A smattering of odd mismatched renderings here and there
Have no fear, SuperWeirdo is here

By Joseph Friedah

Being weird/strange/outlandish is great, its fun, try it sometime.

I’m not one to wear a nose or tongue ring. Or shape my hair into a Mohawk and color it red/orange. Or wear weird clothing. Some people can be weird in their appearance. I don’t care about appearances. I like to be weird in thought. Weirdo’s don’t fit in anywhere they go, they are the outcaste, scorned by society for being too different, shunned for daring to cross the line and thinking outside societies stiff cumbersome boundaries.

Have no fear, SuperWeirdo is here. The super dupper and the hoopper whoopper alabonga and on toward infinite we go, Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

This heezy wheezy needy weepy queasy feel, fizzy piddle waddle diddle wobble, frizzle riddle middle me this. Fastidiously murkish kurkish, little tickle inky wad, flappy sappy floppy nod, itchy witty sloppy snazzy happy flop, puffy bunny fluff games in the swivel. Nano hopper top slots on the swaddle. What the what? Who the who? Wooo woo woo goes the lone parakeet in the tree top. What’s that? Owls go woo, or hoot or whatnot? Horton hears a who? Morton tooty toot toot. Beep beep creepy sleepy needy a freak freak.

“POOF”. The sound of one small ego being lost in the light, the ALL.

Weirdness zooming by

zoom goes the weirdo. Zoomy zoom zoom zoom. Zoom once more and a zoom zoom zoom a zoom zoom.
zoom... I didn't see any weirdness that time. Oh there it is, it’s over there.

Why am I weird? I do it to expand the boundaries, to push through limitedness. Society is too stuffy as it is, too formal, too many rules. I say to heck with it. Nothing is inappropriate. Nothings wrong with a little silliness, a little oddballness, a little weirdness here and there.

All of nature is bursting forth with the splendor of light green fluff all around interspersed with abundant colors of bright shining flowers.

Oh the mystical magical Leprechauns and their golden pots full of treasure and wonders galore hidden at the end of a rainbow. Happy go lucky and full of joy, signing and dancing an Irish jig full of ale and cheer with exuberant love all about, Oh my! What magnificent magical wonderland awaits us all over the rainbow?

Lets see the blood in the arteries surrounding the stomach and intestines, extract certain molecules/chemicals (fuel) from the food we eat. The blood also takes up air (oxygen/nitrogen) in the lungs. The fuel and air is combined in each cell of the body to produce energy/work. The chakras extract the life force energy (prana/ka/mana/zero point/Christ energy) coming up through our feet, down through our crown chakra, from the zero point energy all around, downpouring from above, increasing as the solar system transverses into higher vibrancy flux. The 1st chakra/root chakra transmutes this energy into the red ray and sends it to the 1st dimensional body. For each chakra there is a corresponding dimensional body. The heart of every cell is the nucleus.
Just thinking

Floosh snip

What a negative contorted connotation floosh snip is, please disregard it.

What’s that? You can’t disregard it you say? Well I don’t know what to do then.

What’s that? Now you say you didn’t make the statement above? That’s because I made it for you.

What’s that again? Now you say what right do I have of writing something in such a way as to make it look like you made the statement? I have no reply to that last statement or yours.

What’s that again? You telling me to snap out of it and stop talking to myself? I didn’t know I was talking to myself. I thought I was talking to you.

What’s that again? Your saying you didn’t say anything? Wait a minute, I wrote that you said you didn’t say anything. Well maybe I am talking to myself, so what of it?

Just Weird Joe talking to himself, nothing to see here, move on along.

Earth? Looks like an interesting planet, lets go there

You are traveling through the vast eons of space and time, up ahead you see a beautiful blue green planet called earth. And you wonder, what will life be like there, I think I will go there to see how wonderful and marvelous an experience on that twirling whirling, shimmering with life, bright blue globe can be. And so you come to Earth.

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