and neither was as competitive in the "A" division as they wanted to be.   So, if a smaller school has 13-15 6th graders, then hold a tryout, and have one stronger team of (8) - 6th graders, send them to the "A" division and remaining 6th graders, and a few better 5th graders play in the "B" division.

 The larger schools Victory, Holland Hall, Metro could put their best players in a Champions or Catholic league and remaining players in "A" like Metro did in 2003.  Or divide  the teams up as evenly as possible and put all in "A" like Victory did this year.  

The key is to get all  of the school's Athletic Directors and coaches on the same page in terms of evaluating talent and the division that is best in which to  put their team.  Ideally, we would not want teams to "sandbag" into a weaker division, but find a division that they can develop and be competitive at the same time.

It's been easy to follow the straight forward ECC participation rules so far.  Boys A is 6th grade Boys B is 5th grade.  But then you get 10-0 teams hammering 1-9 teams. That's not fun for either team.  My vision is to get as many kids playing "fun" basketball as possible in a "Christian" league.

E-mail me your ideas?  E-mail

Al Cap



Legend                                  Click on link for map to gym

AUG=St. Augustine Prep School      St Augustine Prep School
CHEF=Chef Home Schoool
EW=Eastwood Baptist Schol           Eastwood Baptist School
ET=Evangelistic Temple School        Evangelistic Temple Sch.
GR=Grace Fellowship Chr School   Grace Fellowship Chr Sch.
HH= Holland Hall  School               Holland Hall  School
Moriah Homeschool
NH=Noah Home School                 Noah Home School
JKS=Jenks Road Chr Acad.           Jenks Road Chr Acad.
MV=Mingo Valley Chr School
REG = Regent Prep School
SP=Southpark Chr School             Southpark Chr School
TR=Trinity Chr School                    Trinity Chr School
TL=Tulsa Lutheran School 
WR=Wright Christian Academy      Wright Christian Academy
VCS=Victory Christian School       Victory Christian School

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