Cat Tricks
Cat Tricks --

Here are some tips for training your cat.

Make sure that you pick up the small objects off the floor so that your cat will not choke on them. Some of these are rubber bands, coins, and paper clips.
Here is a list of some of the tricks and how you can teach them to your cat. But it is not easy to teach them to do tricks. They have to have a reason to learn. Cats can be taught to shake hands, come, climb up ladders, sit, sit-up, lay down, and stand-up.
When teaching your cat tricks you should teach your cat one trick at a time. Only teach them for about five to ten minutes at a time because they have a short attention span. Teach your cat the basics of the trick and reward good behaviour. They will learn the trick if something is in it that is good for them. But they can be greedy creatures. Keep treats on hand when teaching them, and provide plenty of love.
One of the best times to teach your cat tricks is right before they eat. At this time your cat is most playful and eager. They will be more willing to do things for you. If you know your cat you know that they give you undivided attention when they want lunch. Your cat will watch every move you make until you feed them. At this point it is the best time to train them. Also at this time you get the best results.
When training your cat you should not force them to do anything that they do not want to do. Because they won't respond to it. You should reward your cat with treats and lots of love and they probably will do the trick for you. They will not respond to commands well, like your dog will. One needs to encourage them in a good tone. If you show them you care, they will respond to the trick that you want them to learn.
Your cat will learn when they are ready and only learn the things that they want to. Convince your cat that they want to learn a trick.

>> onto the tricks