The Crass Hole
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Howdy. My name's Dan, I come from a small town, and therefore am a total hick. Be that as it may, I'm also a total geek. I love computers as much as I love guns, more than my younger brother, but no where near as much as myself. Don't have much else to say right now, but come check it out over here. Hopefully I'll keep stuff constantly updated.

2/12/2008: Big news! I've got the Homework Hotline up and running! Now there's an easier way for you to get big assignments done! For a price of course :). Click the link to the right for details!

PS: I know it looks like a geocities default template, but I actually coded it myself a long time ago using Yahoo!'s source images and stuff. It was good practice, and I recommend it for anyone who's in the process of learning HTML.
Pretty nice pic, eh? Maybe I'll stick one of myself up here someday.
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Name: Homework Hotline Coming Soon
Email: Contact me for details!
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