HTML Elements


The FORM element creates a fill-out form. The browser permits the user to enter information in the fields of the form and sends this information to a cgi-bin script on a server identified as a URL by the ACTION attribute. METHOD=GET (the default) appends the input information to the ACTION URL which on most receiving systems becomes the value of the environment variable QUERY_STRING. METHOD=POST (the preferred) sends the input information in a data body which is available on stdin with the data length set in the environment variable CONTENT_LENGTH. Form data is a stream of name=value pairs separated by the & character. Each name=value pair is URL encoded, i.e. spaces are changed into the plus character and some characters are encoded into hexadecimal. At least one of the following is expected inside the FORM contents: INPUT, SELECT, TEXTAREA.
Minimum Attributes
All Possible Attributes
Elements Allowed Within...
members of group body.content and elements