Wedding planning checklist
Wedding planning advice
Las Vegas Wedding In Style

Almost everyone in the world will recognize Las Vegas as a place where you can go to do big time gambling or to get married. Most cliche would perhaps be the "quickie wedding", but you an also get a true in style wedding in this town in the desert. You do not have to be a celebrity in order to hold a wedding in Las Vegas, as the glamorous churches and are open to everyone. In style weddings and other events are thus a valid option for me and you.

Las Vegas - so much to choose from

There are so many options available to you in Las Vegas. Some alternatives naturally includes having a stand-in Elvis sign in as a witness at your in style wedding, and even officiate at the wedding. In fact, the number of Elvis stand-ins available to you in Las Vegas are so plentiful that there are even certain wedding chapels with their very own Elvis look-a likes. For sure, there are many that would like to be able to tell their grandchildren that their wedding was solemnized in the presence of the King himself, Elvis Presley.

But this abundance of Elvises of course means that it really isn't the original an option. Fortunately there are a lot of Elvis-free alternatives to choose from that are both sophisticated and elegant. Although Las Vegas is the typical place people eloping to marry in secret go to, there are plenty of options for arranging a wedding in style. Despite the picture painted in many movies, many couple are in fact wed with style and flair in Vegas, in meticulously planned weddings with a very traditional entourage.

If you are looking for a hotel to host the in style weddings, there is no shortage of those either and there are many package deals available that will include everything from hotel rooms and champagne to free transportation to your wedding chapel of choice in Las Vegas. As any wedding that is held anywhere is bound to be special, it is only fitting that one chooses to go to a place like Las Vegas. Because then we are not just talking in style wedding but also lots of fun awaiting you after the wedding in the form of casinos and a pretty hectic nightlife as well, to put it mildly.

Since in style weddings in Las Vegas can actually be reasonably price, it is an alternative worthy of consideration. Especially if you want to offer your guests something a little extra in terms of entertainment and partying.

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