Bye All

During the persian gulf war the two side didn’t listen to each other. It was just a  shouting match. When one side talked the other side covered their ears and blabered “Nah nah nah Nah nah, I can’t hear you, I’m not listening”. They acted like sniveling slobbering juvenile kids in the sandlot. They should be treated as such.  Stupid leaders, growling and snipping at each other. When are they ever going to grow up and realize that innocent human life’s are at stake. But nooooo! It’s just a silly game and the game is not over yet.

P.S. Why P.S? Why not. Why can’t I have these thoughts, who says my thoughts are less then anyone else’s thoughts. What gives other people the right to think crap of me(attack thoughts that the recipient can feel which just makes the whole world a very heavy murky place to be). Hey did I say I was receiving attack thoughts now or will for writing this? No!!!! I did not. Why can’t I think this way? Is it an attack thought to think this way? I don’t think so, but then again you may think differently. I don’t really know what you’re going to think because I’m not you. Why did I write all this? JUST BECAUSE, that’s why. Do I really have to have a really good reason to really write anything anything at all?

Someone of unimportance speaks: “Hey Joe don’t you realize that you may receive attack thoughts for writing that?”
Joe: “Nay! it wont be too bad, the world is a whole lot lighter now then it used to be. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Hi All

By Joseph Friedah

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