Maryland Renaissance Festival's 25th Season Photos by Websuspect

Are this pictures from a 4 megabit camera or a cheap fun cam..

Sorry but its a disposable fun cam.  
The resolution comes in at four mega pixels.
Yeah its fuzzy but had I used my 35 mm?

I liked this wedding they had.  See the Bishop dressed in red.?
The newlyweds are hugging,

I received a an Email!


"Hi, my name is John Dickson, and I've been working at the
Maryland  Renaissance Festival for the past 3 years.  While I
can't put a face with the name, I can put a backside to it.  On
your pictures page, on the third picture from the bottom, I am
the one in the green cloak and hat at the back of the dance line
(next to the lady dressed in a white cloak and hat). "

Scottish brethren.

I have been made aware that the last picture of King Henry
was played by a period actor named Bill Huttel and that he
 was very much unlike King Henry, a kind and gentle man.
I was asked not to turn this into a memorial for him but alas
I love the renaissance festival and all the people there play
 roles, whether kings or peasants.  Never the less they are roles
 played out to make the experience enjoyable.  I received an
 Email, making me aware that Bill passed away and reminding
 me that at the renaissance festival, people merely play roles.
 Here's what the email had to say.  About Bill Huttle. 
"You only had to talk to him once to know he was one of the
 kindest, sweetest men in the world both as his character,
and in real life."

Please Keep Bill and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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