Express Rush Interview 12012 Enya Tomoyuki --------------------------------------------------------- Birthdate 1980 October 7th Blood Type B-Type Hometown Kobe Height & Weight 183cm 58kg Shoe Size 27.5cm Ring Size Its a puzzle Do you smoke? What brand LARK Cologne you use regularly l'eau par Kenzo POUR HOMME Type of cell phone you use DoCoMo P900i Cell phone ringtone Last Train Home / LOSTPROPHETS # of memory your cell phone has About 200 Favorite brand DOLCE & GABBANA TORNADO MART Favorite color Black Favorite phrase GOD Favorite food Henri Charpentier's madeleine Food you're bad with Raisins Do you cook? What are you good at cooking? No Hobby Wandering around Special ability BASKETBALL Strong Point My clumsy self Weak Point My warped self Habit (bad habit) I have a bad kicking habit Daily routine Push-ups Something that was often written on your report card during your student years Behave's as he pleases Your recent boom Silver accessories Charm point My face when I do my poor smile Weak point Nipples Something you collect I can't stop loving Johnny Depp What kind of room are you living in right now? White Place you like Sundries store Place you would to go to London What do you do on your off days? Write songs Something you bought recently A ONKYO component Movie you saw recently SAW Something you're distressed about recently I distress everyday Way to relieve stress Move my body Something that is most precious to you right now Caffeine Someone you respect The specialists who are really moving for us. When was your first love? 14 years old Has that love borne fruit? Its insignificant Type of the opposite sex that you like Matsuyuki Yasuko Type of the opposite sex that you're bad with A woman that I can't control Something you look for in a girl Shall we dance? What kind of fettish do you have? Lips Type of girl's fashion you like Maybe something thats adult-like A girl's gesture that makes your heart beat The gesture of combing up her hair. Do you confess to girls that you like? Insignificant What is your ideal date course? Depends on my feeling at the time What color is love red A present that you were happy receiving Something that matches my hobbies Do you have any wish to marry? If theres a partner A name you would like to give to your child Rame The image of your ideal guy Johnny Depp Something that made you happy to be born a guy Tachishon... (not sure what this means, the first character means standing and the shon doesn't make any sense >_< ) If you were reborn, guy or girl? Guy Why? Women fights are ugly Where do your eyes go for a person who've you met for the first time? Whether or not they avert their eyes Your dream when you were small NBA Something you look forward to in old age Las Vegas Something that you think is wrong in the world Traffic jams What do you think your mental age is? Grandpa How much is in your wallet today? 3 cents Are you someone who wakes up well? It depends on the plans of that day Do you believe in fate? I believe in it Something that interests you alot right now TATOO The biggest prank you pulled on the members I still haven't done anything to the members The best good thing you've done up until now I saved a turtle being bullied by children What was the highest priced thing you've bought up until now Materials for instruments I've been hiding this up until now, but really ______ ! Just keep it a little more gently A recent first-time personal experience Beer from the morning Biggest enemy in life Myself If you hadn't become a musician... I can't imagine it If you were to give yourself points right now, I'm still green aren't I What are you thinking about during lives? I can't describe it in words What is your stage drink? Contrex Something you always do before a live Shall we raise our wishes to god?! Something you always do after a live A dose of coffee and tobacco For you, a live is, I place I'm alive Instrument that you use ESP BOTTOM LINE Please make a public promise. This year, I will do ______! Advent A musician that you're actually close to Ben You won't hand over this (give up on) Don't talk with food in your mouth!! The song you like out of your songs All the songs starting from sh The most minimal rule within yourself no border Something you think you lack recently Calcium If you could become one of the other members, who would you become? And why? Tooru Because he's cute If you wish would be granted, what would you wish? Give me time! Something you want to eat right now Kamu kamu lemon A person you want to meet with the most right now Tamori A song that you recommend right now shower / 12012 Artist that you like LINKIN PARK, ELLEGARDEN A famous person you like Watabe Atsushi A famous person that you've been told you look like Sakai Hiroaki A project that you want to do with SHOXX next time? A different festival Music is this to you Something that expresses my desires 12012 is this to you Life Your desire for next time One man tour Some words for yourself 10 years from now You're still there? Some words for each of the members Miyawaki: Come and follow me Sakai: Come and follow me Suga: Come and follow me Kawauchi: Come and follow me Some words for the fans Come and follow me