Petawawa River, The Natch, Low Water

Do it Yourself Outfitting

(Otherwise known as getting ready to have some

fun and avoid losing your boat.)


1. List of Materials

2. Preparing the Boat  

3. Installing the Parts


2. Preparing the Boat

Air bags
Sanding Surfaces to be glued. Jagged holes due to drilling.
Measuring 1 1/4" Holes at bow and stern to secure air bag ends. Holes must be inand down far enough to clear the thickness of the ABS and allow space for the air-bag end.
Measuring 2

Measure the distance between the inside of the thwart at the bow and 8-10 inches above the bow seat. Divide the distance as evenly as possible in 6-8 inch increments to evenly space the starter holes along gunwhales. Make a chalk mark at these points. You will install the inchworms these points but on the underside of the thwart.

You will thread thin cord through these connectors by criss-crosings it across air bags and through the inchworms to secure the bags into the boat (keep them from floating out when the canoe is overturned)

Drilling 1

Bow and stern holes

Use a 1/4" drill bit to allow a larger diameter rope

Drill a hole on each side near the bow and stern tip.

Drilling 2 Inchworms will be installed with small screws and an electric drill.
Gluing O-Ring will be glued to the floor of the canoe fairly close to the bow seat and in the middle.
Webbing Can be cut after installing after the o-ring installation is dry.


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