I work for Wal-Mart. It's my first job, and I have held it for almost a year. I was subjected to Wal-Mart "training" (brainwashing) in August of 2000. Over time, it has come to my firm belief that Sam Walton is a cult leader in the Wal-Mart religion.

Exhibit 1: The 10-foot attitude. This is part of a rule about ICE, which is simply respect the Individual, serve the Customer, and strive for Excellence. Serving the customer means greeting every single one of them when you are within 10 feet of them. When associates ("followers") are trained in the ways of the Attitude, we swear, "So help me, Sam." NOT to God, Buddha, Allah, Ra, Vishnu, or the like, but to SAM.

Exhibit 2: Sam Walton himself is known around Wal-Mart as "Mr. Sam." Not just SAM, or Mr. Walton, but Mr. Sam. This an obvious attempt at distinguishing himself as a god.

Exhibit 3: Sam Walton prided himself on customer service. Managers often encourage us to think "What would Sam do?" Sound familiar? There are even bracelets just like the popular "What Would Jesus Do?" ones, just for Wal-Mart followers that read, "W.W.S.D.--What Would Sam Do?"

Exhibit 4: Many religions put out publications and religious tracts. Awake! is one for Jehovah's Witnesses. Wal-Mart puts out its OWN publication, Wal-Mart Today just for followers.

Exhibit 5: No store meeting would be complete without the famous "Wal-Mart Cheer." Sam Walton got the idea from a tennis ball factory in Korea. It goes like this: Gimme a W! "W!" Gimme an A! "A!" Gimme an L! "L!" Gimme a squiggly (shake hips)! "Squiggly! (Shake hips)" Gimme an M! "M!" Gimme an A! "A!" Gimme an R! "R!" Gimme a T! "T!" Who's number one? "The CUSTOMER!" It's some sort of a tent revival, much like the annual meetings in Bentonville.

Exhibit 6: In any standard Wal-Mart breakroom, pictures of the founder, Mr. Sam, are found, along with some of his pieces of business "practices." Among these are the Ten Principles for Success. We all know about Moses presenting the 10 Commandments. These are Sam's 10 Commandments, including: "Thou shalt not have a short term strategy," "Thou shalt have integrity," etc.

Exhibit 7: According to a photo in a management handbook, ancient pictures depicting a savior show this:

See what I mean?

Yes, friends, Sam Walton is indeed the God of some sick Wal-Mart religion. Customers are not excluded from this. The little happy face on the commercials is just a messenger, spreading the word of Mr. Sam. Enticed by "rollbacks" and "everyday low prices" people come in by the hundreds, contributing to sweatshops, poor working conditions for followers, and the fat-cat managers' salaries. DO NOT BE FOOLED BY THE GIMMICKS! Stay away from Wal-Mart's money-grubbing machine! After all, Sam Walton really is the Anti-Christ!

This website is in absolutely no way affiliated with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., The estate of Samuel Moore Walton, the Walton Family, or Bentonville, Arkansas. It is strictly for entertainment and does not promote or demote shopping at Wal-Mart.

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