Through the centuries poets, artists, musicians and eccentrics have courted a dark muse. Not as petty as hatred, nor as animalistic as rage, but as beautiful and intrinsic as a glittering black rose. This gothic beauty has been born out of suffering, longing and magical dreaming. Hidden within the womb of every human mind is a door to an enchanted place, full of moonlight and mystery. We open that door, seekers in the unknown, yearning to find the truth.
Our domicile is full of decadent delights. Nightmares strung with crystal charms, masterpieces of melancholy fill our dorms. Invoke your angels, if your will is weak, for the subconscious is no place for the meek. Take a candle on your tour, for much darkness lye behind each ancient door.

Big Beautiful Goths

Gothic Makeovers









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