Zubari!! Question 77 Kawauchi Tooru 1) Name/Part/Birthday/Blood Type/Eyesight/Shoesize/Birthplace Kawauchi Tooru/Drum/4.11/B/Right and left are 1.0/27.0/Ehime 2) Your preferred type of women. Someone who will listen to my selfishness 3) Women type you are bad with. Someone who won't listen to my selfishness 4) Idol that you like. Recently I don't have an interest in idols 5) Girls fashion that you like. If it matches then anything is fine 6) What is your cell phone model name and your ringtone and melody? FOMA N900i 7) Please tell your dream when you were little. Pro baseball player 8) What kind of child where you when you were little? I wish to divide that off 9) If you analyze yourself, what kind of personality do you have? Selfish 10) Recently, what have you had a big laugh about? I gave a smile when we were recording a comment CD 11) How do you dress in your house? Jersey with a T-shirt 12) What is your favorite food? Meat 13) What is the foods you don't like? Spicy foods 14) Do you eat the food you like first? Or later? Depends on my mood 15) What type of ramen do you like? Tonkotsu 16) What flavor of potato chips do you like? Lightly salted 17) Which do you like hard candy or chocolate? Chocolate 18) What game do you like? Drag On Dragoon 2 19) Your childhood hero? Janba-son (Miak975: Maybe John Barson ...well newayz I think it comes from Ultraman) 20) Sports you are good at? Baseball 21) Which baseball team do you like? Somehow Hanshin or Kyodai...Both are fine 22) Which soccer team do you like? Jupiro for some reason 23) What song at karaoke are you good at? Shinshoku (12012) 24) What shampoo and rinse (treatment) do you use? A good smelling one that I bought through mail order. 25) How do you reduce stress? Hit drums 26) If you had a time machine, what time period would you like to go to? Future 27) Tell us a prank that you played when you were small. Gave teacher a ________ when I was in Kindergarten (Miaka975: hm..not sure what it could be since they removed a letter...could be..enema though XDDD) 28) Did you have something that you collected long ago? (or now) Clothes 29) Recently, what was has made you the most tense? Did the MC for the first time in my life at a live 30) What is something that you like in your room? Microwave 31) Do you have a pet? (If you have a pet, then what do you have? Please tell the name also) A miniture daschund named Raido-kun 32) What role do you play out of the 12012 members? The big person 33) Please tell each member's strong and weak points. Everyone is good people 34) Your favorite movie Minami No Teiou 35) Whats bothering you now? When Minami No Teiou will finish 36) What is your favorite picture word? I don't really have one 37) Word that you like Dekkaku ikou!! (Miaka975: hm..i guessing that the dekaku is some strange form of dekakeru sooo it would "Let's go out!!") 38) Shouyu sect, sauce sect, mayonaise sect Mayo!! 39) What animal do you compare yourself to? Kokoriko Tanaka (Miaka975: not really an animal but a comedian in the group Kokoriko http://www.zakzak.co.jp/gei/2004_05/g2004050803.html heres a pic) 40) What are you good at pricing (Miaka975: not quite sure about this word...) Physical training 41) Do you believe in ghosts? N O ! 42) Do you think that aliens exist? N O ! 43) Would you like to try space traveling? N O ! 44) When do you think that you're cool? N O ! 45) When do you think that you look bad? Y E S ! 46) What kind of person was your first love? She was a transfer student. She was a bright person.... 47) If you could return to any age, what age would it be? 14 years old 48) Whats the highest number of chocolates that you've received on Valentines Day? About 10 49) Whats always in your fridge? Chuhai (Chinese beer), beer, coffee, moyashi (bean sprouts) 50) What do you want the most right now? Practice Studio! 51) As for cell phones, do you call or message? Call 52) Do you wear cologne? Gucci [RUSH] 53) Whats the record for your longest telephone conversation? 2 hours 35 minutes 54) Do you have a strap on your cell phone? N O ! 55) Do you bathe in the morning or night? Morning 56) Do you wake up in a good mood? N O ! 57) How long does it take after you wake to leave your house? About 1 hour 58) What do you buy impulsively at the convinience store? Alcohol 59) What part of your head do you like? N O ! 60) What skill can you boast about? Imitating Wataru-san 61) What is the first thing you do when you come home? Take off my clothes 62) What do you do on nights when you can't sleep? Drink alcohol 63) How do you look when you sleep? Lie prone (facedown on your stomach) 64) Please tell us about a recent dream you've had I don't remember 65) If you became the Prime Minister, what would you do? Say "You did well! I was impressed!" to someone 66) A place that you can relax Veranda 67) Bed or futon? Futon 68) Season that you like Winter 69) Flower that you like Sakura 70) Something that you can boast about your country (hometown) Tangerines 71) Meat or fish? Meat 72) Rice or bread? Rice 73) Disneyland or Disneysea? I've never been there but sea 74) Karaoke or bowling? Bowling 75) Dog or cat? Dog 76) To contact others do you call or message? Call 77) What convinience store do you like? 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Favorite Sound Sources 1) Undergraph I think they're good 2) BUMP OF CHICKEN Kakke- (Miaka975: I think this another weird way to say Kakkoii which is cool ^_^) ----------------------------------------------------- Activities of 1 day 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 Wake up 16:00 17:00 18:00 Watching TV, practicing, eating meals and such at my house 19:00 " 20:00 " 21:00 " 22:00 " 23:00 " 24:00 " 25:00 " 26:00 Still not sleeping ~ btw it was this morning at 8:00