He's not a vocalist but a "Prophet." Its not how good he sings, but how far can he spew out his emotions. This is the Kyo who has always been thinking of that. But, when starting these lives, he was truly troubled. Although, being nervouse comes with seriously going to the extremes, this time, it seemed like a considerable amount of worry. But in just 6 lives Kyo's expression undertook a dramatic change. He talked to us about this process.

1) Q: During the live rehearsal, you brought a laptop and was typing something into it right? You were still writing lyrics weren't you? On top of that, it was the lyrics for this live's new songs weren't it?@

A: It probably was the lyrics for the new song. But on the first day at Yaon, for the first song, the situation was that there were still no lyrics. Personally, it was a bit hard for me. (smile) I thought, "How is something that only had a melody, and is suddenly sung going to turn out?"

2) Q: You still wanted to sing it despite that?

A: Well, I wanted to do it. Its just that having the version thats performed at the live as the final form of the song is a bit hard. But being able to do a live under those circumstances is rare. In the past, it wasn't like that. If a song was finished, then we would try it out at a live right away. being able to feel that type of feeling after such a long time was interesting. Also, I didn't really go to practice much.

3) Q: Instead of "this time," isn't "this time again" more correct? (smile)

A: No, I don't go at all. (smile) I don't really understand the song order well. I've alwasy concerned myself with the timing with the guitar exchange. Thats why I always leave it to the other members. As faor the stuff thats been come up with, since I've thought about challenging it, I haven't dared to ask someone to change it.

4) Q: Was you position on challenging strong? Did you not go to practice because you didn't want to know their thoughts beforehand?

A: No, it wasn't really like that. Even if I showed up for practice, there wasn't really any point to my singing. Thats what this tour showed.

5) Q: What do you mean!? I don't understand what you mean by saying "there was no meaning." (smile)

A: No no. How should I say this. Worrying about the pitch, the rhythm, how to divided a song up and such, the vocalist is quite involved right. I really am not bothersome on those points. And, if I show up to practice, I end up singing for real and my throat gets worn out. At an earlier live, my throat got pretty strange before we did the live. On top of that, I was my spirited self and it was painful. So I decided to not go to practice much. So I thought I'll do a live like that, and if I think, within myself, that I should practice, then I'd definately practice from then on. I tried it at this live, and after all I should do it before. (smile) This might be really selfish, but I'd practice for hours on end, unlike my normal personality. This is a really bad way to say it but, when I really want to sing, I really grow if I do sing. (smile)

6) Q: Ah, when you do it yourself, its also more like yourself.

A: Yup. Also, during this live, right at the end of the Nagoya live, my throat was worn out. It was the most worn out that its ever been until now. I thought "this won't do," but when I tried to do the live, I enjoyed it like normal, even if my voice wouldn't come out, it was fun. I heard from lots of people "today's live was good." And, it was reconfirmed that I'm not a so-called vocalist afterall, and I thought, "isn't that good."

7) Q: This is returning to the talk but, just before the opening day started, you were impatient to do the live weren't you?

A: Ah, was it like that? Well no, I was making the album's song, so it wasn't the live. Honestly, its difficult to switch over, but I collected up my pent-up feelings within myself. I wanted to spew-out that type of stuff. But for these lives, I was unsure if there was a meaning or not, at the beginning. If you don't carefully plan out the tour well before, its no good. What we were going to do was already chosen, but I thought "how should I handle it?"

8) Q: On top of that, there were a lot of new songs, that must have been a challenge.

A: Yes it was. Normally if the new song's lyrics aren't done, we wouldn't do them right? That also didn't matter.

9) Q: In the melody of the new song, how the ups and downs of the song were fit in was very hard wasn't it? If it was a power driven song for example, even if you didn't look at the lyrics and the tension would still be there right? A hard melody, no lyrics, and not going to practice. That was like walking the tightrope wasn't it?

A: Yup. But I like it when I'm driven by that type of purpose. Its interesting isn't it? With the preparations perfected, and facing the live and going "let's do it well," so of course the result is going to be good. Thats not interesting. "Hey, how is this going to turn out, will it be okay?" I'm just saying it would be good to try that out. But on the first day, I was dead. Being like me is a bit bad. Like if there was a huge wave, a part of me would be lost as to what I should do. In my live style up until now, I couldn't sing new songs. On top of that, I think about how I should maintain the balance. While thinking of various things, I did the opening day, and I did the second day like this. I just remembered a bit that I did the lives like that.

10) Q: On the 2nd day, I realized that the pitch wasn't with everything else. For example, during [THE FINAL] your presence was there, but the singing didn't really go as the song was written, but it carried conviction.

A: Yup, while I was doing it, I felt that way. I planned for the 2nd day to be good to my satisfaction. But there was a time that I wondered about how it would turn out. Besides being different from the original song, there was something missing. It felt as if this was the me up until now. I thought "thats not all, right?" And, I put on extensions right. That was in itself alright. But, I don't like to dependent. And, from the next one, that will be gone, everything will become simple, and I'll do it the same as in rehearsal. As I said before, of course I should practice, and of course if I give of gaudy appearance, it'll look gaudy. Its not interesting like that.

11) Q: I see. When you go out as your uncovered self, then its your true self right.

A: Yup. That was at Osaka. the clothes were normal, and nothing would've looked better. This day was good. I was well-balanced too (TN: about his voice). I was smiling alot. But a fan said "Since it was a woman's only live, it was fun wasn't it?" and "It was good that he was smiling" and stuff like that. No, thats wrong. How scary do you think it is if I'm smiling with the lyrics to this song, do you guys even understand? I wasn't smiling because I was having fun. Either way its ironically funny.

12) Q: It was a smile different from a spirited one wasn't it?

A: Yes. Smiling while singing [C] (Fukai) has a pretty scaring meaning. They didn't understand that.

13) Q: The [C] from earlier was an expression of anguish from hatred and bitterness. So instaed of laughing, hatred should show up.

A: Yup yup. If I think about whether or not it was being conveyed its kinda unfortunate that people did not just think that I'm just having a good time. As I am now, I don't show things on the surface. Just because I'm smiling doesn't simply mean I'm enjoying myself.

15) Q: At the female-only live, did you feel that you had no connection with it at all?.

A: Not at all, I wasn't connected. But afterwards, I looked at the videos and pictures. For someone like me who likes heavy stuff, it wasn't interesting. I thought "I'm an ordinary big brother." (smile) I thought "I want to play more." Since there aren't many restricted lives, I thought I could show a different face. But I didnt' want to add any unnecessary things to it..

16) Q: Were you in a mood that you could simply enjoy the live?.

A: Enjoy it, normally at a tour you just show the extent of the finished product right. If you do that then no matter which location you watch it, it'll be the same right? I don't want that. I want to do the live based on my feelings of that day. And this is about Nagoya but, I thought whats going to happen. Guys are tame until they break. They were just sitting in their seats staring off into space. From there, without SE we came out and wondered if we could get fired up by starting off with [RED...[em]]. But when we tried it out, we slowly got into a good feeling. Although we got heated up, I thought about if there was anyone in there who was doing their best from the very beginning until the very end. But there wasn't anyone who put in that much energy (smile). It was great, but I think it could've been more great. I thought "are these guys crazy?!".

Last updated on (April 11, 2005)


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