Petawawa River, The Natch, Low water


Do it Yourself Outfitting

(Or, how not to trash your boat)


1. List of Materials

Air bags, bow/stern ropes, skid plates, knee pads and thigh straps
2. Preparing the Boat  

3. Installing the Parts


1. List of Materials

Air Bags and bow/stern ropes

- Airbags save your canoe from drowning, wrapping on rocks due to current pressure, swamping, sinking to the bottom. Floating rope tied to the bow and stern for tying to shore, lining and rescues.

Skid Plates

(bow/stern)-save your canoe from holes in the hull, scraped paint and vinyl, cracks, water damage, other impact damage


Knee Pads

(bow/stern)-save your knees from pain

Thigh Straps-keep yourself from sliding around in your canoe in white- water manoeuvres;extra leg support in leans
2 - Airbags to fit your bow and stern Kevlar Felt Closed Cell Foam 4 - D rings
2 - O-Rings Epoxy Glue and Resin A good Knife 2 - Sets of Thigh straps
20 - Inchworms Scissors West System Epoxy Weight
Heavy rope - 2 pieces x 8 inches Weight Weight 24 hours

Strong string 2 pieces x 9 feet

24 hours 24 hours  
1" Webbing - 2 pieces x 4 feet      
West System Epoxy      
A 1/4" electric drill      
Warm location      
24 hours      


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