***UPDATE 8/13/2005: Check out the book by Eliza Featherstone, Selling Women Short: The Landmark Battle for Worker's Rights at Wal-Mart. I was interviewed for this book and it's really good anti-W*M stuff. Better than this site.***

Sam Walton revolutionized the way discount and retail stores do business...He raided small towns, for better or, in most cases, worse...Wal-Mart employees (like myself) know him as "Mr. Sam"...In the eyes of our managers and executives and even some of us, Sam Walton is god (which is explained here)....

I submit to you today that Samuel Moore Walton is the


How can one explain the phenomenal global success of this dim-witted, admittedly un-original individual? There are only three ways:

  • Mr. Walton actually is original, but his originality is shown through copying others' ideas.
  • Mr. Walton sold his soul to Satan in return for global success.
  • Sam Walton is the anti-christ.

    Since the first two don't make all that much sense, we must believe #3. Here's the evidence:

    Exhibit 1:

    The Number of the Beast

    The Bible shows us a way to prove whether or not a person is the Antichrist, through numerology. Rev 13:18 says: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That is, the number 666.

    The way biblical scholars and numerologists convert the names of men into numbers is through a simple numerical code. Let's assign the 26 letters of the alphabet the numbers 1 through 26. It looks like this:

    a 1 i 9 q 17 y 25
    b 2 j 10 r 18 z 26
    c 3 k 11 s 19
    d 4 l 12 t 20
    e 5 m 13 u 21
    f 6 n 14 v 22
    g 7 o 15 w 23
    h 8 p 16 x 24

    Okay, corresponding the letters in SAMUEL MOORE WALTON to their respective numbers and adding them (19+1+13+21+5+12+13+15+15+18+5+23+1+12+20+15+14, the grand sum is 242. Our first 6 comes when we do some simple math: 2*4-2=


    Sam Walton was born March 29, 1918. Adding the numbers together for this, (0+3+2+9+1+9+1+8) the grand total is 33. 3+3=


    Look at Sam's most profitable stores--the Supercenter. The words WAL MART SUPERCENTER contain 18 letters. Divide by the three words, and you have


    There you have it.. 666.
    You could also take the date his first Wal-Mart opened: July 2, 1962, abbreviated 7/2/62. Multiply 7*2*62 and that equals 868. 8 times 6 is 48, divided by the next 8 gives us ANOTHER


    Still not convinced?

    Exhibit 2:Wal-Mart was officially incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. on October 31, 1969. HALLOWEEN. What better day for the spawn of Satan?

    Exhibit 3:Let's turn to the good book. No, not the Wal-Mart Associate Handbook. I'm talking about the Bible. If we look to Rev 18:11, it reads:

    "And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more."

    Sam Walton always pushed moving into small towns because he didn't have to face much competition. What he really meant was that he was trying to take over the world through John Q. Sixpack. So many towns are really ghost towns now, after downtown businesses have had to shut down and then Wally World decides to close doors after not making profits. Downtown merchants are indeed weeping because no one buys their merchandise anymore. Wal-Mart, the world's #1 retailer, is raping the common entrepreneur through its "rollbacks" and "everyday low prices." There's even a cheer for this: "Stack it deep, Sell it cheap, Stack it high, watch it fly, hear those downtown merchants cry!"
    Moving to Rev 18:14, which says:

    "And the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt find them no more at all."

    Wal-Mart has been sued countless times for negligence, intending to destroy other businesses (i.e., pharmacy, grocery, etc.). and has lost many cases. Their corporate lawyers are hypocrites to the "Wal-Mart family values" and even the Waltons themselves are.

    Exhibit 4:The number 13 has nearly always meant something bad.. Friday the 13th; 13 people at the last supper, etc. Think about Wal-Mart's headquarters: Bentonville, AR. 13 letters.

    Exhibit 5: This picture was recently taken in Hell, where Sam Walton is still up to no good...

    Exhibit 6:Rearrange the letters of Walton's name and you get:

    Low, Satan, rule me mo'."

    Exhibit 7:Sam Walton opened his first Ben Franklin store October 1, 1945. Looking to the Tenth book in the bible (As October is the 10th month), we first notice it is Second Samuel. Samuel M. Walton was the second Samuel in his family, the first being his grandfather. Eerie coincidence? I think not. 2 Samuel 1:19 reads:

    "The beauty...is slain on your high places! How the mighty have fallen!"

    Since Wal-Mart stores, Inc. have been around, Sears was knocked from being the #1 retailer, Kmart almost went broke, SAM'S Clubs have taken over Pace clubs, and in essence, the mighty have fallen and there is no beauty in the big box shops Wal-Mart builds!
    But WAIT! There's more...

    Exhibit 8:The first Wal-Mart opened in Rogers, Ark., in 1962. The 19th book of the Bible is Psalms. Verses 6 and 2 proclaim:

    "Its rising is from one end ...and there is nothing hidden from its heat"..."Day unto day utters speech and night unto night reveals knowledge."

    Nothing is safe when it comes to Wally world. Whether it's falling merchandise, slippery floors, or job security, nothing is hidden from Wal-Mart's heat. Only at night... the late, late night (when all the freaky stockers are working overnight) do we SEE what causes these hazards, hence, the knowledge....

    I hope you have had fun with my little creation, a parody of the George W. Bush and David Hasselhoff websites. For a REAL expos� on Sam Walton, I recommend In Sam We Trust by Bob Ortega.
    And for a website that'll have you laughing, try Club Bubba

    Home Wal-Mart Religion E-mail The REAL associate handbook Wal-Mart newsletter critics Behind the Smileys

    This website is in NO way affiliated with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. or the Estate of Samuel Moore Walton, or the Walton family, Bentonville, Ark., or the like. This site is strictly for entertainment purposes only; we may never know who the real anti-christ is.

    CounterSouls have been sucked in by Sam's evilness....

    �2001-2006, Alyssa D. Warrick
    Hosted by www.Geocities.ws
